This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1039: As long as you don't lick it, you haven't failed

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After glancing at the young man with some dissatisfaction, and looking at him who was vaguely relieved in front of him, the head of the Inquisition for Heresy couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and said:

"But don't think about it, no matter whether the saint is pregnant with his child or not, since you can say such words in order to protect him, it proves that the relationship between them is already very close, and you have no chance at all. "

After hearing the old man's words, the young man couldn't help but tremble violently. After clenching his fists, he blushed and defended eloquently:

"Master Director, I...I...I just asked a little out of curiosity. I only have respect for the Holy Maiden in my heart, and...I don't mean anything else..."

"Hehe, do you know what makes you feel more humble than the inability to fight?"

After answering the question, the old man first glanced at the young man, and then he couldn't help sneering, and the words were meaningful and authentic:

"That is, I don't even dare to admit that I want to fight."


"If you're still as timid as you are now, and you don't even dare to say what's in your heart, you're likely to find out that the woman you want to marry will soon marry your opponent, and then give him two births. A daughter may not even know you like her from beginning to end until she dies in front of you."

Looking at the young man who looked like he was struck by lightning and looked lost, the director of the Inquisition of Heresy supported the armrest of the wheelchair with both hands and moved his **** deeper.

"Okay, don't be secretive, it's not that I've never been young.

Old people like us may not have the strength, but because they have lived long enough, they have seen a lot more people and things than you, and I am far from being old. Lan's eyes were so obvious that no one in the older generation could hide it. "

"I...I'm actually...not all..."

Seeing the young man seemed to want to deny it, the head of the Inquisition of Heresy frowned, and asked with a slight displeasure:

"I ask you, do you know the biggest difference between the eyes of admiration and the eyes of admiration?"

"No...don't know."

"Then listen to me.

The performance of these two emotions is that when a person appears, it will occupy all your eyes with radiance, so in your eyes, they are not much different.

And the biggest difference between admiration and admiration is what kind of emotion you have in your eyes when you look back at other people who have the same emotion as you.

Admirers will recognize other admirers, while admirers look at others with hostility. As for what kind of eyes you have, you must know better than me? "

Seeing the young man who was a little stunned at first, and then shook his head and smiled wryly, the director of the Heresy Inquisition leaned on the back of the chair and said leisurely:

"You child is good in everything, regardless of talent or wisdom, he is the first-class candidate among the recent two generations of the Holy See, but because he is too young, he is not warm enough, and he always loses face when encountering things.

And the reason why I kept you by my side, and never let you go to a certain line to save a few years of experience, is that your indelible character will delay things.

Just like in the current situation, whoever you want to marry has to be pursued before others start, otherwise, even if you keep asking here, when you ask me to die of old age, wouldn't it still be standing still? "

"I... Actually, I don't dare to say it, I just don't know how to say it...

As for the matter of Lord Kieran, a woman like her who is not only beautiful, but also gentle, reliable and firm... How many men can not have a good impression of her? "

Boldly defended a few words, and after forcibly pulling a small piece of fig leaf for himself, the young man seemed to have found something, and said with a slightly excited expression:

"Master Director, what do you mean... let me go to Lord Kieran? Tell her what I think? That is to say... Do you think there is a possibility for me to try it?"

"..." can your ears hear what you want to hear? Didn't I tell you from the beginning, have you run out of opportunities?

After nodding with a speechless expression, the director of the Heresy Inquisition closed his eyes and leaned back on the wheelchair, and said quietly:

"I didn't think so before, but now I do suggest you talk about it. After all, if you are rejected face to face, it is estimated that you will completely die of this heart, and you will never ask me such a stupid question again."


"As for whether there is a chance... If you go to talk to her, there is definitely no chance of marrying her, but the advantage is that you will not receive invitations at her wedding, so you don't have to watch other men kiss her and hug her. , swear to love her forever."


"Oh no, old man, I am old and forgetful, and I can't remember some things clearly. Come on, you are young and smart, then tell me, is Kieran already married? It seems that she even has a wedding. Are you done?"


"Huh? Why didn't you talk? Do you have any questions for me?"

"No... no..."

After being slapped with a gun and a stick for a round Facing the old and easy-to-collide director of the heretic inquisition, the young man who was powerless to refute had to bow his head in dejection, while bemoaning the people outside the Holy See. The pig's head was so stubborn that he actually took away the largest cabbage in the Holy See, and went to retrieve the file in a ashes.

But when he came to the Overwatch Council set up by the Heresy Inquisition, opened the secret cabinet No. 2 according to the request of the old man in wheelchair, and took the relevant files belonging to the "pig", he unexpectedly found that there was a thick pile of files in the Just above the eucalyptus, there are a few more new sheets of paper with the ink still not dry, which seems to be a related trend that has just been updated.

After holding these new sheets of paper in his hands, the young man hesitated for a few seconds, then looked around in a guilty conscience, and then reached out his hand against the back of the paper, his fingertips lit up with a faint holy light, The text framed on the inside is reflected.

"The target visited Ferrer's house briefly three days ago, and went to the Holy City after staying for a day and a night. It is suspected that he was going to visit... Cardinal Marlene?"


"Cardinal Marlene, have you been... injured recently?"

Looking at the pale old woman in front of him, William couldn't help frowning. According to the old Pope, these high-level officials in the Holy See were not completely in line with him.

Among the six cardinals, only Cardinal Raise, who is in charge of the Office of Power, and Cardinal Marlene, who is in charge of the Office of Assistants, belong to him and are trusted teammates.

And now that Cardinal Leise was seriously injured, if Cardinal Marlene was injured again, if something happened, he would be really alone and helpless. (To be continued)

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