The latest URL: "pu hahahahaha...or Hailan’s little demon is smart, precognition consultant, puff hahahahaha..."


In the airship above the clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters, Kuzan had a headache listening to the noise of Garp in his ear.

That man is now the commander-in-chief of the new Government, and Garp is carefree and fearless. He dare not be so rude.

Hai Lan said, Marine is not a vegetable market, not a barber shop.

Since Kuzan has left Marine, there is absolutely no possibility of coming back.

It’s just that the rules are dead and people are alive. Even if Kuzan can’t return to Marine, he can still serve Marine, so he has become Marine’s military advisor.

Of course, as a consultant, Kuzan certainly does not have the power to dispatch troops like Marine officers.

Akainu, Kizaru, precognition, personality determines the direction.

Akainu is an iron-blooded soldier who pursues "firm and thorough justice", has clear goals, and has a strong subjective initiative. For justice, he takes the initiative to attack, so he became Marine Fleet Admiral, commanding the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

Kizaru is a standard soldier, perfectly in line with "It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders". He pursues "ambiguous justice". No matter what kind of order, he doesn't care, he will only execute the superiors. The task given to him, whether right or wrong, ambiguous, is a standard tool man, so he is now the commander-in-chief of the War Section team of the new government science department.

precognition, in fact, he is simply not suitable for being a soldier.

"The justice of calm" makes him not care about the orders of superiors at all. He only does things that meet his own inner justice standards, and even the things he does will change with the changes in his mentality.

He felt that Sauluo was guilty, so he killed the other person; but suddenly he felt that Little Robin was very pitiful and innocent, and he let him go again when his heart softened.

Don't care about any constraints, just follow your heart. This is called calm.

The status of "Military Advisor" now gives him the best stage to play "calm justice".

It’s just that since he is not the Marine Headquarter, but a military consultant,

Many important matters within Marine must be kept secret. Kuzan’s current main scope of activities is Underworld, but in Before that, he had to avenge Blackbeard's revenge.

The Marine flying unit, which took the shape of the air force, flew straight to the "beehive" of Pirate Island in New World. On the sea below the airship, from time to time lightning flashes and thunder rolls poured down, and the sea surface turned upside down into waterfalls from time to time. , Will not affect Marine at all.

On the command boat named "Marineford" by Hailan,

The new Government General Commander also serves as Marine Fleet Admiral's Hailan;

Marine Headquarter "Momousagi" Gion;

Marine Headquarter "Tokikake" plus;

Marine consultant "precognition" Kuzan;

Hero of the Marines Garp the volunteered Fist;

Several Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, and military officers at all levels.

As the only emperor of Pirate rising in the new era, Marine’s active lineup today is absolutely worthy of Blackbeard’s current identity.


"The thief hahahahaha...... It seems that the old fogey of Whitebeard is indeed old!"

"We grabbed Whitebeard Pirates again today On a site in the United States, those timid guys dare not even fart!"

On Beehive Island, the Blackbeard Pirates group is holding a festive banquet.

Perhaps in the few days that Whitebeard has left, his family hopes to keep more tenderness. Whitebeard Pirates' current fighting spirit is indeed not as strong as before.

At the banquet, cadres gathered together.

The legendary Alien, Double Fruit Ability User, Pirate Admiral "Blackbeard" Marshall D·Teach;

The original Deep Sea Prison Impel Down Chief Warden, the Great Swordsman "Rain" "Shiliew";

divine archer "Supersonic" Van Augur;

"Death God" Doc Q;

"Fighting Champion" Chi Shas· Basas;

"The King of Evil" Abarro Pizarro;

"The Barrel" Basque Choate;

" "Xuanyue Hunter" Catalina Depeng;

and several Pirates who went to the Blackbeard Pirates group.

Nowadays, there is a rumor in the Pirate world: Edward is old, Shanks is retiring, Kaido is unwilling to fight for hegemony, and the strongest emperor Pirates is the Blackbeard Pirates group.

True or false, no one can prove it, but it is an indisputable fact that the number of Pirates who joined the Blackbeard Pirates group in the past year is the largest.

"Wei hahahaha... I want to say that since Akagami's brat is not a Pirate, then we will accept all of his territory!"

The fighting champion throws a bottle of wine Next, laughed and roared.

"Thieves hahahahaha...Bashas, ​​brat, are you drunk? Akagami's site was taken over by the new government a long time ago, and now to grab their site, that would be offending the new government. Why not grab Kaido's site!"

"The boss is right. We can now eat big chunks of meat and drink big bowls. Aren't we happy? Let's provoke Marine when we are idle. What are we going to do? "

Xuanyue Hunter agrees. She hasn't forgotten the shadow that Hailan left her before. If he can, he doesn't want to provoke Marine anymore, especially that guy is even now. Celestial Dragon has been wiped out.

Everyone was in ecstasy, only Shiliew was a little unhappy, wiping his saber silently in a corner with no one, "Demon Knife" Cun Yu.

At that time, he chose to follow Teach in order to kill more, to nourish his love knife, and to satisfy his desire to kill. Now the Blackbeard Pirates group’s more "satisfying" way of survival, he has a bit of Happy does not raise.


"What sound?"

Suddenly, there was a long whistling sound in the sky.


Augur's Kenbunshoku Haki was the first to catch the danger, and then others quickly realized the imminent crisis.

"bang! !"

Thunder blasted on the flat ground, and flames spread across the "beehive" on Pirate Island.

Pieces of high explosives fell from the clouds, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Countless Pirate covered head and sneaked away like a rat, Honeycomb Island is like the end of the world for a while.

"What's going on? Which one is standing guard in the harbour?"

"It came from the sky!"

Teach, who rushed out of the castle, looked up. The airships were gradually lowered from a height of 10,000 meters, and those airships were painted with awe-inspiring patterns of murderous aura, like sharks flying in the sky.

Kirov airship, this is the name of other combat airships besides the command ship Marineford, Hailan is a little evil.

"It's Marine!"

Teach glared, gritted his teeth, and protested loudly: "Marine! Our Blackbeard Pirates regiment has never attacked any Marine base. I have never invaded any new government franchise. Why did you come to attack us? Bullying the honest people?!" On the Marineford, Hailan listened to the sound transmitted by the radio waves. Smiled: "Marine's crusade against Pirate...does it still need a reason?"

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