This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 331: Giant Drum of Seawater! Thunder Dragon! Mixed doubles between Yixiao and Enel!

On sailboat A.

The members of the Destiny Pirates headed by Cui Ze naturally also saw the pirate ship aggressively attacking here on the sea.

The huge characters engraved on the other party's sails already showed their identities.

Senior executives of the BIG MOM Pirates from the New World!


Cui Ze looked at the fat tiger on the left.

He looked at Enilo on the right again.

Then there is a large group of crew members including Pride, Fisher, Jinbe, and Urki.

This does not include the Turtle Bad Beast, Shining Dragon Girl and so on.

Turning his head to look at the pirate ship symbolizing Charlotte Cracker on the sea, Cui Ze couldn't help touching his chin.

'Are you relying on the ship king? '

Shaking his head, Cui Ze didn't bother to care about Charlotte Cracker's idea of ​​that little biscuit.

Looking at the crew of the Destiny Pirates, the card master said softly.

"Anyone want to make a move? If I do, you may not have any combat experience."

"Let me come, I have long wanted to see the strength of the crew of the Big Mom Pirates!"

With a serious face, holding a stick knife in his hand, he took a step forward, and suddenly activated his ability of heavy fruits. The deep purple halo of gravity spread from his body in an instant, spreading to the boundless sea.

"Let this old man see the level of these sinful people who are domineering in the new world!

"Noisy Taiko!"

The stick knife wrapped in purple-black energy swung heavily in mid-air, and a mighty horizontal gravity flew out with the movement of the knife, and shot straight into the sea.

The boundless seawater, which was already drawn by the invisible gravity, was stimulated by this force, and suddenly a monstrous wave that covered the sky and covered the sun was formed, and it was shaped into a huge and terrifying seawater drum. The pirate ship on the opposite side overwhelmed and left!

"What the hell is that!"

"This is the strength that a pirate in the paradise stage should have?!"

The BIG MOM pirates who came with Cracker, Dafu, and Owen, saw the big drum of sea water that could easily blow up the entire pirate ship, and all of them lost their souls and looked at Cracker for help. Wait for the ministers of all countries.

But in the face of the "noisy taiko drum", the pirate servants have nothing to do.

cracker them...

Is there a way? !


The seawater drum bombarded in an instant, like slapping mosquitoes, and directly bombarded this pirate ship, which could withstand the strong winds and waves of the new world, to pieces, and the broken ship fragments mixed into the seawater, heading in all directions. Lasing away.

After the sea water drum slowly dissipated, there was only a strangely shaped spherical biscuit left in place. The shell was so soft that it seemed to shatter when touched.

Orange-red light is released from the inside of the biscuit.

Immediately following the next moment.

Charlotte Owen, who activated his own hot fruit ability, smashed the biscuit directly with a "Hot Wind Punch".


The dark blue smoke demon dragged a support plate made of biscuit fruit, and flew out from the inside of the biscuit.

On the biscuit slab, stood the three heirs of the Charlotte family who were still in shock.

"This, isn't this right?"

"What happened to that monster-like ability just now?"

"Why is there a person with the ability to manipulate sea water on the card master's ship?"

The three heirs of the Charlotte family, who were in a panic, did not hear the conversation on the sailboat A.

"Yehahaha! Deputy captain, your attack didn't work!"

Leaving behind a loud laugh, Enilu turned into a thunderbolt and shot straight into the sky.

"Now it's my turn to act!"

The brilliant thunder that was comparable to the scorching sun in the sky burst out from the body of the god of thunder and lightning, and was shaped by the latter with strong willpower into a ferocious and twisted thunder and lightning dragon.

"Pirates from the new world? Shouldn't they be so weak?"

Enilu looked down at the piece of biscuit above the sea condescendingly, his voice was as deafening as thunder, and the Thunder Dragon hovered around his body.

"One hundred million volts brontosaurus!"


