This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1141: Give the face, you have to continue (middle)

When William said these words, his voice was obviously colder than before.

After all, the silver river of light that fell from the sky just now had successfully activated his [Cover] combat skill before being pulled off the track by [Mushroom Head].

And the [Cover] that resisted mortal damage was activated, which meant that Luna didn't abide by the agreement with him, and the first blow directly killed Yimis, ready to kill Yimis completely.

"No, of course not yet."

After looking at William, Luna threw off the grabbed wrist, and said coldly with a displeased expression:

"Get out of the way, what we agreed on before was that I could save her life after I was out of breath, but I'm still far from being out of breath now!"


Nima's... actually cheating? You are still a god!

Although he was a little angry in his heart, considering Yimis's "betrayal", Luna almost died, and she had to help after assassinating the spider. After William took a deep breath, he had to be patient. Sexual Persuasion said:

"Lord Arda, after all this time, you first caught Yimis and then almost killed her, so of course she would choose to tell your whereabouts when she didn't know anything.

In addition, although you have lost a lot this time, you have not fallen directly, and Yimis almost died twice. This punishment is not light, and if you let her live, you can also provide spiders in the future. The abyss of..."

"what are you saying?"

Seemingly provoked by something in William's words, Luna frowned deeply.

"Find out what position you should have!"

He pointed at Yimis, who was struggling to get up in the distance, and then pointed at himself, Luna scolded with anger in his brows and eyes:

"She is the descendant of the spider queen, an abyss creature that is born to represent chaos and evil! And I am the good **** who blesses the elves!

Even though she has signed a contract with you and became your subordinate, she should be your enemy by nature! Are you sure you want to compare her to me? "

"I don't want to compare you to anything!"

Confused by Luna's impolite words, William frowned and said word by word:

"I mean, a person who is trusted by the spider queen will definitely be very important in the future! So Yimis should be left behind!"

"Ha ha."

After hearing William's emphasis, Luna smiled instead of anger, and a little charming moonlight silver flecks quietly appeared in the blue pupils.

"Yes! Of course you can!"

"You are kind to our elves, so naturally you can say whatever you want! But you actually call yourself a child of a spider queen? Then I want to know what you are!"

Um? See how good I am? what do you mean?

In William's somewhat puzzled expression, the pale silver moonlight in the Moon God's eyes flashed slightly, and then, like an X-ray, it directly illuminated his entire body.

[The God of Recovery lv101 used the magical "Moon of Insight" on you, forcibly activating a part of all the power in your body, and obtained a lot of relevant information through this]

With the mechanized system prompt in his ear, William, who was swept by the moonlight, was shocked. The various powers that were originally hidden in his body were gently rubbed twice by a slender and soft finger. Controlled throbbing.

And as the dark lights and shadows represented by various powers lit up in sequence in William's transparent body, the face of the opposite Luna couldn't help but suddenly turn white, and then his eyes widened in shock.

Giants, Undead, Shadows, Warlocks, Death, Demons, Darkness...

In addition to the war that is difficult to define good or bad, and the only holy light that can be regarded as positive, all kinds of forces full of strong negative aura directly penetrated from William's body, and they all merged very quickly. A dark and strange color was reflected in the clear eyes.

Dark and purple, purple and black, black and shiny... It looks so evil!


Ah, this... weren't we reasoning before? Why did you check your account all of a sudden?

"Uh... I can actually explain this..."

After looking down at his dark heart, William couldn't help but stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, then raised his head to look at Luna, who was bewildered in front of him, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

"Don't look at me learning so many unharmonious sequences, but as the saying goes, the right way to use power, the wrong way to use it, the lotus flower comes out of the mud and is not stained, and the good person in Cao Ying... ah Heart is in Han.

In short, although I have a little bit of death, shadows, warlocks, demons, darkness, etc., but my heart is still on the mainland of Austria, you can still trust me. "


"Hehe... No wonder... No wonder!"

I don't know if I didn't understand William's profound theory, or if I didn't listen to it at all.

After staring at the pure power of darkness in William's heart for a while, Luna clenched his teeth violently, and those eyes that were burning with rage instantly met William's eyes.

"Darkness! Darkness! It! Power!"

He stretched out his hand and touched William's chest. After saying these words word by word, Luna gritted his teeth and said bitterly:

"It turns out that you are also a running dog of the Spider Queen!

I said how could it be so coincidental, there are so many spider descendants in the entire Spider Abyss, I can only meet this freak who has learned the three life-saving expertise!

It turns out that everything was arranged by you! When my consciousness left the forest of spirits, she had already begun to wait on my only path, right? "


Big sister... Please, don't throw dirty water on me again, okay? You are really pure and unlucky!

There was no thought of getting an answer from William. Luna, who had already seen the "truth", did not wait for William to answer. After taking a deep breath, she saw her red eyes suppress the anger in her heart, half annoyed. He shouted in half hatred:

"Good calculation! Good courage!"

"As expected of the well-known spider queen in the endless abyss, she did not expect that she would not only dare to send the son of a **** to sneak into the forest of elves, but she was even willing to hand over the godhead of the ancient moon **** as bait!"

"Very good! Well done! It's true that our elves lost this time! My weakness in character was caught, and this time I'm really convinced!"

You gave you a slap in the face!

For fear that the guy above him would say "unbearable to be humiliated", and then play with one hand and explode on the William hurriedly opened his mouth and said:

"Wait a minute! Don't be in a hurry!"

After seeing Yimis, who lost too much blood, and Kress, who was shocked by the murderous aura, William couldn't help but sigh in his heart, knowing that it would be enough to let them send him back and pull them away again. It didn't work, so I had to try hard to persuade:

"This matter is really not what you think! If you don't believe it, I can make the Styx oath and promise to send you back... rub! Can you not be so decisive when you step on a horse!"

Seeing the Luna, who was gradually overflowing with chaotic resuscitation power and rushing towards him, William had no choice but to grit his teeth, took out the machete he had snatched from the goddess of death, and stabbed himself in the waist with a backhand knife. superior.


Under the suppression of the professional counterpart of death power, the burning resuscitation power of Luna was like a cigarette **** soaked in urine, and most of it was directly extinguished with a puff. fell to the ground.

"You wake up a bit!"

Afraid that this guy would choose to go to extremes again, William gritted his teeth and slowly rotated the tip of the knife a little bit, gritted his teeth in pain and said:

"Listen to my explanation! This is really a misunderstanding..."


Feeling the death power that was running around in the body, suppressing the power of recovery to the death, Luna let out a mocking sneer, and a look of despair and sorrow flashed in his eyes.

"You even found the divine weapon to restrain me in advance. How dare you tell me it's a misunderstanding?"


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