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Chapter 100: original sin demon

Her Majesty the Queen felt something was wrong a long time ago.

When she tried to find a solution to the Flange problem, she spent a long time in the library of the royal family, and when she read the history related to the seven duchies, she found a lot of very unreasonable places.

The first to bear the brunt is the almost consistent character flaws in the duke families of the seven major duchies.

Looking at the history of each family, almost every generation of dukes speaks and does things in the same way. If you take the evaluation of a certain duke in history, almost all of them can be directly applied to his descendants.

Even two people with almost different faces, as long as the family names are the same, their personalities and styles are almost the same, and there have been almost no exceptions for hundreds of years.

At that time, she found out that this question was just a little strange and didn't think about it too much, but now it's chilling down her spine when she recalls it.

Almost every duke's family has specific character flaws. Although not all of them are carved out of the same mold, their style preferences and even some absurd behaviors are surprisingly similar.

These character flaws seem to be curses handed down along with the bloodline. Except for a very few "lucky ones" who can get rid of them, most people are troubled throughout their lives. The purer the bloodline is, the more This "defect" is more serious.

Frank's royal family has a arrogance that is far beyond ordinary people, and that inexplicable pride is sometimes completely incomprehensible. A little resistance is seen as a provocation.

Avril recalled Peter's words and deeds, her face became even paler - arrogant...

The faces of all the dukes of the seven duchies flashed before her eyes one by one.

Duke Ayton's enormous size and appetite that seemed to never end; Duke Kane's horrific looting, and his greed to put every copper carper in a bag; Cole The duke would rather harm others than himself, but also show a disgraceful temperament: and the unimaginably chaotic private life of the Duke of Mondes...

The temperament of these dukes is almost a copy of the seven deadly sins mentioned in the classics of the Church of Eros, and not only the blood of these seven dukes' families, if a family and a certain duke's family intermarry more frequently, then this family will also A corresponding problem occurs.

William's family of Vankins, whose ancestors and the Grand Duke of the North often intermarry, have been in-laws with each other for hundreds of years. The Vankins family's irritable, bellicose, bellicose character is exactly the same as that of the Elon family in the Northern Principality, and the whole family is almost without exception.

Her Majesty the Queen felt that her body was starting to become cold, as if all the blood in her body was flowing back into her heart. She asked in a trembling voice: "I... the same? The blood of the royal family of the French represents... arrogance?"

Berry nodded and admitted this cruel truth with a gentle expression.

"Yes, and not only you, but also the blood of you, His Majesty the King, and the entire royal family of Flange, actually originated from a fallen angel named Raguel. Six kinds of demonic creatures in hell.

They are the mad war demon representing rage, the fly demon representing gluttony, the lazy demon representing laziness, the mammon representing greed, the succubus representing the color field, and the snake demon representing jealousy. These demonic creatures may not be very powerful. But they all represent an original sin against love. "

Avril took a deep breath, stretched out her hand to hold up the chair, raised her legs that could barely support her body, and sat up reluctantly. Then he gritted his teeth and asked: "All of this, someone is deliberately maintaining the status quo of Flange, right?

The history of the seven duchies of France is too long. As far as I know, it has been at least nearly two thousand years, and the pattern of the seven duchies has never really changed since two thousand years ago. "

Her Majesty's hand clenched tightly on the armrest of the chair, the back of the white hand was full of blue veins, and put all the weight of the whole body on the armrest of the chair. .

"I should have discovered something wrong long ago! An empire can last for a few hundred years before it collapses, and it is rare for a family to last for a few hundred years.

How could there be such a coincidence that on a piece of land, seven families that have been inherited for thousands of years can appear at one time, and even some churches of false gods can't last for so long.

The most incredible thing is that these families have not only never cut off their inheritance, but also have not changed their status too much. It must be the handwriting of your church behind the two thousand years, right? "

"It's actually three thousand five hundred years."

Berry glanced admiringly at the pale Avril.

"Your wisdom is really admirable. The maintainer behind all this is the existence of the Church of Eros. The three True God churches in France, the Church of Eros, the Church of Knowledge, and the Church of Wealth are all involved, and there are even those belonging to the Holy Empire. Holy See of Light."

Every time he spit out a church name, Avril's face turned white by three points, and when he heard the Holy See of Light, it suddenly became whiter than paper, and the blood on her face almost faded.

Her Majesty the Queen leaned back in the chair and covered her face with her hands.


She tried her best to keep her tone calm, but her voice still trembled uncontrollably.

"The demons of **** are mortal enemies with your Church of the True God, right? Why do you allow the blood of the demons to spread? If you follow the usual practice of the Holy See, shouldn't it be... just grab them and burn them all?"

Berry shook his head and explained earnestly: "We won't do that, you and your family are not our enemies, and the existence of these demon bloodlines has been acquiesced.

At that time every five hundred years, there will even be a pope who will stay here 20 years in advance to ensure that the blood descendants of the seven principalities will not be cut off. This time, the old pope of the Church of Knowledge is in charge. Lan waited ten years. "

Avril's eyes flashed, and she caught the weird part of his words.

"Once every five hundred years? Why five hundred years?"

"Because that's when the door to the dead country opens."

The gate of the dead country? Her Majesty the Queen suddenly felt that this name was somewhat familiar, as if she had heard it there before.

After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly realized that on the day she and William escaped from the capital, the two strong men who fought in the capital seemed to have mentioned this name.

The black curtain covering the entire sky reappeared in front of her eyes, and she recalled the sea of ​​souls that hung upside down in the sky of the capital.


The queen murmured the name.

The middle-aged beauty nodded and said, "This is the name of the ninth-order undead king. He tried to open the gate of the dead country ahead of time, but was killed on the spot by the old Pope who was guarding the Faran.

Whenever the five-hundred-year limit is approaching, high-level undead are often squeezed out, which is one of the reasons why the Pope is here. "

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