This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 401 Vegapunk's Devil Fruit Transfer Method! Cui Ze's fruit plan! (Begging to subsc

"What a dangerous idea, Cui Ze."

A strange emotion flashed in Huang Yuan's eyes, which was not noticed by others through the cover of the sunglasses.

After the round table meeting of Shichibukai under the king and the transition ceremony of the Navy Headquarters officially ended, Cui Ze briefly met the newly appointed Akakenu and Aokiji, and then left the Navy Headquarters Marin Fando.

And after Cui Ze left.

Lieutenant General Crane discussed the strength and scale of the Destiny Pirates with Sengoku and the red, yellow and blue trio.

At the same time, he also gave an evaluation that "the Destiny Pirates already have the demeanor of the Rocks Pirates back then".

And Cui Ze's question made Huang Yuan directly recall the words of Lieutenant General He at that time.

After all, the captain of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks D. Gibbek, also had a hobby of collecting powerful devil fruits and people with powerful devil fruit abilities...

Because of his devil fruit ability...

"Of course there is a way!"

Facing Cui Ze's question, as a scientific researcher, Dr. Vegapunk gave an accurate and detailed answer in the first time.

"In fact, as far as I know, this kind of thing has been done more than once in the history of the sea.

"The most recent time, it should be the captain of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks D. Gibbek, used his natural system · dark fruit ability to absorb the devil fruit in the body of other capable people, and let it stay in place Rebirth."

The dark fruit can extract information about the power of other devil fruits.

Cui Ze is very clear.

After all, in the future, Blackbeard's ability to shake the fruit, as well as the ability of his subordinate Shilieu of the Rain's transparent fruit, were all extracted and transferred from the body of the original ability user!

It's just that the location of the dark fruit...

God knows where!

It would take six or seven years to wait until Blackbeard—to be precise, the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Sachi, discovered the dark fruit and then captured it.

For such a long time, the capable prisoners in [Bottom Prison] and [Blank Deck] probably won't be able to survive...

A total of eighteen prisoners with devil fruit abilities!

Cui Ze asked persistently: "Apart from the dark fruit, is there any other means?"

"According to my personal research, in pure theory, this can indeed be done!"

Dr. Vegapunk thought for a moment and gave a serious answer.

"And, there is more than one method!"

Cui Ze put on a posture of listening attentively, and Huang Yuan and other members of the Destiny Pirates also calmed down and listened to the content of Dr. Vegapunk's small class.

"The first one is naturally to refer to the ability of the dark fruit to find some devil fruits with similar abilities."

Dr. Vegapunk raised his index finger and said softly.

"You still remember the energy nature of the devil fruit we just talked about? That special energy form with wave-particle duality.

"The expression form of the dark fruit's ability is nothing more than to invalidate the devil fruit ability of others, and to create a super adsorption force comparable to a black hole in the starry sky.

"According to my personal theory, as long as there is a powerful force that can [attract] the energy of the devil fruit, such as the strong gravitational force of the dark fruit, the devil fruit can be extracted from the original ability user!

"It's a pity that devil fruit with that type of ability is very rare in the first place, and it is too difficult to develop it to the extent that it can be compared to the dark fruit."

Comparable to the powerful gravitational force of the dark fruit...

A few devil fruits that probably only exist in fantasy flashed through Cui Ze's mind.

Superman-Black Hole Fruit, Superman-Gravity Fruit...

Dr. Vegapunk didn't know Cui Ze's brain circuit, so he raised his second finger and continued to explain.

"The second method is also my personal research.

"Create a top-secret space where the devil fruit energy cannot escape, and then transfer and kill the devil fruit capable person, so that the devil fruit energy can be transferred again.

"But this method, its own experimental method, is in conflict with each other. There is no such a special space in the world that can completely isolate energy and allow living creatures to enter and exit freely.

"I've thought about using seawater, or Hailoushi airtight prisons, to carry out similar experiments, but unfortunately they all failed, and they can't be absolutely sealed."

Hear from Dr. Vegapunk.

Cui Ze reached out and touched his chin.

A top-secret space where devil fruit energy cannot escape...

Why does such a description seem familiar?

[Blank Deck] The field magic card produced? Can it do it?

Looks like I'm going to do some devil fruit experiments myself after leaving Punk Hazard...

"As for the third method, it is similar to the second method, except that there is an experimental factor in a top-secret space missing."

Dr. Vegapunk raised his last finger, then shook his head silently.

"Prepare fruits that are not much different in shape and category from devil fruit in advance, and kill devil fruit capable users, so that the original devil fruit will be reborn on those fruits."

"However, according to my personal observation, this almost 'rebirth in place' probability is purely due to luck, without any other means that can interfere."

Cui Ze is also clear about the last method described by Dr. Vegapunk.


He hasn't had the luxury of being able to do that yet!

Cui Ze was full of thoughts in his heart. He took a deep breath, thanked Dr. Vegapunk earnestly, and then withdrew from here, giving up his position to other members of the Destiny Pirates who were curious about their abilities. crew.

‘The second and third methods given by Dr. Vegapunk are very suggestive. '

'However, the former cannot find such a strong attraction, and the latter... Let's try it with [Blank Deck] first. Anyway, there are more than ten capable people in [Bottom Prison], and there are many garbage demons among them. fruit. '

'For example... giraffe fruit! '

Cui Ze plans to experiment with the giraffe fruit ability user immediately after leaving Punk Hazard Island!

Of course, before doing the experiment, you have to consider how to deal with the [Red Dragon Fruit] you just got...

‘At first, I was still thinking, if the comprehensive evaluation of [Red Dragon Fruit] can reach EX level, maybe this artificial phantom beast fruit can be used to fill the last gap in [Wild Body]! '

'But now it seems that to fill the [Wild Body], we still have to rely on the [Bat Fruit·Phantom Beast·Vampire Form] in Sleeping Ancient Town in the New World! Anyway, Sleeping Ancient Town is not too far away from Punk Hazard Island...'

‘As for this [Red Dragon Fruit], which is only grade A, let’s use it for fishing! But you have to find a suitable fishing island...'

"Well, if Crescent Moon Hunter Katerina Depon's [Doggie Fruit · Phantasmal Beast · Nine-Tailed Fox Form] can be reborn first, it can also be included in the blank storage options of [Wild Body] middle……'

Cui Ze looked at Dr. Vegapunk, who was surrounded by capable members of the Destiny Pirates, and his thoughts continued to diverge.

"Actually, Dr. Vegapunk has many other valuable things... For example, the ability to make non-living bodies eat devil fruits..."

'The elephant sword that ate the white elephant fruit, the pen with [dog fruit, phantom beast, raccoon form], the normal and phantom beast abilities of the animal department, Dr. Vegapunk can transfer them to Inanimate objects...'

'If he can endow superhuman abilities to items in the future, give some already very powerful props, and continue to enhance... This may be a direction worth exploring! '

"But my own devil fruit is not enough for fishing, so I don't need this at all..."

"When the number of Devil Fruits is sufficient in the future, maybe we can talk to Dr. Vegapunk about this issue..."

‘All in all, let’s talk about everything after we leave Punk Hazard Island! '

The fifth watch is here! !

I still owe [2] more.

Expected to finish tomorrow!

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