Latest URL: Teach feels a headache.

According to his original wishes, he is very reluctant to provoke a new government. Teach is a very sensible person.

He even had the idea of ​​"I will not be Pirate in the future", learning from the old rival Shanks to withdraw from the arena.


I lurked for several decades in Whitebeard Pirates, and finally got the yearn for something even in dreams "Yami Yami no Mi", and finally encountered the turbulence of the deep sea prison and recruited a group of powerful men. Seeing that the goal that has been pursued for most of his life is about to be achieved, Teach is really reluctant to let it go.

In the end, Teach chose to become a Pirate emperor, and his ambition defeated Congxin.

In his opinion, as long as he does not provoke the new Government, the new Government It shouldn't be trouble for him?

After all, the Celestial Dragon Government, which has ruled the world for 800 years, has never killed Pirate to the last one. New World is completely Pirate’s paradise. The road is half way to the sky. Everyone is in peace. it is good.

Unfortunately, Teach made a wrong bet.

Today's new Government is not as simple as simply replacing a group of Leaders. The concept of the new Government is not the same as the former Celestial Dragon Government simply.

Today's Hailan Great Emperor vowed to eliminate all existences called "evil" and return this sea to a peaceful world.

Jumping off the Marineford, Hailan landed steadily on the opposite side of Teach.

Marshall D. Teach, who made the name "Blackbeard" resound in New World, has a clouded face, and is trying to think about how to defeat...No, how to save his life.

This one has the speed that no one can match. Even with the blessing of "More-More Fruit", Teach didn't think he had any chance of escape.

It seems that only brace oneself can be on.



Hailan looked at Blackbeard not far away playfully: "Didn't you say Marine bullies honest people? Well, let me give you three tricks first. What do you think?"

In this battle against the Blackbeard Pirates regiment,

First came to the forefront to face this legendary alien.

The head of state went to the front line in person. In return, Marine soldiers got a BUFF with "fighting spirit +80%". They fought extremely fiercely, and the Blackbeard fleet retreated steadily.

But Blackbeard himself doesn't care about these things anymore, and all his attention is focused on the person in front of him.

"What do you talk about?"

"One word worth nine sacred tripods!"

Although I can't believe it, but based on the current situation, Can only fight.

Teach's small eyes rolled around.

Special Logia ・Yami Yami no Mi, known as "the most vicious Devil Fruit in history", not because of how strong Yami Yami no Mi is, but because of its unique and unmatched special ability: Invalidate other Devil Fruit abilities.

This ability is even stronger than Kairoseki.

Kairoseki will deprive the Devil Fruit Ability User of the ability and suppress the Ability User's physical strength. Yami Yami no Mi has another function on this basis-it invalidates the Devil Fruit ability that has been released.

Just like the hand of the seizure of Shangjo.

"I must surprise him and suppress his power as quickly as possible. This is my only chance to win."

With all this connected, Teach no longer hesitates and moves forward quickly He stretched out a big black hand who seemed to have just dug a briquettes: "Dark water!!"

"Weng! !"

Hailan frowned, feeling a huge force suddenly Pulled on his body, just like the force field that Eim had used on himself.

Hailan did not resist, and was pulled straight by Teach's strength, and was pulled in front of Teach in less than two seconds.

"The thief hahahaha......haha......huh?"

Teach smiled and suddenly laughed.

Because he saw Hailan in front of him without showing any pain and weakness, but tilted his head and looked at him, with a calm expression on his face.

"This is your trick?"

"Impossible! Are you not a Devil Fruit Ability User? Why are you not affected in any way?"

Teach hysterical The ground roared, just as the Ability User who had been suppressed by him once roared at him.

How could he know that Hailan has reached the realm of "One with Heaven and Earth".

Hailan looked down and saw that Teach's big black hand was pinching his chest.


"Are you a big man disgusting?"

"Bang! !"

"Ouch! !"

Teach covered his mouth and lay on the ground. The blood was flowing, so painful that he kept wailing and rolling around.

"Why bother?"

Hailan couldn't help shook the head.

Yami Yami no Mi's ability is really good, but if he wants to choose, he really doesn't want it.

As a special Logia Devil Fruit, Yami Yami no Mi can’t elemental transformation. If it’s just like this, the key is to absorb pain.

Others enjoy double happiness, but Teach has to experience double pain.

Too cruel...


Teach finally got up, he opened his hands and found that a few teeth fell again Got two.

"Didn't you tell me three tricks first?"


"Then you..."

"But I didn't say not to fight back, I mean to give you time to prepare, otherwise you thought you could suck me over just now?"

Seeing Teach, what else do you want to say, Hai Lan interrupted: "Cherish your time, you still have two opportunities."


