This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: Earth, Water, Fire and Wind

After hearing this obviously malicious voice, Melanie couldn't help frowning slightly. She was about to ask the identity of the person who came, but she was staggered by the waitress.

After instinctively dragging Melanie behind her, the elf maid bowed nervously and subconsciously looked for another guest's seat, but the other party had long since disappeared, so she had to stand firm The scalp opened up to discourage:

"Mr. Marko, there any misunderstanding? She is a guest of Her Majesty the Queen and an envoy from the Holy See of Light, not the dark creature you mentioned!"

Hmm... what is this lower-level elf doing?

Seeing that the waitress did not withdraw, but stopped in front of the high-level vampire with the appearance of a child, the middle-aged elf could not help frowning, and said with a slightly unpleasant expression:

"Go back, because you don't know anything, I won't trouble you this time. What I'm looking for is the vampire behind you... eh?... Where's the werewolf? He Why aren't you here?"

This a vampire?

After hearing the words of the head of Marco, the elf maid couldn't help being shocked, a little doubt flashed in her eyes, and she instinctively wanted to back away.

However, when she thought of Melanie's appearance, which was about the size of her own daughter, and then clenched her hand, which was the same as that of a child, her footsteps seemed to be nailed to the floor, and she couldn't get out no matter what.

If at other times, she could not be held accountable after offending the nobles, she would even feel that her luck was quite good, but now, for some unknown reason, she couldn't help but said again:

"Patriarch Marko, why don't you wait for a while? No matter what the misunderstanding is, after Her Majesty has seen its guests..."

"Didn't you understand what I said?"

Seeing that she actually dared to confront him for the second time, the middle-aged elf couldn't help but his face sank, and his originally mild expression completely turned cold.

"My generosity and kindness are not the capital that you can challenge my authority again and again! You..."

"What nonsense are you talking about with her!"

The female elf next to him interrupted him roughly, and said impatiently:

"These attendants have long been spoiled by our Queen. Like the guy before, they have no rules at all! Hurry up! Are you going to do anything? If you don't do it, then I'll come!"


Hearing this, Patriarch Marko glared at her angrily, but he didn't continue to say anything. Instead, he stretched out his hand and squeezed hard in the direction of Melanie and the elf maid!

Following his movement, the air around Melanie stagnates slightly, and a mist of pale white water forms instantly, and in less than one hundredth of a second, it forms a huge mist. The blisters directly wrapped them in it.

And just as the middle-aged elf raised his eyebrows slightly, just as he was about to say something, he heard an angry shout from his side.

"Get out!"

The slightly bloated old elf stepped forward abruptly. Those palms, which were covered with a layer of stone armor at some point in time, narrowly intercepted the sharp wolf claws that were grabbing at the back of the middle-aged elf's head.

Damn... just a little bit!

The werewolf king who was stopped grinned unwillingly and let out a low roar. His body, which had not yet been completely transformed, shook slightly, and then disappeared again in the halo of moonlight.

"Be careful, this is a werewolf at the peak of the first eighth-order."

Looking down at the cracked stone armor on his chest, Patriarch Capone couldn't help frowning and added:

"And it's the type that is extremely fast. Even though I was prepared to be attacked in advance, I was sneakily caught by him. You two had better turn on the arcane magic that protects the whole body in advance. Otherwise, I might not be able to take care of you."

As if to respond to his judgment, just as the Malos and Herrera families hurriedly opened the shields, the werewolves, one after another, shimmering with silver light, began to appear in the room from scratch, and then Then at an extremely terrifying speed, he rushed towards them one after another.

And these werewolf phantoms with no entity seemed to carry some kind of extremely strange power, although they never broke through the shields held up by several elf nobles, and were blown up one by one under their counterattacks.

But the strange thing is that every time a phantom of a werewolf exploded, the eyes of several elf nobles became cloudy, and there was a peculiar tiredness between their eyebrows. Among them, the weakest female elf, even even The steps were a little staggered.

"Hurry up!"

Two slaps were slapped on the female elf's face, one from the left and the other from the right, and after she was barely awake, who was already drowsy, the head of the Marco family performed a magical technique to purify the abnormal state for the two elves, one old and one young. With a serious expression, he said:

"These werewolves can't be beaten! Every time you blow up one more, you'll get a layer of drowsiness... um... I feel it, that werewolf is breaking my blisters!"


After rubbing his sleepy eyes, the young male elf nodded indifferently, and then his figure instantly disappeared inside the shield.

When the young elf reappeared, it was already above the blister where Melanie and the elf waitress were locked. A silver werewolf nearly three meters tall was gnawing at the blister with its big mouth ~ But no matter how hard it bites, it can't get in, and can only stare at the two people who are grumbling inside.

"Don't waste your energy."

After looking approvingly at the werewolf who had not abandoned his companions until now, the young elf shook his head slightly and said:

"Although the head of the Marco family is not very good at attacking, his research on water arcana is extremely profound, and he is unparalleled in the entire forest of elves. Even if a ninth-order werewolf is here, it is impossible to dismantle his arcane magic with brute force."

Knowing that what the other party said was 80% true, the werewolf king snorted angrily, then suddenly jumped up, and the young elf rushing above rushed over.

However, the werewolf king brought out a high-speed attack with a trail of afterimages, but he didn't even touch the corners of the opponent's clothes. His own throat, spine, heart, temples, carotid arteries and other vital positions came all together. There was a very clear tingling sensation.

"And I, Walter Srey, are the fastest man in the entire Elven Forest!"

In the blink of an eye, he used his nails to stab at six or seven key points of the werewolf king, and the young elf stepped on a breeze without any sound, and reappeared above the blisters.

I saw that he slightly bent his index finger and flicked off a little blood stained on the tip of his fingernail, and then said with a hint of pity:

"Now, do you understand your situation?

I have shown mercy just now. If you still refuse to surrender, then the next time you poke at your vitals, it won't be just my finger. "


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