This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 347: The Huge Scene of Generals Gathering! Two men and women with evil intentions! Burn the

Sailboat A keeps approaching the port towards San Pobla.

Looking at the bustling scene of people coming and going on the pier, and the blond beauty surrounded by the crowd at the very center, Cui Ze stopped communicating with Pride.

I thought this trip to Joy Street was just pure "joy".

Unexpectedly, he met two—no, three people Cui Ze was interested in.

The future Golden Emperor - Gilder Tezzolo!

The future admiral of the navy——Green Cow·Aramu!

King of the dark world and CP0 agent - Stuci!

"Let's put the first two aside for now..."

Cui Ze looked up at the Queen of Happy Street standing on the pier, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Let's take a look at the quality of this 'My Lady Queen' first!"

Under the precise control of Little Cheshire, sailboat A docked steadily at the port of San Pobla Island.

The pirates, merchants, and people on the pier couldn't help whispering to each other when they saw this white sailing ship, which was becoming more and more famous.

"Qiwuhai is also good at this bite~"

"Everyone is a man, what's the matter!"

"Which custom shop do you like to go to? Which race's custom lady do you prefer?"

"I feel like an octopus merman—ahem!"

Not all members of the Destiny Pirates want to land on San Pobla Island.

But almost all the male members, except for the young Luo, the huge Kurokas, and the pure reindeer protected by a group of big sisters in the center, want to go to the island.

no other meaning.

I just want to see the world with the captain.

Cui Ze threw out the card and sealed Sailing Ship A together with several female crew members on board into the card.

Miss Hunzi, who was screaming, was no exception.

Leading several crew members, Cui Ze set foot on the port pier of San Pobla Island.

Stuci, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted her immediately, and she still kept the elegant demeanor of a queen well as she walked.

"What a rare guest, Qiwuhai under the king, a master of cards."

The Queen of Happy Street let out a soft voice from her cherry lips, and looked at Cui Ze and his party with a smile on her face.

"First time meeting, I'm Stucey from Happy Street."

Stussy's open mouth communicated, even though the voice was not clearly heard by the rest of the bystanders, it still attracted a howling cry of wolves.

"I've heard it, Miss Stucey."

Cui Ze had a commercial smile on his face.

He maintained a peaceful appearance, and others had no idea that this card master was planning how to deal with the graceful CP0 female agent in front of him.

With a smile on the side, he glanced at Cui Ze with some surprise.

With his knowledgeable look, he sensed a strong malice from Cui Ze's body, aimed specifically at the woman in front of him.

‘Hey, are you going to attack a dark world king again? '

With a smile, he recalled the intelligence information collected by Pride about the Queen of Happy Street, and put this matter behind him.

Fat Tiger went ashore just to see if the casinos in Happy Street were any different from those in other regions.

As for the others, it is not within the scope of Fat Tiger's concern.

Compared with the life and death of the queen of the dark world in front of her.

Fat Hu felt that he might as well consider persuading Cui Ze not to make too much noise.

'Well, this seems to be redundant... Cui Ze is still very neat when dealing with enemies of this level! '

Although Stuci's knowledgeable and domineering attainment is not weak, it is definitely not at the level of being able to read people's hearts.

She had no idea what the captain and deputy captain of the Destiny Pirates were thinking.

Adhering to the master's etiquette, and in order to give full play to her own female advantages, Stussy stretched out her slender hands towards Cui Ze as a sign of friendship.

"What a man with eyesight~"

On the surface, Stussey praised Cui Ze for her title, but in his heart he was thinking about whether the other party and Akainu would cause too much disturbance.

But Cui Ze, who stretched out his hand to hold Stucey's palm, took the opportunity to activate [Memory Exploration], and had a clear view of the former's inner thoughts.

After peeking into the inner workings of the Queen of Pleasure Street.

Cui Ze let go of his hand. On the surface, he didn't have any big emotional fluctuations, but he was very surprised in his heart.

'Lvniu Huangmu's words that seem to be able to be said by a brainwashed person trained by the world government themselves were caused by the constant and secret influence of the barmaids on Happy Street? '

'That guy's mind and willpower...isn't it too bad! '

'But then again. '

On the normal timeline, after the end of the Wano country chapter, the green bull excitedly ran to Wano country, intending to pick up the head, but was shot by the red-haired Shanks with an ultra-long-distance, ultra-high-precision overlord look Domineering and is indeed very shameful! '

'in addition……'

‘Akainu is also coming in the direction of San Pobla Island? '

‘Akainu, Fujitora, Green Bull… the gathering at this level is really scary~ although no one except me can realize what a terrifying scene it is! '

Seeing the card master's palm loosen as soon as he touched it, Stucey's eyes flashed a touch of admiration.

Although he is the supreme leader of the happy street who serves people, Stucey himself does not have any affection for those lustful people.

At present, the card master's performance can be regarded as caught in Stussy's eyes.

'His Majesty Shichibukai... is barely in the same camp as the government. '

"But for these big pirates, there is always an uneasy feeling..."

"I just heard that the card master will not stay in the paradise stage. His real destination is Totland in the new world. Even if I want to exert influence, I can't do it... But, should I put this What about selling information to Lingling? '

A man and a woman maintain a polite attitude on the surface, but they are plotting against each other in their hearts.

As the hostess of Happy Street, Stuci graciously invited the Destiny Pirates to her base camp.

Cui Ze activated the ability of [Spiritual Communication], led the members of the Destiny Pirates, and readily agreed to Stucey's invitation.

Just when a group of people were moving towards the direction of Happy Street.

at the same time.

In the waterway from Chambord Islands to San Pobla Island.

A pirate ship was running desperately, and needed to adjust its direction from time to time to avoid the dense bombardment of gunpowder shells from behind.

Looking carefully, there is a naval standard warship, just like a mad dog, biting the rear of the pirate ship, and releasing artillery to attack the front from time to time.

The group of pirates in front is exactly the group of "New World Pirates" mentioned in the information Stucey received before.

Burn the Pirates.

"Damn! That bastard Akainu!"

The captain of the Burning Pirates, superhuman and plasma fruit capable Brody, turned around to look at the naval warship that was chasing after him, and cursed in a low voice.

"It's bad luck! I don't want to fight him yet!"

At this moment, there was a sudden movement from the navigators of the Burning Pirates.

"Captain, we are about to reach Happy Street, do we want to avoid that island?"

"Happy Street? Haha!"

Brody was taken aback for a moment, and a hint of surprise flashed across his thin face like he was alive after a catastrophe.

"What are you doing around there!?

"Although I feel sorry for those beauties on Happy Street, they can just be used as our shield!

"Even if it's Akainu, he's still a navy, so he won't disregard the lives of those poor little beauties, right?"

Fourth update.

The time of the fifth update may be about the same as yesterday...

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