This pirate has his back on justice

Chapter 162 News from Pride! Superman Mimi Fruit! (Begging to subscribe at the fifth watch)

Using the same person's card repeatedly will always feel a little boring.

Just like repeating...

Forget it, skip the process and start spraying directly.

Pooh! Scumbag!

Ozawa looked at Boss Huang Yuan expectantly.

Huang Yuan also looked at Cui Ze with an unbelievable look, as if he was surprised by the thick skin of this subordinate.

"It seems that being a pirate for a while has had a great impact on Brother Cui Ze's personality~"

"Have it?"

Cui Ze stroked his chin and examined himself.

"I haven't noticed much change in myself."

"Let's go back to what happened just now, Card Master."

Huang Yuan suddenly changed another name for Cui Ze, and his body also had a tendency to transform into the shape of a shining man at any time.

"Are you saying that I want to deal with the innocent people in the capital of seven waters, or...

"How about getting rid of you, the real culprit who caused this incident?"

"I have a new idea."

Cui Ze said seriously.

"Anyway, the world government is so bad, Boss Huang, why don't you come and do things with me! It also saves those shitty things!"

Responding to questions from your boss?


Ozawa directly turned against the customer!


Huang Yuan didn't respond to Cui Ze's teasing this time, he crossed his hands, his thumb and middle finger touched together, and while pinching out the shape of an orchid, a circle of cross star light bloomed where his fingertips touched.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

Dazzling bullets of light like the Milky Way shot out from the light of the cross stars, and in an instant, a dense barrage of light clusters was pulled out, covering Cui Ze who was close at hand.

Facing such intensive high-frequency attacks, Cui Ze's eyes reflected a network of bright light spots.

This is the first time I have faced Boss Huang's attack~

Cui Ze threw out a [blank card] with a calm expression, and printed Boss Huang's light bomb attack into the card.

【Engraving... Successfully imprinted】

[You got a C-level card! 】

[C-level card: Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu]

[Card Type: Normal Trap Card]

[Card effect: Release a dense light bomb, cover the enemy's sight, and cause a lot of damage to the enemy]


C-level card?

Boss Huang, you really came to crack down on counterfeiting with me, right? !

The corners of Cui Ze's eyes twitched, he moved his fingers a few times, and returned this [C-level card: Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu] casually.

"It's really as scary as the rumors say~"

Huang Yuan let the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu's light bullets shoot through his own body, but failed to cause any damage.

"The card fruit is as strong as a monster~"

Cui Ze waved his hand, interrupting Huang Yuan's teasing.

"Boss Huang, let's talk about business. You don't want those innocent people in the capital of seven waters to die here because of the stupid ideas of the world government, do you?"

"Huh? Could it be that Brigadier General Cui Ze has any good ideas?"

Huang Yuan tilted his mouth, showing a curious expression.

"You must know that such a large-scale cleansing plan is usually carried out by the navy in cooperation with the CP agents of the world government. Even if the navy intends to stop it, the CP agents will not be able to solve it so easily."

"I was just about to ask that question."

Cui Ze nodded, and took out the venue card of [Pseudospace Rain Banquet Casino].

"Boss Huang, do you mind if I make a private call?"

"It doesn't matter. I left the headquarters fleet and acted alone. It will take some time for the fleet to arrive at the capital of seven waters."

Huang Yuan raised his hand, signaling Cui Ze to operate by himself.

"But I want to remind you first, Brigadier General Cui Ze.

"If I have to make a choice between innocent people and you, there is a high probability that I will choose to abandon such a lovely subordinate~"

If you keep chatting like this, I will really punch your glasses in the future, Boss Huang!

Cui Ze cast a malicious look at Huang Yuan, and then disappeared into the [Rain Banquet Casino].

Looking at the cards hidden in a void.

Huang Yuan's eyes fluctuated slightly for a moment, and he silently used his knowledge and arrogance to sense it, but he couldn't find anything suspicious.

