This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 105: lucky coins

[The quality of this influence cannot be judged, and the results are also unknown. It may save a large number of unforgivable villains, and it may also ruin countless innocent people]

[Stunt: Lucky toss, think about the meaning of the positive and negative sides, then throw me into the air, and do it according to the meaning of the upward side, believe me, this will lead to the road that is better for you 】

[Words of Destiny: When faced with a dilemma, if your reason is unreliable, your experience cannot be used, and your beliefs are not enough, then please throw me away and leave it to fate to make a choice.

If you do this, at least you don't have to curse yourself for your stupidity one day in the future, you just need to smash me angrily, because this is the choice I made for you. 】

It's actually - life! transport! thing! Taste!

William's hand on Hans's **** began to tremble. Cousin, you have an artifact on your ass, did you know?

Although the panel only has one lucky +1, this thing adds luck! Equipment that can be added to luck can no longer be described as rare. This kind of good thing will not be replaced by a holy relic, not to mention that it is still an item of destiny.

There are not many fate items that fell into the hands of players in the past life, and there are very few with positive effects. William has never seen a single one, but he has seen the fate item hated by the goddess of fate, and even briefly owned one. .

It was a wine glass made of pure gold with a very smooth handle. The shape was very unique but not too gorgeous. It was just an ordinary wine glass in elf style. The full name of this fate item is - Emily's Gold Cup of Doom (Curse of the Goddess of Fate).

Originally, this glass was just an ordinary wine glass belonging to the queen of elves, and was usually used to hold wine and juice. However, when an elf maid named Emily brought the wine glass to the queen's guests, because the handle was too smooth, she accidentally spilled the brightly-colored fruit wine on the front of the guest's clothes.

The guest was a visiting human king. He had been waiting for the elf queen under the porch of the main hall for a long time, but instead of being received, he was splashed with juice.

He thought it was an intentional insult by the elves, and he couldn't bear it any longer and went out in a rage. After returning home, he brazenly launched a war that lasted for nearly ten years, causing countless casualties. Most importantly, he let human beings see To the truth that the elves are strong and do the same.

Before that war, although the strength of the elves was weakened, they were still the nominal rulers of the entire Austrian continent. However, after the war revealed their own chaos and weakness, the elves were defeated by humans within a few years. Completely driven off the stage of history, pushed into the forest of elves, the ruler of the entire continent has been reduced to a second-class race, and has survived until now under the protection of the forest of elves.

Several strong clans are divided into divisions, rebellions, and even some elves have even changed their beliefs. Those elves with "dyed" black skin moved to the underground world and became believers of the spider queen. The end, and it's all just because of an overly smooth wine glass.

To this day, the ballads related to this incident are still sung among the elves.

"A smooth handle spilled a glass of wine; spilled a glass of wine and soiled a piece of clothing; soiled a piece of clothing and angered a king; angered a king and fought a war; fought a battle War, without a dynasty."

Because of a handle that was too smooth, it actually ended the rule of the Elf Dynasty over the entire continent.

Although the end of the elf dynasty is definitely not all because of that glass of fruit wine, [Emily's Gold Cup of Doom] undoubtedly played the role of the fuse, and this is the true meaning of the fate item.


William put his hands on his bearded cousin's buttocks in a stunned manner, almost drooling with envy.

Hans actually had such an awesome thing on his body. Is my cousin the protagonist? The opposite emotion to disgust should be love, and this coin left by Hans's female horse actually reads "love"!

The cup that was "merely" hated by the goddess of fate, but indirectly destroyed the rule of a dynasty, resulting in the cup of the entire elves, the thing on the cousin's **** is actually written as love, then this thing should have an effect How scary? Soaring in place and becoming a god?

William fondly stroked the powerful coin up and down, wishing to roll the coin into his own shape through a thick bandage.

He took a deep breath and said sincerely, "Hans, can I ask you something, cousin?"

The bearded cousin pulled the bandage on his buttocks in horror, and replied with a look of fear: "Wh... anything is fine, but can you let go first, cousin? My bandage is going to be torn off by you!"

"Ah, loose in a while, loose in a while! Hans, your maiden's... Your mother, can you lend me this coin for occasional use? I promise I will pay it back, but only occasionally... …”

"What are you doing?"

An exasperated roar came from behind the two of looked at the sound, and saw a small round face that was blushing.

"Yeah!!! No... I didn't shout, don't look at me!"

The round-faced girl let out a groan, covered her face and ran away without stopping, revealing the marquise behind her with an angry face.

During the time when William and her cousin were reminiscing about the old days, Pomona was gathering the clansmen under Gilber's command. After she was almost busy, she looked back in the direction of Hans, but suddenly found that the atmosphere on her man's side seemed to be Not quite right.

Not only was his trousers torn to shreds, he even lay on the ground and raised his hips to invite him, and the man who was stronger than Hans actually moved his hands there obsessively...

It just doesn't make sense! Pomona was so angry that even if Hans and other women flirted with each other, she would not be so angry.

If Hans is not honest, then it's a big deal to bring it back and beat him. If he can't control it after a beat, then it's a big deal to get rid of it forever. But what do you mean now? Is the charm of the old lady not as good as that of a man?

Seeing the ruthless woman rushing over aggressively, William unhesitatingly used one hand to tear apart the bandage at the key position of his cousin, and put the coin inside into his pocket.

[Temporary access to destiny item - Hans' lucky coin]

【Lucky +1】


Seeing that this man actually dared to commit a crime, the Marquise angrily kicked her leg, and the powerful attack landed on William's arm with a thud.

Next, her fists and kicks were mixed with anger, and fell on William like raindrops. Although they didn't cause any actual damage, they looked extremely powerful.

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