The "Buster Call" that made the world become terror-stricken at the news is only five Marine Vice Admiral oversees.

The new Government dispatched five Admiral-class powerhouses this time, and the Blackbeard fleet was crushed by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

The high-level battle strength was lost, the remaining Pirates couldn't make the climate at all, and the mobs surrendered one after another.

In fact, most of the more than 10,000 soldiers sent by Marine are new recruits. Their main job is to take over the territory of the Blackbeard Pirates group. The elite troops of Buggy or Wagner were not dispatched at all. Because this is a war that must be won, there is no need to use the veterans tempered in the war, and it should be an eye-opener for new recruits.

"I'll leave the matter here to you."


After destroying Blackbeard himself, Hailan no longer missed him, directly Returned to Marine Headquarters.

The Blackbeard Pirates regiment surrendered or severely injured the prisoners who lost their battle strength and the territories they had ruled. It was enough for Gion and the two Marine Headquarters to lead more than 10,000 Marine officers and soldiers to deal with it.

1 month later.

Marine publicly executed Douglas Buretto, the descendant of the devil, Abarro Pizarro, and many other Pirate actions. This time, there was no Pirate to rob the field.

The death of several legendary Great Pirate one after another severely hit the Pirates' arrogant arrogance and promoted the Marine military power. The civilians became more confident in their new Government.

On an unknown island, Cavendish, nicknamed "White Horse" and once known as "Pirate Young Master", looked at the large screen hung on the wall and gritted his teeth tightly.

He holds a rose in his hand, but the poor rose is being peeled one by one by the expensive Young Master.

"Pirate, is it right? Or is it improper? This is a problem."

"When, improper, improper, improper..."

"Ahhh, I feel so upset!"

Cavendish was one of the Marine Supernova two years ago. With his handsome appearance and the ability to quickly become a Supernova, Cavendish has gained a large number of fans.

One year ago, Marine started a war with Celestial Dragon Government.

The eyes of the sea were quickly shifted to this war of the century. Cavendish, which has only been popular for less than a year, soon It's gone.

Cavendish really wants to continue to make a name for himself at sea, but unfortunately he is worried about being caught and executed by Marine. You must know that this new government is much stricter than the previous Celestial Dragon Government. It governs the country according to the law and does what it says.

"Captain, I don’t know if I should say something inappropriate."

"You said it."

"If you want to be famous, you don’t have to be Pirate. Ah..."

"Can the adventurer be the same? No bounty, who knows how good I am?"

"no no no, I'm not talking about an adventurer."


"Soul song king Brook, you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"Sing You can be famous too!"

"But I can't sing."

"With your beautiful appearance, does it matter whether you can sing? As long as you agree, I guarantee that you can become a world-famous star."

"Um...then I will try?"

"Just wait for your words!"

Similar to the entanglement of Cavendish, it is happening in every corner of the sea.

In the new era, Pirate is not welcome.


Marine Headquarters, Rose Park.

" Master Hailan , are you looking for a little girl?"

Hailan looked back. Kozuki Hiyori, dressed in a kimono and very ladylike, was saluting Hailan.

As soon as I saw Hiyori, Hailan liked it very much.

This kind of love is not the same as the love at first sight that greets her body. It feels like Hiyori has a special charm on her body, a bit like Hancock's Mero Mero no Mi.

at first Hailan not quite clear what is going on. Later, following the investigation of the Kozuki family, Hailan understood that this is the special ability of the bloodline of the Kozuki family.

Hiyori’s father, Kozuki ・Oden also has this kind of charm. In the former Wano country, regardless of age, men, women, children, all love Oden, even if Oden has done a lot of indifferent things, but they are Can't suppress the restlessness in my heart.

Even the former Great Pirate Whitebeard, Marco, Roger, Rayleigh, also like Oden very much.

Although these great characters are basically immune to the effects of special ability, Oden's personalities are actually good. The two come and go, which expands their affection for Oden, which is a bit like Hailan’s "heroic temperament" .

Suppressing such unfounded liking, Hailan motioned to Hiyori to take a seat: "Sit down, I'm here to talk to you today mainly to talk about the country of Wano."

"Really Is it?"

The excitement in Hiyori's charming eyes was hard to hide, but soon there was a little bleakness.

She is a smart woman.

Nowadays, the trend of global unification is unstoppable. Hezhi Country is not only facing the father’s last wish to "found the country", but also to become a state of the new government.

Hailan said without emotion: "I have investigated. The nine red scabbards who have been loyal to the Kozuki family are still left. What I want to tell you today is when Marine liberates the country of Japan. After that, I hope you can persuade them not to try to prevent the country from becoming a state of the new government."

Hiyori is unwilling to say: "Is it OK to make the country a member of the new government?"



Hailan answered decisively, with no room for bargaining.

"Global unification is an inevitable trend of historical development. You should have heard that in the universe, not only our blue stars have creatures. If we can't unite ourselves, how can we fight against the enemies from the universe?"

If the retainers of the Kozuki family can give up resisting, they can be considered innocent; but if they don’t know the current affairs, they will commit new crimes."

"What crime ? " " undermine global solidarity, trying to split the national territory sin! " " this ...... Okay. " Hiyori sighed.

She knows that Hailan is not targeting them and the country, which is a transformation that all countries in the world must go through.

"Then can I be the governor?"


"This...and why is this?"

"As long as you remain as the leader of the country for one day, the bad bloodline habits of the country will not disappear.

My governor, who can live in it, must be elected and reviewed, and It’s not a hereditary system like Daimyo. UU Reading

Only when you Kozuki leave the country of Hachi, this country will catch up with other countries from the backward and ignorant feudal era.

I came to you today to give you and your retainers a chance to leave the country of peace and avoid unnecessary killings and sacrifices. Actually, you know, the new government liberating the country of peace is not at all I need your help."

Hiyori lowered his head and stopped talking. He seemed to be thinking, tangling, and struggling.

Hailan is not in a hurry. What he lacks most now is time.

After a long time, Hiyori finally lifted his head.

Her gaze is firm: "I promise you that I will lead the Chisao Nine Heroes to leave the country of peace, but I have a wish."


"I want to kill Black Charcoal Orochi by myself!"


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