This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: licking the dog

"You...really defeated the director of the Inquisition?"

Melanie, who was lying on the dragon's back, rubbed her swollen buttocks, her face still full of disbelief.


"Then... is it true that you lost six ninth-rank powerhouses in a row?"


"Hundreds of thousands of guardians..."

"It's true, it's all true."

After closing his eyes impatiently, William, who was sitting on Xiaolan's back and flying to the Silver Tide Province, was about to cross the border from here, and went to the Elf Forest to "seek medical care" for the old Pope. William said helplessly:

"How many times have you asked? And your aunt has even shown you the Pope's crown, doesn't that prove that what I said is the truth? So can you stop asking these questions? "


After being reluctantly silent for a while, Melanie couldn't help but say:

"Since you've become so strong, that old woman asked you to take care of me temporarily... Then can't I also walk sideways?"


Tsk... It's not long since I got out of danger, and I immediately started thinking about walking sideways. It seems that I'm still playing less...

Catching some dangerous thoughts from William's eyes, Melanie could not help but shrink her neck slightly, and then muttered vigilantly:

"Why are you staring at me? I just said that casually..."

Oh, you don't mean to say it casually.

After squinting at Melanie whose eyes were rolling around, William didn't bother to care what the **** she was thinking.



Seeing this big man who had penetrated the Holy See of Light, he finally remembered that he should call himself by name. The werewolf king's tail immediately wagged like a small electric fan, and he said to himself with a flattering expression:

"The names of us werewolves are rather difficult to pronounce. You can just call me Hubert, my lord."

"Oh, Hubert, I remember..."

Seeing a werewolf who looked at himself with a smile on his face, and looked like he was licking a dog, William couldn't help frowning slightly uncomfortably, and couldn't help but reminded:

"Although I fished you out of the Heresy Inquisition, my purpose is not to save you, but to let you lead the way, so that you can take away the ancient Moon God Godhead passed down from your clan.

You must also know the value of this thing, so I have to remind you first, no matter how good your attitude is in front of me, I will not be soft-handed when it comes to taking things. "

"Oh, oh, it should, that's all it should be."

In the face of a big man who had just passed the strongest Holy See, the werewolf king could not see the slightest dissatisfaction on his face. He smiled and nodded again and again:

"The level of the godhead of the ancient Moon God was not something that we werewolf clans could possess. Ever since we excavated this thing at the end of the elf dynasty, our clan has been offering it in fear.

In order to avoid being robbed of this thing, and then slaughtered by the way, the direct clan members of our clan have been hiding in the mountains in recent years, and it would be a good thing if you can take it away now. "


Good guy... I even took the initiative to find an excuse for me. My own wolf king is such a jerk, do your clansmen know?

After receiving William's unusually speechless gaze, the werewolf king was not only not ashamed, but wagged his tail desperately, and came over with a look of flattery.

"That... Sir William, is there any suitable place near your territory for our Yinyue clan to move there? If there is no suitable place, the old forest in the deep mountains and the like is also fine, anyway, my clansmen I guess I'm used to it..."

There are places and there are places...but you're in such a hurry to post on my side...why does it feel a little weird? Even if there is an urgent need for a thigh hug for some reason, there is no need to act so licking, right?

After frowning and pondering for a while, he still didn't understand what this guy was trying to do, but considering that he would soon be able to have a godhead in his account, and the other party's attitude of being so cooperative, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he could only squint. Nodding with eyes, he said:

"There are indeed places, but my territory is very strict, at least it is absolutely not allowed to hurt people, and it is not allowed to steal and kill animals. If you want to fill your stomach, you have to work or hunt by yourself.

And even if you move near my territory, if something really happens, don't expect me to stand up for you, even if you move, you can't move right away, you have to wait until I pass through the Silver Tide Province before hitting the elves. After the forest returns, I will move...

Are you still interested in that? "

"Move! Move anyway!"

Seeing that William agreed to his request, the werewolf king was overjoyed immediately, a long and narrow wolf kiss was the boss, and the big puffy tongue inside was uncontrollably probing out frequently, and his eyes were full of desire to rush up and lick it wildly. of**.

Compared with the real big baby in front of him, the godhead of the Moon God is nothing!

After sniffing the breath of the purest source of darkness wafting from William's body, the werewolf king wished he could roar up to the sky and sing loudly for the rise of himself and the Yinyue Clan.

When I was "in the same room" with William before, due to various buffs and energies, this unique dark atmosphere was temporarily covered up.

And when he was fished out of the prison of the Inquisition of Heresy and thrown on the back of a dragon and asked to lead the way, the pure taste of William's body penetrating the source of darkness filled the werewolf king's nostrils almost instantly.

As a very pure dark creature, and the werewolf king who often comes into contact with the godhead of the moon god, he can judge the meaning of this smell in an instant - this is the smell of the **** of darkness!

And this pure and unique feeling is not comparable to the evil gods who only occupied part of the dark priesthood, at least the gods who once occupied all the dark priesthoods alone at a certain stage can have such closeness. The breath of dark essence.

Although I don't know what amazing things William, but just sitting by the side and sniffing the breath for a while, the werewolf king felt that his body seemed to have some kind of A very wonderful change.

As if he had obtained some kind of bloodline gift from the dark creatures of the distant ancestors, because of the limited bloodline purity, the obstacle that was stuck at the peak of the eighth-order and could not be overcome, has actually begun to loosen little by little!

Moved his position again, and sat diagonally behind William, the werewolf king closed his eyes intoxicated, took a deep breath of the dark breath that was blowing backwards with the wind, and then began to imagine the beauty of the future with anticipation on his face. Life.

Just smelling the smell, it actually has such a big effect, what if I offer up the godhead of the Moon God, and then take advantage of him when he is happy... ask for some of his blood?

But just as the werewolf king began to fantasize about it, dreaming of getting benefits and breaking through all the way, the dark source that was blown by the wind in front began to disappear quickly, and turned into an ocean atmosphere full of tidal reciprocation.

Aw... so salty!


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