This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 98: round face girl

Originally, there was nothing wrong with killing Gilber, but after discovering his miserable marital status, he suddenly felt a sense of guilt for bullying honest people.

William looked at Pomona, who had an indifferent face, and twitched the corners of his mouth awkwardly, feeling that the former Marquise was a little... a little fierce.

Under the complicated expressions of everyone, Pomona removed Hans from her back and threw it to the person in charge of treating the wounded. Then she walked over to William carelessly and patted him on the shoulder admiringly.

"You're not bad! Hans and I can see clearly from the camp. That old guy Gibber is not your opponent at all. Well beaten! All the men in your Vankins family are like this!"

She stretched out her hand and gave a thumbs up, and then said cheerfully: "Are you interested in going to the north to see? The girls over there like to be able to fight. If the queen doesn't want you, you can go to the north, and then I will give it to you. Can you introduce a few..."

Avril next to her looked at her dumbfounded, feeling a little helpless about this behavior of digging her own corner in person. Her Majesty the Queen shook her head and said nothing, but turned her head to look at the middle-aged beauty, with a gentle expression on her face:

"The two of you have been waiting for a long time. Now the matter here is over for the time being. Then come to the military tent and talk to me."

After speaking, Her Majesty the Queen got on her horse and ran towards the military tent in the distance first. The middle-aged beauty nodded and smiled lightly. She made a gesture to the round-faced girl behind her, and then followed slowly with dancing steps.

William got rid of the chattering Pomona, and just as he was about to follow, a short sword suddenly lay in front of him.

The girl with the round face did not follow, but stopped him with two Wind Whisper daggers, and said timidly:

"You... you can't go there. Only Lord Saint can listen to what Uncle Berry said."

William's brows furrowed involuntarily.

What is going on with the saints? Isn't this thing the carrier of the true God's coming? I remember the saint of the Church of Eros as a little girl, why did she suddenly become a queen?

He squinted his eyes and looked at the backs of the two people who had gone away. The big boss in women's clothing was a fourth-order troll. If he really wanted to do something bad, no one in the room could stop him. He felt that Avril should not There will be no danger.

William leaned down slightly, compared to the round-faced girl who was a head shorter than him and said, "Little girl, tell your uncle, why do you call Her Majesty the Queen a saint? She is not a believer of Eros."

The round-faced girl's cheeks with some baby fat bulged. She swung the dagger in front of her and asked angrily, "Who are you uncle? Uncle Berry said that you are about the same age as me."

"That's what he saw wrong." William lied without changing his face, pointed to his bearded cousin in the distance and said, "Look at the bearded guy over there, ah no... I mean that face over there. Uncle with a lot of beard, how old do you think he is this year?"

The round-faced girl hesitated for a moment, tried her best to open her eyes wide to look at Hans' anxious face, bit her pink lips and said carefully, " "

After catching William's affirmative gaze, the short-haired girl puffed out her small **** proudly, and confidently gave an answer that would make her bearded cousin cry.

"Forty-five! He is forty-five this year, right!"


William complimented his conscience, and by the way reached out and rubbed her messy little head.

Hiss! No wonder it's called Furry, this fluffy and warm head feels really good.

The round-faced girl who was praised smiled shyly, happily put away her two daggers, then shyly twisted the corner of her clothes, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Hey, hey, I didn't guess it. The bearded uncle's beard is about the same length as the uncle in his 40s in the church. I guessed it by just saying a few numbers."

William's paralyzed face barely showed a friendly look. "Not bad, then think about it, that forty-five-year-old uncle is my cousin, so what should you call me?"

"What should it be called?" The round-faced girl scratched her head and cast a confused look.

William said in a persuasive manner: "I'm about the same age as your Uncle Berry. Think about it. Usually, whatever you call your Uncle Berry's brother, then you can call me."

"Uncle Berry's brother..." The round-faced girl tilted her head in thought, her big eyes full of confusion.


The expression on William's face froze instantly, and his cheeks twitched invisibly.

"Uncle, it's uncle! You should call that forty-five-year-old bearded uncle, then he calls me cousin, so you can call me uncle too..."

He secretly took a breath. If you are stupid, you should be stupid. Anyway, it is just to ask for some information. William tried his best to break through some of the limitations of the paralyzed face, and squeezed out a gentle smile.

"Look, you called me uncle, then we are So can you tell me about the saints?"

[Assassin's Appearance] once again showed a terrifying affinity, and a sudden intimacy flooded the heart of the round-faced girl, which washed away the last remaining vigilance in her heart.

She hesitantly gnawed the fingernail of her thumb.

This good-looking uncle looks very kind, so he shouldn't be a bad person. Although Uncle Berry said that no one can ask about the saint, but Uncle Berry is an uncle, and this uncle is also an uncle, so he should... All right?

The round-faced girl's body swayed, and the more she looked at William's face, the more friendly she felt, and even her face gradually blurred, and it merged with an unusually familiar face in her memory. Uncle Lee, like Uncle Duke...

"Her Majesty the Queen is a saint. The book says that she is the light given to the world by the God of Love. Only she can resist death..."

Just as she was about to tell William the mystery of the saints, Uncle Berry's face suddenly flashed.

"Although Flange is a small place, this piece of land is the barrier between the entire Austrian continent and the land of the dead. The true gods can no longer come to the world. If there is a problem with the door of the dead country, then half of the Austrian continent will be turbulent. disturbed……

Rongrong, you must remember to try to tell anyone about the saints. As for the seven major duchies of France, they are all the blood of the devil, and the gate of the dead country is opened every 500 years. These things must not be disclosed. "

The girl's eyes were clear.

She reached out and rubbed her round face, took a step back vigilantly, shook out the two daggers from her sleeves again, and pointed at William from a distance in her hands.

"Is this... charm? Who are you?"

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