"It really is a monster-like Devil Fruit~ Could it be that the card fruit is the ultimate fruit?"

Huang Yuan withdrew his knowledgeable look, and turned his gaze to the capital of seven waters below.

"I just hope you really have a good idea, little brother Cui Ze~

"Those lackeys in the CP department are really not easy characters to get along with..."

Just when Huang Yuan was worried about the CP lackey of the world government.

Cui Ze in [Rain Banquet Casino] is in contact with a "fake lackey" phone bug.

"Pride? Are you free now?"

"Father—Master Captain!"

Pride on the other end of the phone bug looked surprised.

"I just wanted to call you!"

Cui Ze raised his eyebrows and guessed: "It's also because of the Seven Waters? I'm right here."

"The captain really knows things like a god!"

Pride Exchange reports.

"The CP0 and CP9 departments of the world government don't know what happened. They are transferring personnel on a large scale to a certain sea area in the new world. The specific location is not yet clear, and the specific mission is not clear.

"As for the CP5 department where I am currently lurking, I have also been summoned by the world government, but not to go to the new world, but to go to the capital of seven waters to clean up the 'taboo news' that should not be spread for the world government!"

The so-called "taboo news" should refer to the story about the sun god Nika, right?

As for the big actions of the CP0 and CP9 departments...

At this point in time in the original book, is there any major event that can cause such a large-scale action by the world government?

Cui Ze frowned slightly, he had too little information at hand, and couldn't deduce any valuable information at all.

After thinking for a while, he gave up the entanglement and asked Pride.

"Pride, is your hidden identity in the CP5 department still 'Snuggling with Yamabako'?"

"Yes, Captain."

Pride's voice sounded a little nervous.

"Although I targeted Spandam, the chief of CP5, during this period of time, I have been dealing with the forces of the King of Arms in the Kingdom of the Future, so..."

"It's okay, I'm not blaming you for anything."

Cui Ze said.

"Is the head of the CP department in charge of cleaning up taboo news in the capital of seven waters, Spandam?"

Pride immediately responded, "Yes!"

"Very good, after you arrive at the capital of seven waters, replace that idiot Spandam as soon as possible!"

Cui Ze, like a mastermind behind the scenes, gave Pride orders.

"Then, ignore the stupid actions of the world government! Cooperate with the navy to capture the heinous pirates, and use the lives of those evil scumbags to fill the stupid indicators of the world government!"

"Yes, Captain."

Although Pride wondered why Cui Ze would assign such a task, he would never question his father.

Cui Ze stroked his chin and said again.

"If necessary, some scum can be brought out from the private prison of the King of Arms... Shouldn't it be difficult?"

"That's easy," Pride replied.

Cui Ze nodded in satisfaction.

The navy responsible for the frontal attack has the boss of the yellow monkey;

The agent in charge of the large-scale manhunt, there is Pride;

Inside the capital of seven waters, there is also the respected Mr. Tom as an internal response.

The so-called ball certificates, circumstantial certificates, all the sponsors and co-organizers, and even the players on both sides of the field are mine!

What are you fighting against me with!

Those old bastards of Wulaoxing want to ruin my reputation of being pure and kind because of my little oolong?

Shit you!

Just when Cui Ze was about to end the call.

Another piece of good news came from Pride.

"Captain, during this period of time, I discovered the existence of a devil fruit by collecting the treasure house of the King of Arms Casper.

"This devil fruit was originally intended to be used to contact Totland of the New World, and to establish a relationship with the BIG MOM Pirates.

"Do I need to take it to the capital of seven waters this time?"

"The devil fruit sent to Totland of the World?"

Cui Ze was taken aback, and asked quickly.

"what type is it?"

"It's a relatively rare food-type devil fruit."

Pryde's voice came from the phone bug.

"Superman Mimi Fruit."

Thank you very much "Fujisawa Yu" for the 500 starting point reward! !

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