This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1056: Numbers are meaningless

Damn it!

After forcing the people of the Inquisition to open the entrance, William couldn't help widening his eyes when he looked at the knight who was 200 paces away, and was really taken aback by the situation.

As a war weapon "hidden" by the Holy See of Light, the Inquisition of Heresy is not actually a building. At least there is no window at all, and even if it is not vacated and not built, it is simply connected to the entrance and exit doors. There will be none.

And this fully enclosed "twenty-sided dice", if it starts to close itself, even the transparent curtain wall will become opaque. Like a black polygonal crystal, it directly isolates the internal and external communication almost completely, and can only vaguely hear the sound coming in from the outside.

Therefore, before the closure was opened, although William and the others knew that there were mostly people outside, they didn't expect so many people to be there. With the temporary lifting of the closure, the curtain wall of the "Twenty Dice" also became translucent again. , after seeing the large number of soldiers that surrounded the inquisition, many people in the heresy inquisition also fell into a commotion.

"This is... the three major armies?"

"Although there were some before... but it's too much, right? There are tens of thousands of people here!"

"Why did they surround the Inquisition? Could it be... Did the three major legions apostate?"

Hearing the increasingly panicked discussions behind him, Andrew, who was dragged to the door by William and forcibly opened the blockade, suddenly said in a rage:

"I told you all! Before leaving, the director explained that the Inquisition for Heresy must be closed! It must not be opened! You insist on me opening it! What should I do now?"

"Then shut it down again? Otherwise, what else can we do?"

He dragged Andrew out of the door, looked at the army formation that could not be seen outside, then looked up at the sky, and found that even the top of his head was completely blocked by griffins and flying dragons, William couldn't help but tut a little annoyed. road:

"It's too tight. Even if you grab someone from the dungeon, you'll probably have to be dragged here... This time it's troublesome..."

It's such a time... You still think about going to the dungeon?

Looking at the tens of thousands of elite soldiers waiting in the distance, Andrew, whose scalp was numb, shouted desperately while struggling:

"Stop talking crazy! Can't you see how many people are outside? If they want to rush in, how should I stop them?"

"Well... that makes sense. With your level, it's really unstoppable."

After hearing Andrew's words, William, who was about to go to the dungeon to retrieve Melanie first, frowned, then reluctantly stopped walking towards the entrance of the dungeon, and walked slowly back to the gate of the court.

"Hurry up, quickly re-seal the door, I have to go to the dungeon to hunt for people, I can only help you block out for a while!"


Looking at William who was standing with his back to the door, as if he was really going to block the door with one person, Andrew opened his mouth subconsciously and said with a dazed expression:

"You...Are you crazy? There are the three major guardian armies of our Holy See! Even if they didn't arrive because of the rotation, there are still tens of thousands of people! You..."

"Shut up and hurry up to work!"

After looking back at him a little unhappy, William curled his lips and said:

"What happened to the tens of thousands of people? Although I'm not sure about rushing out from the inside, it's okay to block the door. Oh, by the way, remember to save some effort. I'll get people back from the dungeon later. This door, you have to switch again...

Hmm... Forget it, after you close the door, come with me. You kid has a criminal record. I'm worried that you won't open the door for me after you come back from the dungeon. "

Seeing William who was still talking nonsense at this time, Andrew, whose face was flushed with anger, couldn't help but cursed angrily:

"I'm afraid you are not..."


A low and powerful horn sounded, covering up Andrew's scolding. After receiving the order to attack, the knights two hundred paces away flattened their lances that were more than three meters high, and charged towards the gate of the Heresy Inquisition in a uniform manner.

And even if the knights are different in height, short, fat and thin, and there are subtle differences in the size and speed of the warhorses, the dense spear forest is as straight as a vertical line, and the gap between the front and rear is not more than half a fist at most, which is simply obsessive-compulsive disorder. A rare good news for patients.

Hehe... The charge of the Holy Cross Knights is really pleasing to the eye no matter how many times I watch it.

After glancing approvingly at the neat queue of the other party, William reached out and dug out his ears, which were disturbed by the sound of the hoofs. Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, he took out a spider's hind leg hair that was more than 30 meters long and hugged it horizontally. He launched a counter-charge in front of the incoming front line.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a series of dull banging sounds, the cracking sound of the gun barrel breaking, the frightened neighing of horses when they were overturned by force, the muffled humming of humans when they were severely hit and injured... All kinds of sounds sounded one after another in an instant.

Even if William didn't make a heavy hand, the reaction force of hitting the "iron wall" head-on when charging at a high speed still made more than ten knights who met William head-on fly out. The gun also snapped into pieces with a bang.

If it was replaced by most cavalry legions, in the face of the situation where the vanguard was blocked, most of them would be confused for a while, but the knights of the Holy Cross Knights were not.

It seems that the obstruction of the comrades in arms has long been expected. The subsequent knights directly separated from left and right like the tide of the reef, and dexterously avoided this chaotic area. Some of them tried to attack William from both sides, and the other part simply chose to go around. Passing William, UU Reading rushed directly towards the gate of the Heresy Inquisition behind him.

Tsk... I'm not very excited about that door. I just finished speaking here a while ago. If I let you go here, where should I put my face?

Considering that these people were only charging according to the order, not real demon minions, William did not rush to do it, but waited for a few seconds until the knights who were injured in the first round of charging were rescued and mounted on their horses. Behind him, he wrapped his arms around the spider's hind legs, and made a slow horizontal wave towards the countless horse legs.


Countless shrill neighs of horses sounded, and William's slow sweep, not to mention knocking off three or four hundred horse legs, added nearly a hundred infantry to the Knights of the Holy Cross.

In front of the Inquisition, there were war horses with broken hooves and knights who fell from their horses, and a huge fan-shaped area was completely "emptied" by a leg of hair.

"Take your people back, I didn't kill you."

After smiling at the knights who stopped because they had no place to stay and didn't want to trample their comrades, William put away the spider's hind legs and exhaled and said:

"Listen to me! Cardinal Marlene, one of the six cardinals, has now been contaminated by the abyss demon! Don't listen to her orders anymore!"


Hmm... I've changed it several times and I'm still not satisfied. I'm really not good at writing things like big battles... From now on, I can skip it if I can... Cover my face.../(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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