This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: What is called white to give ah?

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"I'm okay…"

( ̄TT ̄)

After answering the question instinctively, the young man who was beaten with nosebleeds sniffed. He sat on the ground and stared at William blankly. He almost didn't write the four characters of "doubt life" on his face.

I, the first speaker of the Sanguinary Council, near the Heresy Inquisition of the Holy See of Light, got my nose broken with a punch?

And he was not the only one confused by the situation in front of him. Hearing the system prompt ringing in his ear, William almost stood up.

What about Lengtouqing? How did one punch turn into a ninth-order vampire? And the ninth-order vampire... must be the speaker of the blood clan council!

So here comes the problem, first of all, when Cardinal Lucas died, the blood in his body was almost completely drained, which was obviously the hands of high-level vampires; secondly, there must be a traitor from the abyss in the Holy See of Light, and Most of the bits have high weight;

Finally, there is now a ninth-order vampire, holding a token that ordinary people can never get, swaying in the Holy See of Light, and even found the Heresy Inquisition, wanting to arraign the prisoners locked down below...

After going through the known information at lightning speed, it only took William less than half a second to successfully confirm the relationship between friend and foe - this ninth-order vampire is definitely not a good thing, and nine out of ten he is still with him. There is a link behind the scenes!

catch him! Bread served!

In the young man's bewildered look, the guy on the other side who had just squatted down and was about to help him suddenly seemed to go crazy, so he changed his hand to grabbing, and pinched his neck with both hands, as if he was about to kill himself. Like strangling.

Is there an ambush?

The young man who noticed that something was wrong trembled all over, and instinctively prepared to activate his life-saving skills, and immediately turned into a swarm of bats to escape from danger.

However, after smelling the thick **** smell in his nose, he temporarily gave up the idea, instead he spread his fingers gloomily, and pressed William's heart with a palm.

[Blood King LV90 used the combat technique "Boiled Blood" on you. In the next five minutes, you will briefly enter the "Boiled Blood" state, not only the temperature of the blood in the body will rise sharply, but also its flow will be greatly increased speed】

[You have entered the special state "Boiled Blood", and then you will accept a double check of bloodline and attributes. If you are the opponent's direct bloodline, or the physical attribute exceeds 300 points, you will temporarily gain a large amount of dual attributes of strength and sensitivity. Bless.

If the check fails, every time your heart is pumping, you will suffer a huge damage from the inside out according to your current physical attributes]


Ok, no need to check, thank you for the buff given by the big brother.


With the sound of a broken bone, the young man whose forearm was broken had no time to scream, when William threw himself to the ground, his neck was firmly stuck by two big hands, and he vomited directly to the ground. The half scream was forced back.

"Speak! What are you doing here at the Inquisition? Who is behind you?"

After hearing William's question, the vampire who was sweating with pain froze.

Feeling the big hand around his neck getting tighter and tighter, at this time, he didn't care to think about why the combat skills didn't work, and instinctively immediately dispersed, ready to rely on the [Incarnation Bat Swarm] to get rid of the opponent's restraint.


Good guy, aren't you a hard giveaway? Is it okay to use your own life to play fake games?

Seeing the swarms of blood-colored bats that instantly turned into a hundred, ready to flee, William smacking his lips wordlessly, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers with fire.


Accompanied by the sound of a high-temperature flame pushing the air away, William's [Burning Sacred Flame], which had reached the proficient level, was fully powered, and the blazing white sacred flame burst suddenly.

In less than half a second, even the ninth-order undead saw the holy flame that made their scalp tingle, so they directly washed this secluded alley from the inside to the outside, not only burning the moss that was not even cleaned up It was clean, and even the white marble on both sides as the base of the wall was burnt and cracked inch by inch.

Countless small stone chips cracked and splashed, directly splashing a thin layer on the ground in the alley, and on top of this thin layer of stone chips, instantly a thick layer of blood-colored bats screamed silently. .

Even if every single blood-colored bat here has the strength of a fourth-order professional, it is still not enough in front of William's amazingly pure holy flame.

Even if he had deliberately shown mercy, nearly 90% of the blood-colored bats were burned to ashes immediately. Fortunately, the remaining ones were all burnt and bruised. Come out a pair of complete wings.

However, the strange thing is that William, who made one move to defeat the enemy, not only did not show a happy look on his face, but subconsciously frowned.

The reason why he frowned, of course, was not because the other party sent it too quickly, but he did not hear the system prompt for defeating the opponent. It seems that those blood-colored bats that were burned to death were just a cover. The real [Blood King] 】I'm afraid he is still alive and well.