Teach babbled, he bounced away with Hailan At a distance of nearly a hundred meters, dark water that was as black as ink began to emerge on him, and it quickly turned into a black tornado. The earth is covered with dark water, like a flash flood.

Hailan can even feel the dark water beneath her feet have a weak pulling force, like a swamp.

"Pull up the airship!"

The airship operator who was floating in the mid-air of a hundred meters was lifted up to the sky because he was worried about being affected.

"Run, Admiral Teach is going crazy!"

Countless Pirates fled like birds and beasts.

Originally, Hailan and Teach didn't have who was a kilometer away. At this moment, they even felt that the distance of kilometers was not enough, and they rushed to a farther distance.

It didn’t take long for the dark water and black tornadoes that spread to the outside as if they were attracted by something, and they rushed towards Teach. At this time, Teach was like a black hole, swallowing mercilessly. Everything around.

"The thief hahahahaha...the dark emperor!!"

Accompanied by Teach’s distinctive laughter, he raised his right hand, and a huge black ball-shaped energy body was held by Teach. In the hand, it looks like a black sun.

The black sun exudes gloomy energy, and the mere glance at it is chilling.

"Not enough!"

Teach is not complacent. He further activates the "More-More Fruit Reality" ability to bless the black sun, which is like an expanding star , Getting bigger and bigger.

"Dark Emperor・Three times! No...four times!!"

Unlike Wapol, which frequently zooms in "hundred times", four times has exceeded the limit of Teach.

Wapol's "50x speed" is a bit faster than Luffy's second gear. "Hundred-fold punches" can't stun Luffy, and it can't match Kaido's hammer. It can be foreseen that Wapol's initial speed And how weak the power is...

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Wapol's bragging, just like Enel's thunderbolt, which is hundreds of millions of volts at every turn. In fact, it is not terrifying at all, it is just blowing out to scare. Human.

Just imagine, "Momo 1.2 times punch" and "Momo 20 times punch", and "200 volts·Thundergod" and "200 million volts·Thundergod" give people the same feeling? The former is unpleasant to scream, and in the imposing manner, first of all, it is a lot weaker.

"Day Tiger! This blow, I bet on Blackbeard's 30 years of having accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, can you stop it?!"

Teach gave a big hand. The super-giant "Dark Emperor" is like a star coming in the air pressing towards Hailan, and everything that it touches along the way, whether it is rocks or trees, is instantly crushed into debris.

Hailan standing more than two meters in front of the black star, like a tiny ant, insignificant.

"bang! !"

Most of the black sun fell into the ground and finally burst out.

The billowing gang wind roared like a typhoon, and towering trees were uplifted by the gusty wind. Even the sea around Honeycomb Island rolled up the waves and raged in all directions.

All the people in the battle stopped and stared at what Blackbeard had done.

Only Gion and Shiliew, who bet on the honor of the great swordsman, did not stop for a moment. Only each other was left in their eyes, either you died or I died.

"That black fatty... really amazing."

Garp couldn't help but sigh. Teach's blow made him shudder even as Hero of the Marines. .

But Garp is not worried, because he knows that Hailan has more power than that.

"Thieves...thief hahaha...haha..."

Teach grinned hard while panting.

He doesn't have the confidence to defeat Hai Lan, but if Hai Lan insists on letting him three tricks and giving him time to prepare, then he will have confidence.

With this blow, even if the guy couldn't be killed, how could he hit him hard?

The dark water that could not be seen gradually dissipated. It seems that it has never appeared. Only the remains of a typhoon and a flood outbreak are the records of how fierce battles have erupted on Honeycomb Island.

The smoke and dust rolled, faintly, there seemed to be shimmering light.

A black outline emerges in the dust. As the dust dissipates, Hailan’s silhouette slowly appears, a circle of colorful energy halo protects him in the middle, and Hailan’s body is not at all His scars stand as if they were a rock, and even the ground near their feet is still the same.


Teach couldn't hide the horror on his face, and couldn't help taking two steps back.

The last time he lost self-control like this, UU reading was still facing Whitebeard in Peak state.

"'s been a long time since no one called me that."

Hailan looked at Teach in the distance: "Blackbeard, you have another chance."


in this brief moment, Hailan suddenly felt that he seemed to be a villain Great Demon King, and Blackbeard in front of him was a warrior who never gave up and never gave up, and was trying his best to defeat the Great Demon King. .

"Don't think I really can't help you!"

After a brief lost self-control, Teach became hysterical.

"Let me give you the last blow with the strongest posture!"

A howl as if from hell enveloped everyone's heart.

Teach has torn off all the disguise, his body is undergoing a chilling and huge change.

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