This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 103: problem solved

"I don't think it should be possible."

Before William could answer, Hans vetoed the idea to himself, and said to himself with a downcast face:

"Pomona is definitely going back. Jibo's subordinates also have more than a thousand of her clansmen. She said that she would not only bring these people back, but also borrow a batch of food from Her Majesty the Queen. The tribe will starve to death a lot.

So she can't stay with me, but I can't go to the grassland with her either. I'm not familiar with that place. It's the first time in my life that I have even left the capital... "

Seeing Hans with a sad face and chattering, William was a little surprised. He originally thought that the relationship between the bearded cousin and the marquise was actually an extremely pure physical relationship, and the question just raised was just a bad taste.

But he didn't expect the bearded cousin to be real, and he even began to think for the first time, how to embark on a new path of sustainable discussion with the marquise...

William frowned, recalling the evaluation of the Marchioness in the circle of nobles in the capital, and found that her overall evaluation was mostly negative.

Some said she was rude and savage, some said she was coquettish, and some even said that her private life was chaotic. However, these rumors are all based on wind and shadow, and no one has ever come up with a real hammer.

And most of these statements are only popular in the gatherings of noble ladies where there are many "poverty" people, so there is a high probability that they are just malicious slanders out of jealousy.

Therefore, the former marquise who has become a widow is probably just a little tougher by nature. There should be no problem with her life style. If Hans likes her, there is nothing wrong with her.

William rolled his eyes, raised his hand to interrupt his bearded cousin's thoughts, and asked, "Hans, let me ask you, do you like her? Or, are you satisfied with that marquise?"

The bearded cousin was stunned for a moment when asked, and after his old face blushed twice, his two broken forearms were squeezed together in front of him, and his carrot-like fingers were twisted together and tore at each other, and he replied with a free eye. road:

"If I say I like it, I can't say I like it especially, but it's actually okay; if I'm satisfied... I can't say I'm very satisfied, that is... I just feel like she's pretty good."

William gave the clear-haired gorilla a contemptuous look. The meaning of your words is not as big as a fart. At least you can smell it after a fart. These words you said are of no use at all except to reveal your IQ.


William raised his left palm up and pressed it against the palm of his right hand that was coming over, making a stop gesture, and then said to his bearded cousin with a flat expression:

"Since you can't figure it out, I'll analyze it for you, cousin, to see if you're satisfied or dissatisfied with her. First, tell me what advantages this former marquise has."

"In terms of merits..." The bearded cousin scratched his head, hesitated, and said, "I'm very good at fighting, I'm pretty, and my character is pretty good..."

William raised his palm, and Hans raised a finger without saying a word. "Well, what about other than that?"

"Apart from these..." The bearded cousin's old face blushed, his palms spread out into two hemispheres, and he made a very vivid gesture of lifting up.

"quite splendid"


William glanced at the marquise who was gathering barbarian soldiers in the distance, put down the three fingers that were upright without changing his face, and also made a gesture of lifting up, and said lightly:

"Okay, that's enough, there's no need to continue talking about other advantages. Then, what is there about her that makes you not so satisfied?"

The bearded cousin's face drooped down. When he was asked this question, the first thing that flashed in his mind was the way the Marquise was drooling at his cousin's chest muscles from a distance, but how could he say this?

Hans thought for a while, and finally forcibly found a reason that wasn't a reason. He turned his head away with a guilty conscience, and said to him in a low voice, "Pomona... She's usually too tough."


William responded, and then said lightly, "Turn around and look at me and say it again."

Looking at what you said, does it have any special meaning? Hans turned his head back in confusion, and repeated to his cousin, "Her character is too strong... Cousin, what do you mean by your hand?"

William dragged upwards in the void without changing his expression. "I'm reminding you of her strengths. You finish your sentence first. And for every weakness, you stick out a finger."

"I..." Looking at his cousin's extremely vivid and accurate gestures, Hans always felt that his neck was a little heavy, but out of trust in his cousin, he scratched his head and rolled his fingers to repeat: "Her character Too tough."

"anything else?"

"She... she's taller than me?"

"She speaks so recklessly, she dares to say anything..."

"By the way, Pomona is also much older than me. She still doesn't believe that I'm only seventeen..."


Soon the bearded cousin counted all his hands. He looked at the ten raised fingers in shock. Did Pomona have so many flaws? Just when he began to hesitate to take off his shoes and continue counting, William interrupted him.

"Okay, it should be enough to say so much. Now you keep your hands up as you are."

The bearded cousin raised his two palms according to the words, and looked blankly at William, who kept his hands up.

"Look at your hand, then look at my hand."

Hans nodded ignorantly, looked at his ten fingers, and at William's precise gesture.

"I ask you, are those shortcomings still important?"

"No... not important anymore..."

"It's over." William withdrew his gesture, patted his bearded cousin lightly on the shoulder, and said earnestly:

"If in your heart, her strengths can completely cover up her weaknesses, then this person is worthy of you to change yourself for her. What's wrong with going to the grassland to be a barbarian? Now answer me, her strengths and weaknesses , which one has more weight?"

The bearded cousin's ten fingers bent subconsciously, and even weighed it in the air, and replied with scattered eyes: "The advantage..."

"I wish you a happy life on the prairie in the future."


"No but! Men must trust their own hand... I mean intuition!"

William put his hands on the shoulders of his bearded cousin and said solemnly:

"Trust me, Hans, for you, the choice made by intuition is the most correct one. It's too dangerous for you to use your brain."

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