This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 351 Diamond Star Fist! Akainu frostbite! The card player Ozawa draws another card! Three A+

Cui Ze stood alone on the boundless ice field, the tip of [Sleeve Baixue] lightly touched the ice under his feet, and the frosty air slowly moved over the blade, ready to go.

After waiting quietly for a while.

A strange dark red color suddenly appeared in the piece of white ice within sight.

Akainu rushed all the way from the port pier of San Pobla Island like lava erupted by an active volcano, and landed on the ice field with a bang. Viscous dark red magma dripped down from his body, pouring the The ice was scorching hot.

On the lonely and empty ice plain, conversations suddenly sounded.

"It really is Kuzan's frozen fruit ability!"

Akainu's eyes lingered on the strange long knife in the card master's hand for a moment, and finally shifted to the latter.

"This is his [Ice Age], right?

"Card master, I don't know how you stole Kuzan's ability, nor how you transferred his ability to this strange sword, but——

"Since it's 'stealing', you can't use his frozen fruit ability unlimitedly, right?"


It really wasn't possible...

The strange emotion in Cui Ze's eyes was fleeting.

He raised [Sode Shirayuki] in his hand, and almost solid white cold air surged out from the Zanpakuto's blade, transforming into a ring-shaped white light-like energy, which instantly spread across half of the ice plain.

Cui Ze clearly perceives all areas covered by the ring-shaped white light in his heart, and can be frozen as he wishes.

This is exactly the ice and snow field formed by "Sodeshirai Snow · First White"!

"If you want to spy on my ability, just use your real strength to speak!"

With a thought in Cui Ze's mind, the atmospheric water molecules in the ice and snow domain were forcibly signaled by him, and turned into snow-white ice skates that gleamed with a gloomy cold light, shooting towards the red dog overwhelmingly.

chi chi chi——

The continuous sound of ice blades breaking through the air spread over the icy plain.

Akainu waved his arm vigorously, and he created a lava barrier to block the ice blade's attack route.

Pieces of crystal clear ice blades crashed into the hot lava, quickly cooling down the dark red lava and turning it into solid obsidian.

The subsequent ice blades struck and hit the obsidian. Most of them were broken into pieces of ice, but a few penetrated into the stone wall.

However, without exception, none of the ice blades broke through the barrier and touched the red dog protected within it.

"Such a weak ice ability really embarrasses Kuzan!"

Akainu clenched his fists, and the obsidian barrier instantly transformed into dark red magma flowing again.

This degree of change in the nature of magma is not worth mentioning to Akainu.

Under the precise control of the red dog, the magma that melted the ice blade was reshaped into a ferocious and terrifying giant magma dog, and rushed towards Cui Ze.

"And other people's abilities are not very easy to use, right?"

Akainu is certainly a very proud and hawkish navy.

But in the battle, he will not let go of any chance to gain an advantage.

Akainu is also very proficient in the means of verbal attacks!

Like during the top war.

Akainu said "Whitebeard is a loser until his death", and successfully angered Fire Fist Ace who was about to escape from the battlefield, thus reaping the opponent's life.


Akainu's trash talk is strong.

Cui Ze's "ginseng cock method"... stronger!

"Weak? What are you barking like a dog?!"

This sentence has not yet reached the ears of the red dog.

His knowledgeable arrogance was the first to capture the instantly disappearing figure of the card master.

And it came with the attack of the phrase "ginseng rooster".

There is also a super frozen shock wave blasted out from the back of its body at the speed of light!

[Diamond Star Fist]!

As soon as the fighting techniques of the Saint Seiya were used, they produced an extremely astonishing effect.

The terrifying cold current that could completely freeze even atoms roared and engulfed the magma man, instantly freezing it into a huge, hard, transparent block of ice.

In the cold ice, Akainu's stiff and astonished face was clearly visible.

And standing behind Akainu is the card!

With [Fate], Cui Ze, who jumped to the back of Akainu in an instant, slowly put away the right fist he just swung. Out of the blade of the Soul Sword.

With the passage of time, the ice cube around Akainu, who was frozen in the ice, became larger and larger.

"No way... the battle is over?"

Huang Mu, who came all the way from the Spring Queen's City, stared dumbfounded at the stagnant central battlefield, and subconsciously expressed his thoughts.

"A mere card can beat Lieutenant General Akainu?"

"Hey, that guy over there!"

Enilu, who had come here a long time ago with the thunder fruit, dug his ears with a face full of displeasure, and [Overlord's Domineering Qi] gushed out from his body, turned into a shock wave like a substance, and hit the location where Huang Mu was.

"Is there anything you don't like about my captain?"

"Oh wow! Overlord look?!"

A few drops of sweat appeared on Huang Mu's forehead. He looked in the direction of Enilo, subconsciously raised his hands, and made a French military salute.

"You are... Raiden Enel from the Destiny Pirates?!

"I don't intend to start a war with Qi Wuhai!"

Anilu hadn't had time to respond to Huang Mu's words.

