This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 110: see through

After half-forcedly filling the round-faced girl with a whole bottle of medicine, the women's clothing boss suspiciously looked at the bottle with peculiar smell in his hand, wondering if he had bought a fake medicine.

"Isn't there any problem with the potion? What the **** is going on with that man? Even the third-order calming potion can't solve his charm?"

"Ugh... I, I really have no charm..."

The round-faced girl lay on the side and retched weakly, trying to explain to the women's clothing boss that she was actually normal, but her efforts seemed to have no effect.

The middle-aged beauty frowned and took out two bottles of more suspicious-looking potions from her arms, shaking them between her slender fingers.

"I don't know any spiritual magic, but there are still two bottles of shock potion and sobriety potion. Rongrong, you drink these two bottles first, and I'll take you back to find the priest in the church."

Seeing that Uncle Berry was about to reach out and give himself medicine again, the round-faced girl sat on the ground and retreated several meters away, waving her hands in horror and saying, "I...I don't drink anymore, Uncle William, ah no, I It means that the human man is definitely not an elf, I am already sober!"

"Good, be obedient."

The beautiful brows of the women's clothing boss frowned, and angrily rebuked: "I watched you grow from a little girl to the size you are today, can you still not understand your character? Even if you really think he is a half-elf , it is impossible to call him uncle when we meet, what else could it be because of the charm? Be obedient, drink the medicine and stabilize the mental power first, and when we go back to find the priest, we will be able to unravel the charm in you. "

As the middle-aged beauty spoke, she unscrewed the mental shock potion in her hand. As soon as the potion bottle, which was redder than tomato juice, was opened, it exuded a smell ten times more irritating than the previous bottle. I just smelled it. The round-faced girl even lost her tongue.

You will be scorched to death! It will definitely be scorched to death!

She raised her dagger tremblingly, and her fleshy face was full of positive writing... she vowed to die.

"I, I, I, I don't want to drink that stuff even if I die!"

The middle-aged beauty showed a look of disappointment, as if Xizi was holding his heart, which was astonishingly beautiful, and her wonderful eyes seemed to contain a thousand kinds of melancholy. If someone saw this scene, I was afraid that they would not be able to refuse any of his requests.

He sighed softly, and said in a low voice, "Rongrong, don't you even believe me? Do you think I'll lie to you? Will you be obedient?"

The round-faced girl looked at Uncle Berry's foul face and felt as if she had committed some heinous crime. She tried several times but was unable to resist his expression.

In the end, he had to put away the dagger with a sad face, stretched out his hand with a little baby fat, took the potion tremblingly, closed his eyes and raised his head, raised his neck and drank it.


At the entrance of the amazingly spicy potion, the small face of the round-faced girl immediately wrinkled into a meat bun, and a large amount of unstable mental power spread out around her. There was silence within a radius of dozens of meters, and a bird passed by above the two of them. The sparrow fell down from the air, and was gently held in the palm of the hand by the middle-aged beauty.

The chaotic shock continued. After more than a dozen chaotic mental shocks, the round-faced girl's overflowing mental fluctuations returned to stability, and the women's clothing boss nodded with satisfaction.

"How is it? Are you awake now?"

"Hey! Hey! (Qing ... awake!

The middle-aged beauty's good-looking brows wrinkled again. The child's performance is still not quite right. What's going on? He pondered for a while, and unscrewed another bottle of green potion under the terrified eyes of the round-faced girl.

"Rongrong, take this bottle again..."

"Berry Susu, don't believe me! I'm really charming!"

The round-faced girl sucked her nose and explained with a big tongue: "That man knows a lot about elves. Not only does he know a lot about clans, but he also explains some secrets clearly, and he also has a lot of nature in him. In my heart, he should really be a half-elf."

The heart of nature? What it is? The middle-aged beauty screwed on the potion again and asked her own question to the shivering round-faced girl.

"It's the ability of Druids. It is said that they have a high affinity for most creatures."

Seeing that Uncle Berry finally put away the terrifying potion, the round-faced girl hurriedly stretched her fingers and said, "Little animals, flower demons, tree demons, monsters in the forest, including elves, as long as they have natural attributes. Life, meeting them will feel very close, and it has been hundreds of years since no human can become a Druid, so he must be an elves!"

Druid? Isn't that man a dark creature? The women's clothing boss asked suspiciously, "Are you sure he's a Druid?"

