This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 334 Entertainment and Fishing in the Movie Kingdom! Super five senses! [Premonitory Predicti

[You defeated a dark world king with a comprehensive evaluation of C+! 】

'The comprehensive evaluation is only C+, it is embarrassing for the title of [King of the Dark World]! '

'No wonder this guy has been acting so cowardly, he ran away when he saw me...'

He looked at the loan shark King Lu Feld who had lost consciousness and fell powerlessly on the floor of the private base.

Cui Ze shook his head directly.

The only reason for not taking the life of this "old friend" in the first place.

It was Cui Ze who wanted to throw him to Pleg to handle himself.

No matter how infamous the title "King of the Dark World" is.

But they are always those who represent the highest apex of the underground society.

"Bad order" is also a kind of order.

Recklessly destroying it completely may cause great fluctuations in the underground society, which in turn will affect the existence of life in the bright society.

The usury king Lu Feld's strength level is only C-level, and he doesn't even need to be thrown into the [Bottom Prison]. It's better to let Pride directly replace him!

"Well, including the King of Arms, Doflamingo, and the current King of Usury..."

Cui Ze silently calculated in his heart.

‘Why is Pride almost ruling half of the dark world? '

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

Cui Ze had just dealt with the usury king, and flew here with a large group of members of the Destiny Pirates with a smile, and Pride also emerged from the shadows.

Anilu glanced at Pride, and felt that this guy's whereabouts were strange and inexplicable.

"Is everything settled?"

Yixiao sensed the situation in this private base, and asked Cui Ze.

"Not only have all been resolved, but a major event has also been done!"

Cui Ze kicked the unconscious usury king on the floor, and said in an extremely relaxed tone.

"This guy just wanted to contact Charlotte Lingling...I took the phone bug directly, and took advantage of the opportunity to declare a full-scale war with the BIG MOM pirates!"

hear the news.

Even the crew members who believed in the captain's strength couldn't help but feel a heavy feeling in their hearts.


Charlotte Lingling, and her BIG MOM pirate group, are also the emperor pirates standing at the top of thousands of pirates in the sea!

Facing such an enemy, the psychological pressure is indeed a bit high.

With a smile, he tightened the stick knife in his hand, his expression didn't look serious, but a little serious.

"Will BIG MOM come to the park?"

"According to her own statement, she will wait until we enter the new world before coming to trouble us."

Cui Ze touched his chin and said to the crew of the Destiny Pirates.

"But... the reputation of pirates is well known.

"I can't guarantee the course of action of that crazy woman from Big Mom.

"But since she said so, let's believe it first."

Having said that, Cui Ze sent a [spiritual call] to Pride.

'Pride, take down the usurer! I'll leave it to you to deal with it... By the way, come here first. '

Cui Ze suddenly remembered an ability that was very suitable for Pride's "disguise".

He summoned a [blank card] and chose to imprint a certain ability of himself.

[Engraving... Successful engraving! 】

[You get a C-level card: Memory read]

The [Memory Exploration] fished on Hunter Island can read the memory deep in the opponent's brain just by touching it.

For Pride, this kind of ability is simply not perfect!

It's a pity that Cui Ze still needs to study the integration of [Memory Exploration] and his own [Heart Outline] knowledge and color, and cannot directly transfer this ability to Pride.

With the [Memory Read] card and the usury king, Pride silently exited the room.

For Pride's behavior, the members who joined the Destiny Pirates, including Yixiao, have long known and have no objection to it.

Only for bad guys, not for civilians.

This has always been the purpose of the Destiny Pirates.

Put the matter of Pride aside for now.

The members of the Destiny Pirates once again thought about the Empress of the New World.

But looking at the calm and calm look of the captain.

Everyone is still not too worried.

The sky is falling, and the captain is standing in front of it!

"The kingdom of entertainment and movies, the Kingdom of Barlywood, is a very prosperous and lively island in the paradise stage, and there are countless entertainment items on the island."

Cui Ze showed a relaxed smile and waved to everyone.

"Although we have been repairing on the empty island for a long time, Angel Island is not as prosperous as this kind of island after all. Let's relax in the Kingdom of Barleywood for two days first!"

Taking advantage of these two days, it is just enough for Pride to activate the clone of the new world, to see if the follow-up reaction of that crazy woman Charlotte Lingling will be as she said!


Do what you can't do, Domino, who is the number one, immediately expressed his support for the captain's order.


There was a short battle sound in the private base.

The remnants of the usury king were wiped out by the members of the Destiny Pirates.

Due to the unknown BIG MOM Pirates, everyone started their tense leisure activities.

Cui Ze also started his new island 【Fishing】.

Simply take out the C-level bait that just defeated the usury king, and throw it directly into the sea of ​​dimensions.


[The fishing harvest type: super touch]

[Entry source: "Daredevil" series]

[Entry description: The tactile ability far exceeds that of ordinary people]

[Entry effects: 1. Touch reading: You can touch ordinary paper to detect ink marks on the paper to complete reading; 2. Tactile perception: feel the slight changes in the surrounding temperature and pressure through skin contact, and improve yourself perception ability]

[Entry evaluation: Let me touch it~]

"Another perception ability... But, it seems that I finally got it together?"

Cui Ze just glanced at the [Super Touch] ability.

On the light curtain, the prompt of entry fusion came out again.

"Sure enough! The five sense abilities of several entries can be integrated together!"

Cui Ze immediately merged with each other.

After some entries are fused.

The [Super Sense of Touch] that I just fished, along with the entries of [Super Sense of Smell], [Super Sense of Taste], [Sensitive Hearing] and so on, disappeared together.

Instead, it was a brand new B-level talent entry!

[B-level talent entry: Premonition]

[Description of the entry: The ability to surpass the five senses of ordinary people, a new talent created by blending]

[Effect of the entry: use the senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste to read effective information from the surrounding environment with a sensitivity and five-sense efficiency that surpasses ordinary people, and judge the next change in the surrounding environment through quasi-intuitive abilities]

[Entry evaluation: Your next sentence is... Is this also in your calculation? 】

Thank you very much "Wu Liuxun" and "Book Friends 20190927114957786" for their rewards! !

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