A violent movement suddenly broke out on the core battlefield.


A loud sound of shattering ice spread to the entire lonely ice field.

Akainu was frozen by the double freezing effect of [Diamond Star Fist] and [Sode Shirayuki]. The body sealed in the ice suddenly transformed into a cloud of dark red magma that scattered indefinitely, sending out waves towards the outside world. Bursts of shock.

The solid ice, under the impact of the force of a volcanic eruption, the smooth and complete surface layer began to split into deep ravines.

"With this degree of freezing, there is still no way to completely solve the magma man..."

Looking at the red dog who was about to break free, Cui Ze tightened [Sode Baixue] in his hand.

"If that's the case, let's try swastika!"

A lifelike golden air dragon rose from Cui Ze's feet, carrying him into the air.

The card master looked down at the red dog who couldn't get out of trouble for a while, raised the Zanpakuto in his hand, and softly chanted the swastika of the most beautiful Zanpakutō.

"Bai Xia is punished!"

In the sky of the endless ice field, a disk of light like a bright moon suddenly appeared, contrasting with the red dog frozen in the ice below.

The next moment.

On the icy ground that froze Akainu, a towering snow-white light beam suddenly burst out, lasing into the halo of the disk in the sky, and the vast and incomparable energy of ice and snow poured down from the disk in the sky!

It was as if a hole had been poked open in the sky.

Snow-white light waves surging like a huge wave and tsunami rushed out of the sky, directly covering the icy ground where Akainu was frozen.

The block of ice that had just been broken away from several ravines was immediately strengthened and sealed by an unknown amount.

However, this strengthening force did not last for too long.

Under the power of 卍解, the ice that sealed the red dog, and the magma man inside were completely crushed into slag like finely crushed ice and snow.

A gust of cold wind blows, and there are no more red dogs on the ice field!

"Just kidding..."

Aramaki was dumbfounded.

"Lieutenant General Akainu, dead?

"Just the cards—"


A thunderous lightning kick directly hit Huang Mu's body, kicking the prodigal son of Happy Street flying far away, rolling endlessly on the ice.

"You guy, can't you watch the battle quietly?"

The figure of Enilo appeared flickeringly, slowly retracting one of his long legs.

"And I warned you just now, didn't I?"

"Thunderman! Don't think I'm really afraid of you!"

Huang Mu climbed up from the ice field, a mass of scorched black marks struck by lightning appeared on his chest, and then the scorched black mass fell off his chest like dead bark, revealing the cleanness inside. skin.

"Everyone is a naturalist! I am the father of life!"

"Just you? Father of life?"

Enilo clenched his fists and grinned grinningly.

"This God has never met such a bad guy!"

Smile, who also rushed to the ice plain, just glanced roughly at the upcoming battlefield between Enilo and Huangmu, and turned his attention to places more worthy of his attention.

‘Cui Ze, how did you conflict with Akainu Sakaski so quickly? '

Yixiao's complexion was extremely serious, his knowledgeable and domineering, he had already sensed the reappearing breath in the arena.

'And... Sakaski, he is not such an easy person to deal with! '

I saw a group of dark red magma surging out from the bottom of the ice sheet.

The messy red dog reappeared his figure.

Compared to just now.

At this time, the red dog had large and large purple-brown marks on the exposed skin, which obviously appeared after being injured by extreme cold and frostbite.

Freeze a magma man out of frostbite!

[Sode Shirayuki]'s swastika power can be seen!

However, feeling the intense consumption in his body, Cui Ze still shook his head.

The consumption of the swastika is too much for him today.

Once the swastika is solved, there is no final decision.

Then he, who has consumed a lot of money, is likely to fall into a disadvantage in combat.


The red dog on the opposite side looks even more "disadvantaged".

"Normal confrontation with the enemy, there is no way to solve it."

Gazing at the fiery red dog below, Cui Ze flipped his wrist and summoned a B-level card first.

"It seems that I can only draw out the card."

[You used a B-level card [Enlarge]! 】

[Your current durability attribute is lower than the opponent's! 】

[Your durability attribute gets a 1-point A-level bonus! 】

[Current durability attribute: A! 】

However, what Cui Ze did was not just these.

"Boss Huangyuan's cards only have the last three cards left. They were originally intended to be used on the three guys in the new world. Now it seems... only one more card will be consumed!"

[You used the A-level card [Yellow Ape]! 】

[You used the C-level card [Ernest]! 】

[Current strength, durability, and agility attributes: A+! 】

"[Sode Shirayuki]'s still a bit weaker!"

Cui Ze threw out the last EX-rank card, pulled out the oldest Zanpakuto sealed inside, and held it in his hand.


"[Flowing Blade Like Fire] is easy to use!"

The third more...

About an hour late...


The third watch is over, and all debts are paid off.

So it has to degenerate into a "second watch beast".

In addition, the author will adjust his schedule as soon as possible and restore the normal update time!

In addition, the monthly ticket is still 200 tickets short, and three more changes can be added.

always feel...

The day after tomorrow will be five more...

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