Accompanied by a shocking dragon chant that pierced the clouds and cracked rocks, a gigantic silver-white thunder dragon fell from the sky. Its speed was so fast that the three sons of the Charlotte family on the biscuit plate could not react at all.

Just in the blink of an eye.

Cracker, Dafu, and Owen were directly blasted into the body by the "100 million volts Thunder Dragon", and they were bathed in the waves of thunder from top to bottom, emitting an incomparably dazzling light.

The speed at which the thunder light disappeared was as quick as the speed at which it struck.

After Brontosaurus ended its electric shock, Cracker and others, covered in charred black and emitting white smoke, reappeared on the biscuit plate.

The power of "100 million volts brontosaurus" is indeed strong enough, but it has not yet reached the level where Cracker, Daifuku, and Owen lose their fighting power instantly with a single blow.

But Rao is so.

The hearts of Cracker, Dafu, and Owen, whose hair stood upside down and went numb from the electric shock, were still full of chaotic feelings.

"Who said Qiwuhai under the king is not strong?"

"Who said that the Destiny Pirates only have some garbage!"

"Brother Perospero asked me to come to Paradise, did he come to let me die?"

Enilu saw that his brontosaurus did not cause too much trouble to Cracker and the others, and with a slight movement of his finger, he was planning to summon a few brontosaurus again.

But at this moment, a hint of darkness suddenly appeared in the originally bright sky.

Under the traction of many fruits, an extremely huge, flaming and solid meteorite, carrying a terrifying deterrent force, crashed down from space and hit the sky above the sea held by the smoke demon with precision. A small biscuit.

"whispering sound!"

Looking at the meteorite falling from the sky, Enilu curled his lips, turned into a beam of thunder, and returned to the sailboat A at top speed.

"The old man's strength may have been used a little bit more."

With a smile, he put away the stick knife in his hand, and showed a vice-captain's smile towards Enilo.

The voice fell.

The flaming meteorite that fell from space suddenly hit the pitiful little biscuit.

Whether it was the "Hot Wind Fist" of the hot fruit, the "Majin Zhan" of the transpiration fruit, or the "pretzel" of General Biscuit, none of them caused much damage to the meteorite that fell from the sky.

Just intercept it for a moment.

The biscuit tablet, which was the first to lose the support of the smoke demon's strength, fell directly towards the vast sea below.


The meteorite that fell from the sky brought the biscuit and the three sons of the Charlotte family on the biscuit, and crashed into the sea together. The monstrous waves were instantly aroused, turning into powerful sea waves, rushing towards the surroundings.

Even the sailboat A moored at the edge of the battlefield was impacted by this wave, and the hull kept shaking.

"Even if you're on the sea without people, you have to pay attention to the power of your shots."

Cui Ze raised his palm and released a dazzling golden air dragon towards the area where the meteorite landed.

Like a fish entering the sea, the golden dragon nimbly dived into the turbulent sea, and then flew out of the sea holding Cracker, Dafu, and Owen.

Slap! X3

The three senior cadres of the BIG MOM Pirates, like dead fish, were thrown onto the deck of sailing ship A by the golden air dragon.

Due to the fact that they are all superhuman devil fruit ability users, after being soaked in sea water for a period of time, they have already lost their strength and can't get up again.

The cracker, who had been using biscuit soldiers as a camouflage, also revealed his true colors after being soaked in sea water for a while.

Step, step!

Cracker, who was thrown on the deck and was still struggling, suddenly heard the sound of steady footsteps.

Immediately afterwards.

The soles of the leather boots stepped directly on top of his head.

"Your name is Charlotte?"

An unprecedented sense of shame and anger suddenly rose in Cracker's heart, and along with the top of the purple braid that was soaked in sea water on top of his head, something like an electronic spark ignited again. .

But that wasn't enough for Cracker to vent his anger.

A very high-purity Hailou stone collar was put directly on his neck.

The extremely angry biscuit became soft again.

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