Sure enough, the moment William put away the [Burning Sacred Fire], his shoulders numb slightly, and a transparent bat the size of a thumb sticks out its fangs, bites through William's skin and **** hard.

Although the next moment, the bat was beaten to death by William raising his hand, but an alarm from the system sounded in his ear.

[Warning, the blood-sucking king LV90 obtained your blood, and used this as a medium to make a "blood-sucking oath" with you.

In the next hour, every time the opponent attacks you, it will drain 5% of your current HP, and every time you attack it, it will also absorb the opponent's current HP. five percent.

The blood you have been drawn, combined with the opponent's blood bite expertise, will be turned into pure energy, which will instantly restore the consumption caused by the battle; and the blood you absorb from the opponent's body will carry a large amount of xenogeneic energy and violent toxins that gradually erode your organs and circulatory system...]

Tsk... It sounds like a very shabby ability... By the way, what the **** is that little bat that can even bite through my skin?

After reaching out to touch the scabbed tooth marks on his shoulders, William looked at the slowly condensed figure on the opposite side, and asked with a slight frown:

"What's up with your avatar bat colony? Why isn't it the same as other vampires?"

"Hehe, if it's the same as them, then I should be dead by now..."

Looking down at the bat on the ground licking its flesh and blood by the flames, feeling the power of the Holy Light like a maggot in the tarsus, the young man could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

"It's a terrifyingly terrifying ability, it seems that I was right to not run the first time.

As for why my incarnation bat group is different from others... It is naturally because this ability is too wasteful, and I don't have the habit of relying on this garbage ability to save my life. "

Looking at William who was listening intently on the opposite side, feeling the connection between himself and him that had been completely established, the young man couldn't help but feel in a good mood. He smiled and explained:

"When the incarnation bat group is below the fourth or fifth order, it is indeed a very useful ability, not only can it easily break free from most of the shackles, but as long as one avatar runs away, it will not completely die.

It's just that after the fifth or sixth rank, when facing opponents who can instantly release high-intensity range attacks, using the incarnation of the bat swarm is equivalent to dying, so our blood family will target the weakness of this ability...

Forget it, it's pointless to tell you this, you just need to know that you're already lost..."

Looking up at William's shoulder and neck, after finding a small blood-colored mark on it, the young man first moved his neck, and then showed his fangs, which were obviously much longer than the average person, and declared with a gloomy expression. road:

"Go on, I can't wait to taste your blood."


No... how dare you bump into this wall? In the ranking of the strength of the ninth-order occupation, which race has been competing with the undead for the last place, don't you have a B-tree in your heart?

The young man's forced and dry speech made him extremely speechless. After William pouted his lips contemptuously, he rushed to the moment when the blood-colored figure rushed, and silently hung a [onlookers] for himself.

Okay, it's not bad to have someone who is rushing to deliver food, just practice your combat skills.


Accompanied by a crashing sound, the young man who successfully launched an attack on William had no time to taste the taste of the opponent's blood, but was directly turned on the head by a huge evil spirit with three eyes.

[The King of Blood LV90 launched a pounce on you, successfully activated the combat technique "onlookers", and was repelled by the evil spirit of the voodoo god]

[The "Evil Omen's Eye" of the evil spirit of the voodoo **** has successfully locked the target, and every time it attacks you, it will experience twenty-one kinds of bleeding, weakening, slowness, etc." In the "weakened" state, one of them will appear randomly; and in the twelve "control" states such as fear, confusion, syncope, etc., one of them will appear again randomly]


He sucked in a deep breath, and after making a huge contribution to the warming of the entire Olympics, the young man who got up in a hurry raised his head, looked at the three-eyed evil spirit above him, and said with a shocked expression:

"This...this is..."

"It's okay, don't worry about it, it's just an ordinary onlooker."

After grinning kindly at the corners of his mouth, William raised his hand and hooked at him, making a "come here" gesture.

"Go on, I can't wait to feed you something good."

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

After hearing the sudden knock on the door, the old woman who was frowning and thinking couldn't help trembling slightly and broke free from her chaotic thoughts.

She frowned when her train of thought was interrupted, and said with a displeased expression:

"who is it?"

"I, William, I have returned from the Inquisition."

After calling out his name, William dragged the vampire who was hung with nearly twenty debuffs and shook like a dead dog, and stepped into the door of the reception room.

"Cardinal Marlene, why don't you let the mind flayer go first, I just caught the first ninth-order vampire on the way, and he is probably the murderer who killed Cardinal Lucas, and as long as we pry open his Mouth, it must soon be able to lock the true identity of the person behind the scenes...

Um? Cardinal Marlene? What's wrong? Why do not you speak? ” (to be continued)

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