The latest URL: "Oh, it's called Devil Fruit, the big elder sister, you are amazing!"

"Huh? Is this the snail? The function looks similar It’s the same as Den Den Mushi."

"Hey, brother from overseas, do you want to participate in a sumo match?"

"Wa no Kuni was originally on the Blue Star It's just such a small point?"

Wa no Kuni, who has just opened its doors, both locals and outsiders, are sighing about novelties that they have never seen in the past.

The shogunate headed by Kurotan Shogun Orochi was completely down. According to the new government’s decree, the country of Wano was renamed to Washu. There will be no more generals, Daimyo, and other organizations, unified by the new government. The governor who comes to manage, and the governor appoints the head of the township.

As for Kyoshiro, of course he is not dead.

What the angry ordinary people killed was only a fake body transformed by using ninjutsu. The real Kyoshiro had already changed back to Denjiro's identity and left with Kozuki Hiyori.

Denjiro knows very well that Marine is willing to give the Kozuki family a chance to leave. This is a step that they give themselves to, and they give face to themselves, and they have to follow it up.

Even if it is a rebellion, it is meaningless. The strongest in the country at present is that he himself and Shutenmaru are fighting against the new government?

Even more how, there is nothing unacceptable about this matter.

The former Wano country was not a Wano country, but a small country. It was finally unified by a certain Daimyo and became the later Wano country.

Today's Wano country is in the entire world, and the same is just the small country that it used to be.

As long as the whole world is unified, everyone will be their own.

Kozuki Hiyori quickly found Kawamatsu and Shutenmaru with the help of Marine. Knowing that they could not stop the wheels of history from rolling forward, they soon left Wano.

Kurozumi Orochi killed Hiyori's parents and also killed the father Kang Family of Xiao Nanzi.

I was born and raised on Pirate’s ship since I was a child, and then I followed my mother back to the country of peace. Now that he is avenged, Kozuki Hiyori has nothing to nostalgia for.

If I have to say that there is any regret,

it is that Kaido has not been eliminated, because even Marine has not been able to find Kaido's whereabouts.

"Death to death, grasping, except for the "Beasts" Kaido, "Inflammation" King, and "Pandemic" Queen, the cadres of Beasts Pirates have all been dealt with."

After listening to Drake's report, Hailan was nodded.

"You continue to work on your business."


After Drake is gone, Hailan is slightly frowned.

"Where did Kaido go?"

"Why are the Crocodile gangs gone?"


Since Marine established a Marine branch base in Alabasta, Crocodile has left Alabasta.

The last time Hailan met Crocodile was in New World. At that time, Crocodile encountered the marine overlord Leviathan, that is, that time, Koala gained one big and one small monster.

"So, is this Beasts Pirates annihilated?"

Hailan muttered to herself.

"If there is no annihilation, except for Kaido, King and Queen, the other members of the Beasts Pirates have been annihilated."

"If it is annihilated, as long as Kaido, King and Queen are not dead yet, the three of them can pull up a Pirates at any time."

"It's really troublesome."

"Forget it, you can only take one step at a time. "

"With the current strength of the new Government, if Kaido dares to make trouble again, even if I don't take action, he will definitely not be able to get good fruit."

… …

Time continues to flow forward without stopping.

One country after another is slowly and smoothly transitioning to the new government's franchise states. There are fewer and fewer islands in the world called "countries".

Many islands that used to hold a wait-and-see attitude are beginning to be anxious, because those islands that joined the new government first have already undergone the changes of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and now the process of joining the new government is more complicated than before Many, they can be said to be very lemony.

With the successful use of military airships, more and more civilian airships have gradually been put on the market.

The air road and the water road are blooming, and the communication between islands is more convenient and simple.

Each island takes what it needs, mutual benefit and mutual benefit. Under the control of the new government, there is no even a trade war. The entire world is developing in full swing.

Technology in Djerma Region.

Cooking in Totland.

The medicine of Sakura State (the hometown of Chopper, the current governor is Dalton).

South Blue Pharmacy in Trino State.

Heavy industry in Drum State (formerly Wapol Wave Dark Drum Kingdom).

Tourism in Dressrosa State.

Skypiea's specialty shell and cloud industry.

...too much.

As long as it is a place that the new government can reach, let the residents there rush to a well-off life not to mention an instant, but at least, Pirate no longer appears, the economy is developing steadily, and everyone’s life is finally there. I'm looking forward to it.

New Government, Ministry of Science.

Bringing Hailan to the launch pad, Begapunk's proud color made no secret: "How about? Does it look like that?"

Hailan really Surprised: "It's only been more than a year. Have you really built the rocket?"

Because the jet plane hasn't even been invented yet, Begapunk first built the rocket. Isn’t Hailan surprised?

"I really want to pry your head apart and study how it grows."

"To be honest, I also want to slice your body and study how you are How long."

Hailan made a joke, but Hailan always felt that Begapunk didn’t seem to be a joke. If he was nodded, he would never doubt that he would lie in the operation next moment. on platform.

Begapunk’s eyes are full of longing: "I really like the universe so much, I really want to run to the sea of ​​stars now!"

Hailan stopped and said:" Don’t, you first develop all the ideas I gave you, and then, you’re gone, who should I go to?"

"Of course, these R&D opportunities, the creative ideas that you invented are all brought to me by you Yes, of course I have to serve you first."

Begapunk opened the hatch of the rocket and made a please gesture to Hailan: "Harry has been waiting for you for a long time, please. " Hare, is a dog wearing a spacesuit.

This time, it will accompany Hailan to the moon. And Hailan, because he has the ability of elemental transformation, he can survive in the universe without any protection.

"The countdown begins,...5,4,3,2,1... Ignite !"

With the voice of Begapunk’s personal timekeeping, Blue Star’s The moon landing rocket "Blue 1" flew to the sky.

"Hello everyone, audience friends, here is a live report of the launch of the Azure No. 1... Oh my god, are there artificial structures on the moon...

Look, The hatch has been opened, and the Great Emperor is coming out!"

Countless spectators stared at the screen intently, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Hailan held Harry in her arms and stepped onto the land of the moon.

The host on the screen is excited: "Sea Calendar March 12, 1520, this is a historical moment worth remembering forever.

A small step for the Great Emperor, human A big step!"

On a strange island where snow is falling, a black hair boy sits cross-legged in front of the screen, watching the man on the screen land on the moon, waving to the camera, the boy grinning Issho.

He stood up and stopped watching the screen because the time he had agreed with his partners was approaching.

"It's not bad!"

The boy named "Monkey ・D・Luffy" picked up the Straw Hat hung on the stone cone next to him, and put it on his On top of his head, his eyes are piercing.

"One day, I will go to the moon to adventure like Uncle Hai and become the adventure king of this universe!"

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