This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: Give the face, you have to continue (below 2)

What is he doing? Why not use the power of the Dark Priesthood?

His slender fingers stroked the bowstring like a butterfly through a flower, and Chu Chu Chu shot an arrow again after missing. Looking at William, who was still standing in the same place with his hands in the air, Luna's brows could not help slightly. Wrinkled, hidden in the night... Probably the figure in the night, again cautiously retreating a few meters, always on the alert that William would violently injure others.

For her who had fought the Spider Queen head-on, the moment William's [Heart of Darkness] was activated, she had recognized the dark power that was completely homologous to the Spider Queen.

Without igniting the divine fire and condensing the divine personality, he has already touched and even possessed part of the priesthood in advance, so there is only one possibility of [God Son].

Although he didn't know what William was "pulling", out of vigilance against the Spider Queen, Luna temporarily stopped attacking, and instead began to continuously strengthen his invisibility magic to ensure that he would not reveal his whereabouts. Opponent counter attack.

Without it, it is absolutely impossible to be careless. Every life that can become a son of God is not simple. This is a special group that needs to be treated with care even when the true God is encountered.

This kind of special life is extremely harsh. Not only does it have extremely high requirements for talent, but it is only the direct descendants who were born by the gods and spent countless resources to cultivate. There is an extremely small probability that they can become gods.

How small is this probability? Roughly the same as a family whose seventeen generations were white-skinned, suddenly there was a throwback after eighteen generations, and a dark-skinned child was born.

Therefore, even as an abyss demon **** with "many children and many grandchildren", the number of descendants of the spider queen is astonishingly large, but the blood descendants who can truly inherit some of her origins and become "sons of gods" are surprisingly few, almost every other day. There may be one in a dozen generations.

And even if this blood descendant became the son of god, and when the spider queen still occupied the priesthood, he relied on his unparalleled talent to share part of the power of the priesthood, but he would not survive for long.

Since their most suitable priesthood has been occupied, the further path forward is blocked when they are born, and the burden of using the priesthood is extremely huge. Therefore, most of the gods' lifespans are surprisingly short, and they often begin to die just after they reach adulthood.

Even because of the traces of "occupying" the priesthood on their bodies, after the death of these gods, they could not be transformed into heroic spirits and entered into the kingdom of God by the true gods, and could only be brought to the end of eternity with the waves of the Styx.

And these harsh birth conditions, and the extremely short lifespan of the same race, in exchange for the incomparable terrifying strength.

In the extremely short peak period between a **** child's adulthood and death, he can easily cross the limit of mortals, and depending on how much priesthood he occupies, he can exert a power equivalent to that of a true god.

And if Divine Son's own talent is good enough, and the priesthood provided by his "maternal body" is strong enough, he can even leapfrog battles and forcibly kill weaker true gods. the priesthood that the spider queen can provide powerful?

After frowning and recalling the information related to the Son of God, Luna's expression became even more solemn.

Among the four priesthoods of the Spider Queen, the strongest one is [Darkness].

Although the spider queen only occupied a part of the dark priesthood, which was completely incomparable to the **** of darkness who was at the peak of the powerful divine power, but even if she only had a part of the dark priesthood, it was enough to make the spider queen rank among the demon gods with medium power.

Therefore, as a **** child of the spider queen who has inherited part of the origin of darkness, as long as this guy's talent is not too bad, his strength can definitely touch the threshold of ordinary true gods, and he has the power to kill himself.

As for why he hasn't made a move yet, it's just because he doesn't want to bear the cost of using the priesthood, and hopes to trick himself into the spider queen, so as to save energy and live longer, even...

When he thought of this, Luna seemed to remember something, and could not help but grit his teeth, then reached out and wiped the bleeding wound on his waist.

Even... He feels that in my current state, there is nothing to fear at all. With the divine weapon that restrains me, even if he does not use the dark priesthood inherited from the spider queen, he can easily defeat me!

You are so arrogant!

Looking at William, who was not dodging and evading in the distance, letting himself attack, a look of anger flashed on Luna's face, and then he pulled the silver bow, which was also hidden in his hand, with force. Become a full moon!

Even if I have lost my godhead now and am in the abyss of spiders where the moon can't shine, I am still the **** of hunting once!

And just when the God of Moon and Hunting was provoked by William's "contempt" and decided to stop testing and instead go all out, William, who was stabbed with more than 100 arrows, finally turned to the point where he could also send when facing the true God. A useful career.

[Successful job transfer, Battle King LV50 has been transferred to Bloody General LV51, the current highest occupation level is LV60, the total occupation level...]

【Blood-killing generals LV51】

[Physical +2, Strength +2, Agility +1 per level]

[Special skill: Being alone in battle, as a peerless warrior who often performs tough missions, it is common to be surrounded by enemies. When there are more enemies than you, your all attributes will increase by 10 points]

[Special skills: Thousands of troops are easy to change, your back figure with bravery and flames, that is the most majestic battle drum in the hearts of allies, is also the dream demon that can't get rid of the enemy's heart. When you start to attack, our side will produce The morale increase, and when the enemy's morale drops, the degree will be doubled]

[Special skills: the courage of both people, soldiers are the power of generals, and will be the courage of soldiers! Before you are defeated or die, if you do not get an order to retreat, your army will fight with you to the end, and there will never be a rout.]

[Combat Skill: Blood Guard, smear the blood of a target on the lips, and make an alignment check. If the check is of the same faction, the opponent will become your guard. When you are fighting beside the opponent, you will temporarily Obtain part of the opponent's attribute blessing, and make it share the damage and part of the damage you receive.

The maximum catch of this combat skill is 0/50]

Hehe, I made you stab me!

When looking at this new class on the career tree, which was not helpful for singles and was almost purely battlefield, William, who was almost tied into a hedgehog, showed a happy look on his face.

I saw him move his body, which was inconvenient to move, and staggered forward. He found the blood that Luna had splattered on the ground when he was first hit by the knife. Eye.

What about teammates? What about teammates? Help me!

As a check that shouldn't have been successful was skipped, Luna, who was holding a bow and an arrow in the distance, was shaking violently, with an incredible look on his face.

Then, accompanied by a sudden groan, as if being swept away by a heavy machine gun, at this moment, more than a hundred tiny blood holes were directly blown up all over her body. Trembling uncontrollably, he fell to the ground.

As for the silver arrow in her hand that had already been charged, it cut through the thick mist of Spider Abyss, shot obliquely into the sky, and with a bang, it hit the huge "mushroom head" with precision. .


At the moment when the Mushroom Head in the air was attacked, the mountain-like spider body trembled slightly above the passage of the Spider Abyss plane, and ten dark eyes that could not see a trace of variegation slowly opened, separated by Knowing the distance, he looked in the direction of the silver arrow from afar.

Hunting silver bows? Is she not dead yet?

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