This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 114: Are you here for...?

Suddenly, the tent's curtain was pulled open with a clatter, interrupting Avril's perseverance.

Hans, who had been away for a long time, appeared at the door with a beaming expression on his face, dragging a man in black covered with dirt in his hand, and walked in majestically.

William looked up and found that although the man had no armor, his attire was similar to the black armored knight who surrounded them before, and he looked a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

The man's nose was broken, the left eye socket was also blue, and there was a gray footprint on his chest, which was undoubtedly Hans's handwriting.


At this moment, a half-buried stone caught the man's trousers. Hans tugged it carelessly, and under his tremendous force, the man's trousers were torn apart by a huge gap.

"My pants! You let go! ... Ah! Don't do it!"


A fist slammed into the man's right eye socket. While assembling a pair of panda eyes, he also hammered the rest of his words back into his stomach.

Avril watched this scene with some curiosity, temporarily gave up on fooling Pomona, and instead asked, "Hans, this man is a scout? How did you catch him?"

The bearded cousin grinned, reached out and took out a dusty coin from his pocket.

"I went out to pick up coins just now, but there was a small dirt **** behind the camp, the coin rolled down along the dirt slope, and I followed behind.

I don't know why, the coin just couldn't stop, it kept rolling out, and it didn't stop when it rolled out of the camp. After I finally caught up with it, I looked up and saw this man sneaking in the grass, I just stomped. got him back. "

After explaining the process, Hans gave William a proud thumbs up.

"Cousin, you're right, you can catch a scout by picking something up. This coin can indeed bring me good luck!"

William looked at the proud Hans speechlessly. That's not what I meant when I said...

I think that since [Emily's Gold Cup of Doom] has ended the rule of the Elf Dynasty, then [Hans' Lucky Coin] will definitely mean a great good thing. Although I don't know what it is, it is definitely not catching scouts. this level.

But I remember that the effect of destiny items is useless to the owner. The attribute of luck +1 should have no effect on you, but you can easily catch the enemy's scout by picking up an item. You must have never added luck. Are you lucky?

Hans dragged the dejected man over, and happily carried him to William's side.

"Cousin, do you still know him? He is the subordinate of the woman with long legs, and he called you before."

Jessica's subordinate? William thought and thought, but he could only think of a group of knights in black armor. Is there this person in them?

Seeing the confusion on William's face, Hans became a little anxious. Holding the man's collar and shaking, he brought that face to William's eyes and dangled.

"It's the one who shouted to kill the queen first and was almost hacked to death by your sword, don't you remember?"

Oh! William and Avril both remembered, as if such a thing happened.

Avril was too far away to see this man's face before, while William simply didn't remember it.

What's there to remember about the chong who didn't even reach the second level? Although my highest level is only LV15, but my total professional level is LV53. If I meet the third rank and hit it, I can also hit the fourth rank. I don't deserve to take up my brain cells at all.

After hearing that the man was the subordinate of the long-legged female knight, Avril couldn't help frowning.

The Farrell family sent scouts to inquire about the news so quickly, did they want to take the opportunity to fight with themselves?

The royal army had just fought with Ji Bo in a shopping spree. Although it didn't hurt the bones, it did hurt their vitality. If there is another fierce battle now, I am afraid that even if they win, it will be a tragic victory.

"I'm not a scout..."

At this moment, Eugene with a bruised nose and a swollen face shouted loudly. Seeing Avril looking at him, he quickly took the opportunity to break free from Hans' restraint and bowed his head in a knightly salute.

"I have seen Her Majesty the Queen. I am a knight under the command of Lord Jessica. This time I am here to deliver a letter to you on behalf of Lord Jessica. I hope to temporarily form an alliance with Your Majesty the Queen."

Lord Jessica? The female knight who disappeared with William for more than two days? Isn't she from the Farrells?

Avril said suspiciously, "Since you are not a scout but a messenger, then show me the letter."

The look on Eugene's face suddenly froze. "Um... I'm not actually a messenger, Lord Jessica's letter is not with me..."

The bearded cousin froze a little when he heard that he was a messenger. He thought he had caught a scout, but he didn't expect it to be a misunderstanding. But when he heard that Eugene didn't believe, he suddenly regained his spirits, rolled up his sleeves and stood up in high spirits.

"You are a liar! How can a knight come to deliver a letter, an official must be sent for an alliance as big as an alliance! If you want me to tell you, I'll ask you after finishing the call, and he'll be honest after a beat."

Seeing that devil-like bearded middle-aged man jumping out again, and clenching his fists, looking like he was ready to fight, Eugene immediately took a step back with a face full of I'm not Liar, the messenger has not arrived yet, I am the **** who was ordered to **** the messenger! "

"Don't lie, since you're a guard, why don't you follow the messenger? Crouching sneakily in the grass by yourself?"

The bearded cousin raised his fist with a grin and threw it towards him. Eugene quickly took a half step back to cover his head, and screamed in panic:

"I'm shitting!"


The tent fell into deadly silence again.

Eugene looked at the **** bearded man opposite, so aggrieved that he wanted to find someone to hug him and cry.

He was instructed to **** the messenger with a team of knights, and he drove non-stop for most of the day before he arrived at the range of the royal army's garrison.

In order not to lose etiquette and avoid misunderstandings by the royal army, the messenger specially ordered everyone to repair for a while, remove the armor and weapons, and then send the letter.

Maybe the cured meat and salted fish I ate in the morning were a little stale, and my stomach was always uncomfortable, so I took the opportunity to find a grass to prepare it for convenience.

As a result, as soon as Convenience finished putting on his pants, he saw a man pounce on him. According to his heart, he was a heartless man, and he almost kicked himself into the pile of shit.

Then, without saying a word, it was a good beating. After the beating was not finished, he dragged himself all the way down the hillside to the camp, without even giving a chance to explain in the middle. I have never lost such a big face in my life...

Just when everyone was suspicious, the voice of the guards' announcement sounded outside the tent.

"Your Majesty, a messenger from the Farrell family said that he wanted to see you. He also brought about fifty guards. We have searched and checked them. They did not carry armor or weapons."

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