This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: The Holy See's Last Hope (Part 1)


Accompanied by a loud noise like the symphony of gold and iron, the giant hammer the size of a water tank above William's head "solidified" for a moment, and then rose into the sky under the collision of a tremendous force, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the hands of the old man, he was directly thrown over 30 meters away!

how is this possible! !

Looking at the warhammer flying higher and higher above his head, the small eyes of the white-haired old man instantly turned into bull's eyes. He knew that something was wrong, and he hurriedly pulled away, but he was still one step too late.

"You said you, a melee player dares to come to me for a personal solo, how can't you think about it?"

After saying a cruel word that no one could hear, William's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next second he appeared in front of the one-eyed old man, and his right hand grabbed his shoulder directly.

No! That blow just now must have been his long-awaited full-strength strike! There is absolutely no way to reproduce it a second time in a short period of time!

Looking at William who was bullying him, Cardinal Pizarro gritted his teeth and clenched his trembling hands instantly. The two Holy Light Warhammers, one large and one small, instantly congealed, and smashed them against William's palm without dodging. past.

This idiot!

Seeing that the one-eyed old man chose to fight William head-on for the second time, Cardinal Reese in the distance couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

"Edict! Delay!"

"Edict! Weak!"

"Edict! Stop... wow!"

However, before the third decree divine technique could be exported, an abnormal flush appeared on the middle-aged man's face, and then he started vomiting blood uncontrollably.

what happened? Why did the consumption suddenly rise so much!

Feeling that more than 30% of the Holy Light's power was consumed in an instant, Cardinal Reese's face could not help showing a look of surprise.

The cost of using the magic law system basically depends on the content of the order and the strength of the opponent. Although he failed to order the opponent to [retire] before, he could barely bear the cost.

This time, when I used [Hysteresis], it was fine. When I reached the second sentence [Weakness of strength], the consumption almost doubled instantly, and the third sentence [Stop] had to be interrupted after only half of the sentence, as if...

The opponent's strength has suddenly risen to a level, and it has already broken through the limit of the ninth level!

Hmm... this thing doesn't trigger the check, it's really a bit troublesome to deal with.

William, whose arms suddenly softened, frowned, glanced sideways at [Slow] and [Weakness] in the status bar, and silently tilted his head from side to side.

"Bang! Bang!"

After these two unusually subtle head tilts, the two warhammers that were originally smashed at William's head failed to hit the target, but fell one after the other, left and right, hitting his shoulders respectively. , William's upper body sank slightly due to the huge momentum.

However... it only sank slightly.

[The stunt "Art of Invulnerability" is triggered, slightly dodging the enemy's attack on the vital head...]

[The stunt "Removal Master" is triggered, temporarily gaining 30% additional damage reduction...]


The invisible silence technique slowly shattered. Looking at William's shoulders that were still intact under his full-strength hammering, the joy in the white-haired old man's one-eyed eyes instantly turned into a tidal wave of horror, and even the criterion of quickly opening a safe distance. , was temporarily left behind by the extremely shocked him.

"You... how come you haven't been hurt at all?!"

"Who said that, I'm hurt."

After answering the other party's question with a serious face, William grabbed Cardinal Pizarro's arm with his backhand and moved the two Holy Light warhammers away from his shoulders, revealing the **** path that was drawn by the thorns below.

"Well, it's all red."

"you you…"

"Don't let it go. This time it's what you're looking for first, so don't blame me for the heavy hand."

Ignoring the crazy punching and kicking of the one-eyed old man, William broke a holy light hammer out of his hand, weighed the weight and raised his hand hesitantly.

Why don't you... use 80% of your strength to try it first to see if you're dizzy?

After all, even though this old man is a close combatant, he doesn't look like he is particularly forbidden to fight. If he gets too hard, he might kill him with a hammer...

Um! Still seventy percent! 70% is safer!


Seeing that William had not finished capturing Cardinal Pizarro, and even grabbed the hammer to smash his head, the middle-aged man who was approaching in the distance couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

"Edict! Stop... Edict! Deflect!"

When the divine art to stop was about to be exported, Cardinal Reese's injury broke out again, and he almost vomited blood again, so he had to change the stop to deflection.

At the same time, William, who was about to knock the old man unconscious in the distance, raised his brows. He felt as if the side of his arm had been pushed hard. hit him on the shoulder.


Accompanied by the sour bone displacement sound, the one-eyed old man's left shoulder slammed down, and it collapsed in an instant.

