This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 302 Backstab from Humans! The end of the murloc heroes!

Forchard Island.

This is a small island located in the first half of the park. It is a typical summer island with a hot and dry climate. The island is full of green cacti of various sizes and shapes.

Just today.

A pirate three-masted sailing ship with a strange shape slowly approached the shore of this ordinary summer island. It looked like a huge blue snapper with a black flag hanging from the main mast.

The pirate logo engraved on the black flag is very different from other pirates on the sea. There is no white skull, and some are just a red sun burning with raging flames!

This is the ship of the Sun Pirates, the Shirahoshi Snapper.

The White Star Snapper docked firmly on the shore, and a tall murloc stepped off the boat first.

He wears a light green turban, has thick and fluffy black curly hair, a long beard on his chin, and an astonishing dark red skin. The Sun Pirates logo is engraved on his muscular chest—— Red sun!

Captain of the Sun Pirates, Murloc Explorer, Slave Liberator - Fisher Tiger.

"Where is your village? I'll take you to the entrance of the village."

Fisher Tiger said to the girl in the yellow skirt who was still standing on the White Star Snapper, and the latter trotted down from the boat with an extremely excited expression.

The girl in the yellow skirt is the protagonist of another group of liberated slaves entrusted to the Sun Pirates some time ago, asking them to bring her back to her hometown of Forchat Island—Kerla.

Accompanied by Kerla's disembarkation.

There was a burst of sensual crying from the White Star Snapper, and many crew members even took the initiative to ask the other party to stay.

through this period of time.

Especially after witnessing Kerla's transformation from a slave girl who can only force a smile and work hard to the current optimistic and confident attitude, many murlocs in the Sun Pirates recognized this poor girl.

Kerla waved her slender arms and bid farewell to the other crew members of the Sun Pirates.


Fisher Tiger took it all the way to the front of the village to which she belonged.

Although the hostile and tense eyes of the adults in the village made Fisher Tiger feel uneasy, he knew that this was the normal state of human society.

She took one last look at Kerla, who was hugging her mother tightly and crying.

Fisher Tiger silently turned and left this peaceful paradise village.

At this moment, a loud shout sounded from behind Fisher Tiger.

"Uncle! Uncle Tiger!!"

Kerla, who broke free from her mother's embrace at some point, was looking at the direction Fisher Tiger turned and left with tears in her eyes, and shouted loudly.

"Thank you very much for keeping the promise! Uncle Tiger, Mr. Hachi, and Mr. Aladdin... I will never forget your companions of the Sun Pirates in my life!!"

Hearing the girl's emotional shout, Fisher Tiger couldn't help turning around, and waved a farewell hand towards her that he wouldn't have waved.

When he turned to leave again, Fisher Tiger's back looked full of warmth.

"Kerla, I will believe your words..."

Fisher Tiger started to rush towards the coast where the White Star Snapper was moored, still remembering every bit of the time he spent with Kerla in his mind.

"When you grow up, humans and murlocs will definitely—"

Click, click——

A loud and tight sound of pulling the bolt broke Fisher Tiger's memory. He raised his head in disbelief and looked at a large number of figures blocking the route.

These people were wearing blue and white uniforms, holding the latest guns and weapons developed by the navy in their hands, and their dark muzzles pointed directly at the murloc hero who had just returned a human slave girl.

The leader, wearing a dark green suit, with a unusually high skull and a white coat of justice behind his back, was Major General Stolberg who had been in ambush on Forchette Island for a long time!


Fisher Tiger recalled the hostile eyes cast by the adults in the human village before parting, clenched his fists instantly, and stared angrily at the navy members blocking him.

"Captain of the Sun Pirates, Fisher Tiger, you have two crimes, you should be well aware."

In the face of Fisher Tiger's silent anger, Stoloberry's tone was as steady as ever.

"Assault on Mary Joya, resisting government capture."

At the same time as the voice fell, Stoloberg raised his arm and swung it down suddenly.

bang bang bang—

The sound of extremely dense gun shooting suddenly sounded in this area.

Being on land, the murloc's unique karate ability has been greatly reduced. Facing the roaring guns and ammunition, Fisher Tiger has no way to create a water curtain to block it, but this does not mean that he has no resistance at all. strength.

