This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 451 Miscellaneous Soldiers on Nonghou Island! IWC Totland's first fishing! The world of

Thick island, milky white town, cream castle in the center, top of the tower.

The invisible and colorless [Qi] surged out of Cui Ze's body, and spread beyond the range of Nonghou Island, explaining the situation on the joint battlefield of the four islands of Nonghou Island, Fruit Island, Tanegashima, and Wheat Island one by one. Sensation is clear.

Among the many characteristics of the A-level ability entry [Qi], there is one [Qi Sense], which can not only perceive the good or evil of the target, but also has an extremely wide sensing range.

Even though Cui Ze's range of [Qi] perception is not as good as Yixiao and Anilu, two devil fruit unique abilities, it can easily cover several other islands in the waters near Nonghou Island.

"Fruit Island, Enilo completely eliminated Charlotte Compert, and the pirates affiliated to the BIG MOM Pirate Group, which was in charge of patrolling and defending the island, were basically cleared by lightning. The battlefield of Fruit Island It's over..."

"On Tanegashima, Hawkins is still fighting with Charlotte Cato, or hacking to death. This guy who is basically unknown in my impression is actually a devil fruit that can keep dying and resurrecting. Those who can?

"It's the Superman-type rice fruit... Gan! What kind of rice bucket fruit is this? I don't want to fish for [Endless Rice Bags] anymore!"

"Wheat Island, Yixiao is constantly fighting with Charlotte Katakuri, [Tian Obstacle Zhenxing] was smashed by Kaer's glutinous rice attack, but Wheat Island is still close to being destroyed.

"But having said that, before possessing absolute crushing strength, [Future Foretelling]'s informative arrogance is really a trick, even if you can't beat the opponent, you can dodge in advance and barely maintain a tie... How many cards are there in the second card? Dodged the fat tiger's attack for the first time?"

The fighting situation on the other three islands except Nonghou Island was investigated one by one by Cui Ze.

Although he himself is very confident in the strength of the members of the Destiny Pirates, he even let go of the cruel words that "the overall strength of the Destiny Pirates is above that of the BIG MOM Pirates".

But when the crew faced the battle, especially when facing the middle and high-level cadres of the Four Emperor Pirates such as the BIG MOM Pirates, Cui Ze was still a little worried.

No matter how strong the strength is, there will be times when the car accidentally overturns.

Fortunately, the combat performance of the members of the Destiny Pirates was basically the same as their daily strength level, and no one accidentally pulled their hips.

Cui Zean calmed down, and turned his gaze to the thick island below.

The person in charge of Thick Island Milky White Town is Charlotte Opera.

But the members of the BIG MOM pirate group stationed on this dense island—to be precise, they are the heirs of the Charlotte family, but Charlotte Opera is not the only one!

The fighting movements of the Destiny Pirates were too exaggerated.

Whether it is the operation of pulling down the meteorite casually with a smile, or Anilu releasing the light of thunder at will, it is very easy to attract people's attention.

When the Destiny Pirates landed on Nonghou Island, when Cui Zeguang quickly solved Charlotte Opera, no one on this Nonghou Island noticed their arrival.

But as time passed, the rest of the Nonghou Island finally came to their senses.

Members of the BIG MOM pirate group stationed on Nonghou Island, led by several descendants of the Charlotte family who are roughly the same in appearance and shape, came towards the center of Cream Castle.

Cui Ze's eyes flicked across the figures that were clustered at the forefront of the huge number of pirates.

Charlotte Conte, Charlotte Kadanz, Charlotte Cavallet, Charlotte Gala…

The appearance of these people can be simply described in one sentence: Charlotte Opera who is not covered in cream!

The only way to distinguish them is the bun on top of their heads.

"Charlotte Opera has five cream bumps on her head. I thought it was just a decoration, but I didn't expect it to be a way to distinguish multiple births..."

Cui Ze looked at the "fifty hairs" at his feet, then at the "four hairs", "three hairs", "two hairs" and "one hairs" who were rushing down, and then shook his head.

bang bang!

Overlooking the pirate gang gathered on the thick island, Cui Ze's eyes froze, his heart beat violently, making a roar like the roar of an engine.

Several black and red lightning bolts exploded in the void, and Cui Ze's body suddenly burst out with a powerful domineering aura. This force of will transformed into a substantial spiritual shock wave, moving towards the pirate gang below. Swaying away.

With the blessing of the [Emperor Engine], the oppressive effect of Cui Ze's [Overlord Color Domineering] directly increased by more than half.

The pirate gang below, including the few "hairs" at the head, instantly turned their eyes upwards under this powerful mental oppression, and their consciousness fell into a trance.

The originally dense crowd fell to the ground like wind blowing wheat waves.

The thick island that was still full of people in the last second.

In the next moment, everything became completely silent.

【You defeated a pirate with a comprehensive rating of C! 】X4

[You defeated a pirate with a comprehensive evaluation of D! 】


The message prompts on the light curtain frantically swiped the screen like flowing water.

After appreciating the powerful effect of [Overlord Color Domineering] to clean up miscellaneous soldiers, Cui Ze turned his attention to the light curtain.

"Leaving aside those pirates, Charlotte Opera and his other quadruplet brothers, each has a C-level comprehensive evaluation?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Cui Ze's eyes.

"But it's not impossible...Charlotte Opera is the fifth son of the Charlotte family, and his four younger brothers were all born very early. It's not unusual to have this evaluation.

"But having said that, with the bloodline of Charlotte Lingling, but only a C-level comprehensive evaluation, I should be surprised at this... The success rate of the Charlotte family is a bit low."

Shaking his head, Cui Ze no longer paid attention to the situation of the children of the Charlotte family.

[Ice Age] The sea area of ​​several islands such as Nonghou Island has been completely frozen. It will take a long time for the main force of the BIG MOM pirate group sitting on Cake Island to come here.

With a large amount of bait in hand, even if it is some low-grade bait, you can fish a few rounds right now. While killing time, you can also see what the fishing world behind the magical island of Totland, a world of nations, is.

Looking up at a certain breeze in the sky, Cui Ze turned on [Breath Blocking], and his sense of existence completely disappeared.

The next moment, he took out the C-level bait that defeated Charlotte Opera from the light curtain, and held it in his palm.

"Totland, the home of the soul fruit..."

Cui Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, and the names of several worlds flashed in his mind, and then he threw the C-level bait directly into the sea of ​​dimensions.


[The harvest type of this fishing: ability entry]

[C-level ability entry: Red Cannon]

[Source of the entry: "Jing·jie" ("Death")]

【Description of the entry: The Thirty-One Ghost Way · Breaking the Way】

[Effect of the entry: King's Lander! The mask of flesh and blood, the Vientiane, the thing that soars high, the thing that bears the name of a human being! Scorching heat and strife, across the sea to the south, step forward!

Chant a mantra and release a ball of fire at the opponent.

Note: Due to the cross-dimensional fishing of [Fishing], [Red Cannon] needs [Domineering] as the energy to drive]

[Entry evaluation: Reading the article...]

Cui Ze quickly glanced at the fishing harvest reminder on the light screen, and a strong sense of surprise suddenly emerged in his heart.

"The world of Death!"

"Now, I look forward to the arrival of the main force of the BIG MOM Pirates!"

The second update, and one more.

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