Ah, this... This is a good thing your teammates did, but you can't blame me.

Looking at the white-haired old man in front of him... one eye suddenly widened, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened, his face was full of pain.

Don't worry, this time I'll go directly to 80%, I'm guaranteed to give you a good time!

"Edict! Partial... vomit!"

"Edict! Muscle loss! Edict! Fall!"

When Cardinal Reese failed to release the magic technique due to vomiting blood, a somewhat familiar hoarse voice rang out, and two lines of clear light unique to the magic technique bypassed William and hit the one-eyed old man precisely.

The next moment, the right arm of the one-eyed old man that was grabbed by William trembled slightly, and the muscles that were so plentiful were not like the old man's muscles contracted in an instant. Falling, on the contrary, skillfully got rid of William's restraint.

After blinking slightly in surprise, William ignored the one-eyed old man who was dragged away by another decree magic, but turned around quickly and looked at the angry "Old Pope" behind him.

"Since you've come out... that means you're ready, right?"


In the face of William's good-natured question, the head of the Inquisition for Heresy did not answer, but narrowed his eyes gloomily, and then raised his hands to his chest and lifted it slightly.

The next moment, the solid ground under the two of them softened instantly, like a deep yellow curved ocean wave, pushing all the wounded around.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of figures were sent out of the ground by the tumbling soil, and slowly surrounded the two of them in the center. Pairs of confused, shocked, sluggish, or horrified eyes stared at the center. william.

"Yo? You have a lot of prisoners in your dungeon?"

Facing the eyes, he looked back, and after taking a look at the appearance of these prisoners, William couldn't help but say:

"Grey elf sacrifices, metal dragons in human form, blood goblins... um... there are still pure shadow creatures? No wonder your shadow ability is so hidden...

By the way, why does your Holy See arrest everyone? Other people's shadow creatures stay well in the shadow plane, what is in your way? Also, why isn't Melanie in there? Do you dislike her too much? "


Without opening his mouth to answer William's temptation, the head of the Heresy Inquisition frowned and said solemnly:

"Since you haven't escaped yet... That means, you have the confidence to block the attacks of these hundreds of high-level professionals?"

When William heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said:

"I'm not sure if it can be blocked, but I still have the confidence to bring you down."


After hearing William's confident speech, the "Old Pope" couldn't help but snorted coldly, swung his right hand forward with force, and hundreds of attacks of all kinds rushed over the sky.

"Then you can try it!"

【Bounder】...This is really a powerful and terrifying profession!

From the anti-complicated aura in the distance, after sensing at least six targets of the same level as him, Cardinal Raise, who was healing the arm of the one-eyed old man, couldn't help but sigh:

"Lord Grant's restrainer sequence should be able to restrain up to 666 sinners. As long as he is given enough preparation time, he alone is worth 60% of the high-level combat power of the Holy See, if not sent out. The minister who guards the provinces, I am afraid that he can conquer the entire holy city alone."

"How can it be so exaggerated."

The shifted shoulder blades returned a little bit, and the one-eyed old man, whose face was pale in pain, snorted, and retorted with an unpleasant expression:

"The number of professionals who don't cooperate is only a large number. UU reading and besides our Holy See, where are there so many high-level prisoners who can be used by him?"

"Ha ha."

After giving the white-haired old man a sidelong glance, the resentful middle-aged man finally couldn't help but retorted:

"Your Excellency Pizarro, if your shoulders were half as hard as your mouth, they wouldn't have been smashed by someone with a hammer just now!"

"You... ouch!"

He stretched out his hand and slapped the one-eyed old man on the shoulder, and after smashing the second half of his words back, Cardinal Reese shouted angrily:

"Hurry up and shut your mouth! If you didn't have to rush over, I wouldn't have... what is that?"

Looking at the bright red barrier that slammed into here from a distance, the middle-aged man's eyes suddenly widened, and he immediately threw out several magical techniques as a resistance, but he was still completely wrapped in it in an instant.

Cardinal Reese only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then he was extremely horrified to find that he had been dragged into a circular building full of metal and blood, and was bound to something that was probably a seat.

And when the middle-aged man regained his composure and began to quickly observe the situation around him, a horrific sense of fear instantly flooded into his heart.

On the "seats" distributed in a ring shape, there are a large number of spectators who are sitting as upright as themselves. As for the specific number of these spectators... it seems to be just over 600 people!


Cover your face... first return... a thousand words?

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