This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: dark


After staring at the infamous "purification" pattern on the palm of the Grand Bishop, William couldn't help but smack his lips in an unusually speechless manner.

Good guy... I thought it was a special combat skill of Niu B, but I didn't expect it to be a warning...

However, if we only talk about the silencing effect, this thing might be even better than the Finger of Silence. After all, anyone who has a big face will probably not be able to withstand this threat that can make you run around in the street at any time...

"So... you're not going to use it to threaten me, are you?"

Looking at the palm that slowly turned towards him, William could only sigh helplessly, and he resolutely chose to cooperate, shrugging his shoulders:

"Okay... I'm only responsible for taking you there. As for whether your elf queen sees you in the end, that's not something I can manage."

"Ah? Okay! As long as you can take me there, I will be able to convince her!"

Seeing that William was so cooperative, the chief bishop couldn't help but be overjoyed, and the look on his face that was already very close suddenly became a lot more enthusiastic.

And after receiving the bad looks from the werewolf king and Melanie, this guy seemed to have realized that his behavior was not appropriate, he immediately restrained the smile on his face, and scratched his head a little embarrassedly:

"That... I'm really sorry, but I really have no other choice. That old... After the Queen cut off the subsidy she gave to the Nature Society, we were so poor that we could only eat fruits and sap every day.

Although hunger is definitely not going to starve to death, but after eating too much of those things, sour water will come up from the stomach in one mouth, and now the forests are still full of new-born beasts, it is not good to hunt casually. Everyone's eyes are green every day, and I really can't stand it anymore to do this..."

After hearing the words of the Chief Bishop, William couldn't help but glanced at her mouth, which was covered in batter, knowing that even if she was exaggerating a little, the remaining 99% was probably true, so he nodded in agreement.

" can understand."

Seeing that William, a powerhouse of the tenth order, seemed to be very talkative, and did not open his mouth to pursue his own intentions, the chief bishop, who was not very confident, suddenly let out a sigh of relief, then reached out and patted his chest, with a smile on his face. :

"Of course, I'm not ready to apologize. As long as you can bring me to see the Queen, we will naturally owe you a big favor! If you need any help, feel free to speak up!"


After hearing her promise, William couldn't help blinking strangely, and took a look at the big leaves she was wearing.

How should I say it... You are naturally not stingy, but the problem is that you have been punished by the goddess of wealth. A group of people who even have a tight budget for food and clothing, no matter how bold their words are, isn't it a hollow promise...

After roughly guessing the meaning in his eyes, the archbishop's cheeks blushed slightly, and a pair of small fists clenched subconsciously.

But because William "said" his opinion with his eyes, but he didn't actually say anything, plus her net worth of more than 2.9 million gold gold, the archbishop had to pretend that he didn't understand anything. , chose to remain silent for William's eyes.

Sigh... So, when a person's wallet is deflated, he can't even speak up.

After seeing the embarrassed expression of the chief priest, William, who was also poor, sighed, and he felt a little sympathy. He didn't say anything to make up for the knife. She walked together on the road to the Elf Palace.

What I have to say is that although it is no longer the ruler of the entire Austrian continent, the rotten ship also has three pounds of nails. As a race that once created a unified dynasty, the strength of elves is still not to be underestimated.

Especially when the entire race has retreated to the Elf Forest, as a place where all the essence of the Elf Dynasty is gathered, the number of middle and high-level professionals in the Elf Royal Court is quite large. Just on the road from William to the palace, there are ten people. Several professionals above the seventh rank activated the visiting ability, which caused a series of system prompts.

Relying on the knowledge of two lifetimes, after estimating the current population of elves, William couldn't help secretly stunned. Although they have difficulty in childbirth, the reproduction is slow, but the probability of producing high-level professionals is dozens of times higher than that of humans.

If you only count the middle and high-level combat power, except for the two major empires and the pan-racial alliance, the elves are much stronger than any other human kingdom under the control of the True God Church, and they have not experienced a series of subsequent changes. , The current strength and background are quite good, and most of them can sit around the entire Austrian continent.

However, considering the existence of the Four Fairy Guilds and a large number of elven nobles, the internal conflict in the elf forest is also quite serious, and the power that can be completely dominated by the elf queen is barely two-fifths, and the remaining half is more than half. It's simply not listening to the tune, and even stumbling her from time to time.

After all, if their internal problems weren't so serious, the elves wouldn't have been almost wiped out by the dark elves in the underground world when their strength was clearly dominant. uukanshu. Even the son of the contemporary elf queen was fooled by the two big bear spider spirits...

Thinking of this, William glanced thoughtfully at the archbishop of the Natural Society beside him, and then looked at the elves who were completely incoherent along the way. He couldn't help but sigh, and a trace of sympathy for that elf prince filled his heart.

How should I say it... I can't completely blame people for their lack of determination.

After all, when the ability of the tree of life was strong enough in the past, with the grace of the **** of nature, the elves could not only cross the circle, but also bury the tree seeds that entrust part of the soul origin of both parties in the soil, and then wait for the children It grows out of the ground, so the two men and two women do not delay the establishment of a family, resulting in a very loose gender relationship, and the number of two-way plugs is surprisingly large.

Although after the decline of the elves, the current tree of life has rarely used the ability of such bugs, but the style of not looking at Ding has been retained. It is in line with the traditional aesthetics of elves, so I guess I have been hooked up by my good brothers since I was a child.

And that prince is a rare heresy who likes beauties with big waves and long hair among the elves. He has lived in this kind of environment since he was a child, and every day people are thinking about their little ones. It is estimated that the psychological pressure must not be small.

As a result, in his dark and dark life, people who completely fit his aesthetics suddenly popped up and took the initiative to hook up, even two at a time. It was like a torrential rain in the Sahara Desert. If he could sit on the It's weird to live with that...

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