The latest website: "Father...Royal Father!"


Fishman Island, 10,000 meters deep in the sea, Dragon Palace City , Second Prince "Emperor Star" rushed to the palace of "Great Knight of the Sea" Neptune, but unexpectedly, he greeted him with a curse from father.

"I can't remember how many times I have told you. What era do you call me Royal Father? Call me father!"

Huang Xing hurriedly bowed his head to admit his mistake:" Yes...Yes, Sir Father!"

"Let’s talk about what is so anxious?"

"K...Miss Koala has arrived."

The unperturbed Neptune became excited immediately: "I'm not hurrying to have you please."

"It has been arranged."

Neptune stepped off the throne: "You did good, quickly Take me to see her!"

"Sir Father!"

Before Neptune and Huangxing took two steps, a glutinous female voice suddenly stopped them.

"Shirahoshi, why are you here?"

"I just heard you say Koala is here."

"Yeah, what's the matter? ? " " Shirahoshi also to keep up with you, have not had Koala and play together. " " nonsense! Miss Koala is to get down to business, how can there be time to talk You play together."

Seeing the younger sister's eyes dimmed, Huang Xing persuaded in Neptune's ear: "Did you forget father? Shirahoshi, she has a very good relationship with Miss Koala, yes She might make things smoother, just let her go."

Shirahoshi blinked bright and intelligent big eyes: "I promise not to mess with Sir Father!"

Neptune hesitated for a few seconds, and finally agreed to Shirahoshi's request: "Um... OK, remember what you said, Shirahoshi!"

Shirahoshi flushed with excitement: "You Don't worry,

Sir Father!"


Today's Koala is wearing a lotus leaf skirt, very petite and cute.

Like Kong Ming, after the establishment of the new government, Koala also broke away from the Marine establishment and became a public official of the new government.

With Koala’s character, abilities and characteristics, going to Congress can serve the people better than staying in the military.

Today's Koala is less sassy when wearing a military uniform, but it is also a bit more charming and beautiful.


Koala gritted his teeth, his right hand clasped his face into the shape of a paw, like a tiger, acting as Shirahoshi in the distance A grimace.


Shirahoshi was so angry that his cheeks were puffed up, and he turned his head to the side, pretending to be angry and look very cute.

"Miss Koala, Miss Koala..."

Seeing this scene, Neptune didn't dare to say anything, just laughed.

This person in front of me is not only a public official of the new government, but most importantly, she is the younger sister of that adult.

Yu Wei, a few people now dare to provoke that adult; Yu En, that one has liberated the Fishman and the mermaid clan who could only live under the sea for hundreds of years.

No matter what actions this Miss Koala makes, Neptune will definitely not say much.

Hearing Neptune yelling to himself a few times, Koala stopped teasing Shirahoshi and turned and looked towards Neptune beside him: "Shirahoshi has become more courageous. I did this before, but she would cry her "

Neptune patted the flattery: "It’s all thanks to you."

Koala ignored Neptune’s flattery and went straight to the subject: "Take me to see Tell me about the strange event."

"Please, please."

Under the leadership of Neptune and the guard of the Dragon Palace Army, the entire group quickly arrived at its destination.

"It's here."

Neptune is a bit bitter: "I have never encountered such a thing before. Half a month ago, this Sea Territory was directly frozen. The frozen Sea Territory was at least 10 kilometers of it. we have tried various ways to want to clean up the glacier, but the strange thing is, ice is especially strong here, knifed ax will do nothing.

After finally breaking a piece, it will be intact again in an instant.

We really have no choice but to ask the Government and Miss Koala for assistance."

"In other words, do you want the Government to help you clear this glacier?"

"It's better to be so."

"If it's Ellie, no... Ace It's convenient here."

I used to fight with Ellie. When it comes to dealing with ice, Koala immediately thought of the ability of Mera Mera no Mi, but that guy is not here now.

"Six-eyed flying fish, can you break this glacier?"

The former Xiaodian is now more than ten meters long, about the size of Neptune and Shirahoshi.

Hearing Koala's instructions, the six-eyed flying fish swims into the sea through the bubbles that protect the Fishman Island, swaying a rolling waterspout, and "booming" and blasting a large piece of ice.

Neptune could not help being stared wide-eyed: "Miss Koala, the six-eyed flying fish you just mentioned, is it the legendary sea lord Leviathan?"

Koala applauded: "You look good, it's Leviathan, but now... it's still a growth period at best."

How could the Great Knight of the Sea not know Leviathan, Fishman Island's many fighting skills? , Such as "water hitting" and "manipulating ocean currents" are derived from the ability of this creature.


Koala slightly frowned.

Even if the six-eyed flying fish smashed a large piece of ice, the ice still recovered in a blink of an eye.

"Forget it, six-eyed flying fish."

Koala called back the little fellow who was still be eager to have a try, "it seems to want to destroy this piece completely. Glacier, I can only go to your mother."

Neptune's eyes twitched a little, and I confirmed that the look in his eyes was the smell of lemon.

How? Did Koala still know the adult Leviathan?

If Dragon Palace also knew such a monster, in the difficult years before the establishment of the new Government, where would it be necessary to be bullied and sent everywhere?

"Would you like to call Begapunk uncle over before the destruction? He should be interested in this kind of regenerative ice."

In the bubble Under protection, Koala swam near the ice and tapped lightly.

This knock is incredible, Koala could not help being stared wide-eyed.

Under the blessing of Paramecia ・Music Fruit, Koala has an extremely keen sense of hearing.

"Six-eyed flying fish, come back!"

The little fellow who was about to find Mama swam back with a question mark.

Little fellow tilted his head and watched silently, Koala called out Miss Pipa.

A heartbreak. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


The condensed sound waves vibrate from the string, penetrate the layers of ice, and oscillate to the depths of the glacier.

One minute passed.

two minutes ……Five minutes……

In the eyes of everyone's unfathomable mystery, the sound of "rumbling" sounded, and the entire glacier was instantly broken into broken ice!

"Take me over!!"

Koala and the six-eyed flying fish shot out, and Neptune and the others hurriedly followed.

When everyone arrived, they saw Koala holding a tall but miserable man who seemed to have lost consciousness in his arms, beside him was a half-dead penguin.

"Kuzan uncle, when you wake up, why on earth did... become like this?!"

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