"Murloc Karate · Tang Caowa Righteous Fist!"

Clenching the webbed right fist tightly, Fisher Tiger put it on the side of his abdomen, and then swung it forward suddenly. The powerful murloc power caused a howling shock wave, showing a 360-degree infinite Dead corner, block all incoming bullets around.

"As expected of a murloc pirate with a bounty of more than 200 million Baileys..."

Stoloberg slowly drew out the two long knives worn at his waist. As a rear admiral, while he was proficient in physical skills, he also devoted part of his energy to the study of sword skills.


Stoloberry stomped on the ground with both feet, and his figure changed into a fuzzy phantom that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye. He rushed towards Fisher Tiger, and the long blade with a glint of cold light quickly approached the latter. body.

"Murloc Karate Shark Muscle Palm!"

Fisher Tiger's pupils contracted slightly, and a burst of force erupted from his footsteps. His tall figure rose into the air directly, avoiding the Rear Admiral's melee attack.

Leaping into the air, Fisher Tiger once again became the attack target of the surrounding marines, the gunshots sounded again, and the overwhelming bullets attacked his body.

In desperation, Fisher Tiger once again blocked the attack of the bullet by using the ring-shaped shock wave waved by the "Tangcaowa Zhengquan".

But at this moment, Stoloberg, who had been waiting for a long time below, swung the two knives in his hands anxiously and violently, leaving a scar on the body of Fisher Tiger, who couldn't avoid it.

The same bright red blood as human beings instantly dripped down from the wound.

Fisher Tiger clenched his teeth, resisting the severe pain from the wound, clenched his fists and aimed at Stoloberry's weird long head, and blasted a right fist full of anger.

"Murloc Karate Shawa Righteous Fist!"

Bang - click!

Stoloberry's head was hit head-on by Fisher Tiger's fist, and the eerie long head was instantly bent, presenting a weird angle, and the scalp-numbing bone cracking sound came from his Came from the top of the head.

With the sound of bone breaking, Stoloberg's figure flew upside down, but the well-trained naval elites around them did not care for their chief immediately, but raised their guns again, Follow Fisher Tiger for another round of focused fire.

The tight and coherent gunshots were heard even by the members of the Sun Pirates on the shore.

But just when they wanted to disembark to check the situation, several naval warships sailed from the sea and surrounded the White Star Snapper of the Sun Pirates.

Fierce artillery fire was fired from the naval battleship, instantly smashing the White Star Snapper to pieces.

"It's the big fleet of the Navy!"

"The boss on the island must have been ambushed by the navy too!"

"This is a trap arranged by the Navy in advance!"

"Is nothing wrong with the boss?"

There was an extremely fierce debate within the Sun Pirates. Some people wanted to gather forces to resist the navy, and some wanted to check the situation of the boss first.

The situation is critical.

The young Kaixia Jinbe came from station, forcibly took over the Sun Pirates, and arranged for the troops to be divided into two groups.

A group of people stayed here to fight against the navy's siege, while he led another group to the island.

With the rapid speed of the murlocs, Jinbe and his group quickly arrived at the area where Fisher Tiger was besieged.

At this time, Fisher Tiger was already out of breath and covered in blood.

Due to the purpose of not killing humans, he did not kill any navy.

However, the opponent's gun bullets are deadly enough!


The Jinping murloc, who had come here with all his strength, saw Fisher Tiger's miserable appearance, his eyes were tearing apart.

"Sun Pirates..."

Stoloberg coughed out a mouthful of blood, endured the pain, and ordered to the surrounding navy.

"For justice! Destroy the Sun Pirates!"

"Damn navy!!"

Jinbe leaped into the air angrily, gathered all his strength on his right fist, and bombarded the man who seemed to be the culprit.

boom! !


Stoloberry's skull, which had just been knocked crooked by Fisher Tiger, was once again knocked to the other side by Jinbe's angry blow, and the whole person flew out again, smashed on the ground, splashed Lots of dust and dirt.

"Qiwuhai under the king! Didn't I say that you have arrived long ago?!"

Stoloberry struggled to stand up from the ground, and towards the empty surroundings, made a complaint like a cuckoo crying blood.

"Bastard card! Come out for me!"

Fourth update.

There is also the fifth change, it may really be past 12 o'clock today...

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