"I'm not very sure...I haven't seen any other Druids, but Uncle Berry, I'm really not charmed, I tried it myself, and the mental power runs smoothly and has not been disturbed by anyone. Traces, so stop feeding me medicine, I'm really awake!"

The middle-aged beauty shook her head solemnly, and said with great certainty, "Rongrong, if you are really not charmed, then you should be deceived."

He stretched out his hand and tapped the round-faced girl's sleeve, and his soft fingertips poked the blade of the sword caught by the snapping spring. In an instant, a small incision of about one centimeter was cut, and a drop of bright red blood flowed out.

"You probably don't know, although these two short swords were given to you by your grandmother, they were once placed in the church's main hall to be enshrined, and they were stained with a lot of sacred aura, so they have extra damage to dark creatures. ."

The middle-aged beauty put her index finger in front of the round-faced girl.

"Remember the wound on the man's hand when you cut his finger before?"

The round-faced girl also reacted. She not only remembered the abnormality of the accidental injury, but also remembered the strange wound on his arm that seemed to have been burned by high temperature when he slashed William just now.

"Uncle William... no no no, that man is a dark creature?"


The round-faced girl looked incredulous. "But...but isn't he the one around Lord Saint? How could someone as good as Lord Saint let a dark creature stay by his side?"

The middle-aged beauty reached out and rubbed her head, and said earnestly: "Rongrong, have you forgotten the vampire in our church? Most dark creatures are dangerous, cruel and even bloodthirsty, but they are not beasts that cannot communicate.

Maybe the royal family has some secret deals with them. We don't need to worry about these matters, but you must remember that it is best to stay away from that man. He is definitely not the harmless person he looks like. "


At this moment, the harmless William was standing behind Avril with the bruised-faced Hans, listening to the conversation between the former marquise and the queen without changing his face.

"Your Majesty, Pomona Warren greets you, I hope to make some requests to you on behalf of my tribe, and we are willing to pay the corresponding price in exchange. I hope you will allow us to buy a batch of food from Faran... …”

While Avril and Pomona were talking, William quietly took a small step to the right, first reaching out and handing Hans his maiden's coin, and then squinting at his bearded cousin's face - the top He has bruises that can't be covered by a thick beard.

Tsk tsk, brother and sister are really ruthless!

The bearded cousin took the coin and muttered in a puzzling voice: "Cousin, why did Pomona suddenly beat me up?"

"Didn't she say it, because you yelled at her."


The bearded cousin nodded his head if he realized something, and then moved closer to the left.

"By the way, cousin, what are you doing with my coin? It's just an ordinary coin. I've been carrying it around for tossing around, and I don't seem to find anything special?"

William cast a sideways glance at Hans, who was in the midst of happiness.

Yes, it's ordinary, Gu Tianle, repentant creation Ali Jake Ma, ordinary coin old Hans.

But this thing is not for you, it must be nothing special. Destiny items are amazing in the hands of others. When they are in the hands of the owner, they seem to have only their own use's Sword of Kingship], [Bronze Hammer Bill's Warrior Helmet] Such things, these fate items themselves can be used as a piece of equipment, but [Flina's Ambiguous Perfume] and you [Hans' Lucky Coin] are nothing like ordinary things in your own hands. the difference.

"This is a lucky coin that will bring luck to the person who holds it."

Although he knew that Hans cherished this coin, William leaned over and gave a low voice. "Hans, you must keep this coin. One day in the future, this thing will definitely bring you great luck."

The bearded cousin's eyes widened, he picked up the coin with his carrot-like fingers, and whispered in surprise, "Is this thing so powerful? I remember that my mother just took it out of the purse at that time."

When he spoke, he rubbed his fingers subconsciously, and a light mark was drawn on the back of the coin by his fingernails.

"Take it easy!"

William's eyes widened, wishing he could grab it immediately and save this incomparably precious coin for him in person.

Destiny items are not indestructible, but most people don't do it. This thing is essentially an old coin. God knows if it will be damaged by Hans's mistake because of his own reminder, and there may be a big accident.

William quickly grabbed the bearded cousin's wrist and forcibly stuffed the coin back into his pocket.

"Don't be good at playing around, this thing is very fragile! ... eh!"

A strong hostility suddenly struck him, causing him to shiver. He glanced in the direction of the hostility. Pomona, who was opposite, was glaring angrily, gnashing her teeth as she looked at the two brothers who were almost sticking together.

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