"What are you talking about? Pirate Emperor Akagami Shanks announced that the Red Hair Pirates group will be disbanded today?"

"The territory under the auspices of the original Akagami flag will be merged into Marine's jurisdiction from today? Oh my god, I’m not dreaming, right? Show me the newspaper!"

"Where is there any newspaper! This is the captain of the Red Hair Pirates group, Pirate Emperor'Akagami'Shanks live I announced it personally!"

"Where can I watch the live broadcast, hurry up, take me to see!"

The top of the Red Line continent, formerly "Holy Land" The mountain range where Mariejois is located.

The crew of the Red Hair Pirates group such as Ben Beckman, Yasopp, Lucky Lu looked up at their Pirate Ship and witnessed the captain’s flag that had never been lowered in the "Red Buddha The flagpole of the "S" was taken off.


Yasopp is sighed, he knows that their Pirate career has come to an end.

Ben Beckman has a cigarette in his mouth, his face is heavy and serious, and he doesn't say a word.

Lucky ・Lu was chewing on the roasted legs, eating extremely rough, but tears could not stop flowing.


Shanks walked off the Pirate Ship without the Pirate flag, and the reluctant and unwilling companions surrounded them. Only Beckman and other veteran cadres stood there. There was no reaction in place, because they knew this was an inevitable result.

"From the initial establishment of the Red Hair Pirates group to today, what kind of enemy have we been afraid of?"

"At worst, we will fight with Marine. The Red Hair Pirates group cannot be disbanded. Ah!"

Shanks just grinned, listening to the complaints of his companions, and said nothing.

After a long time, the surroundings gradually became quiet.

Shanks looked back at Red Force without a banner, and looked towards his companions, lightly said: "What is good about fighting and killing? You are all big and big, you should go home. Live a stable life."

Sabaody Archipelago, within "Shakky's Rip-up Bar".

Pirate King’s right hand and "Dark King" Silvers ・Rayleigh looked at the screen in front of him. The vicissitudes of life looked subtle, and even the fingers holding the wine bottle trembled slightly: "Celestial Dragon was finally caught Annihilated.

However, it’s a pity that your ultimate ideal is not a clan like you.

They are Marine.

And he, is There is a little demon called Hailan.

Roger, the era you opened... is it going to end after all?


Actually... …This is also good."

Rayleigh took off his eyes and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"I know, the so-called Great Age of Pirates, simply is not the flourishing age you want to see."


of Red Line continent Top, Whitebeard Pirates.


The family of Whitebeard Pirates has already surrounded the breathless Whitebeard lying on the ground.

Before setting sail, Whitebeard had just torn off the sling from his body.

Even this Whitebeard is not weak enough to be stabbed to death by Gorosei. Don’t forget that in the fierce war, Whitebeard has already changed several opponents. He needs to face It's not just an enemy.


"Father, I'm here, I'm here!"

Whitebeard gently raised his hand, tears streaming down. Ace hurriedly slumped beside Whitebeard and hugged Whitebeard's big hand tightly.

"Kula la la la la la..."

Whitebeard smiled feebly, "Ace... You are finally willing to admit me as an old man."

Ace's heartache is like a knife: "I always admit it, always always."

Ace and Hailan had an agreement that only after defeating Koala can he go to sea as Pirate.

In order to hunt down Teach before, Ace has never had time to find Koala to make a shame. At this moment, Ace can't make any promises. He just wants to hear their voices while Whitebeard If you get the chance, call Whitebeard a few more daddy.

Whitebeard looked around the family members: "After I die...Ace will lead you all, are you all right?"

"Daddy, you won't die Yes, father, you are the strongest!"

"Answer my question!"

"We have no opinion!"

For Whitebeard Pirates , Ace was not an outsider who came in suddenly, Ace had already got in touch with them, so he almost shouted daddy and officially joined Whitebeard Pirates.

Hearing the children’s answers, Whitebeard was pleased with Issho: "A good man aims at the sea, but in the future...you should stop being Pirate, call it adventure group."

"No! Daddy, we will be Pirate for one day, and we will be Pirate for a lifetime. We will never shame Whitebeard Pirates!"

"What kind of asshole is this?! cough cough..."

Whitebeard coughed violently, "I am a remnant of the old era, and there is no ship that can carry me in the new era. And you are the sea boys of the new era! The new era does not need Pirate!"

"No, we..."

"Shut up!"

"Phoenix" Marco, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"Do you all think that Dad came here for what?

Is it just for a breath?

or for enjoying crusade against Celestial Dragon The pleasure?

All farts!

Dad is for us!"

Marco's within both eyes burst into tears: "Do you want to Daddy, is this opportunity to win in desperation to be wasted in vain?"

"Father, we were wrong, we understand!"

"pu hahahahaha... "

Just as Whitebeard Pirates was performing a moving scene of life and death, an extremely harsh laughter rang out inopportunely.

It's a pity that Whitebeard Pirates dared not speak, because the laughter was not someone else, it was the legendary Hero of the Marines-Garp the Fist.

"old fogey, what are you laughing at?!"

Seeing Garp's face taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, Ace was angry.

"Ace you...poof hahahahaha...hiccup..."

Garp smiled and happily fell on the ground with his belly, rolling around, rolling around Go away, even the tears came out.

Whitebeard exclaimed unhappily: "Garp, what are you laughing at."

Until Whitebeard spoke, Garp could not stop the laughter, but the smile on his face still couldn’t dissipate. : "I think of happy things."

Whitebeard looked blank: "What happy things?"


Garp again After holding back a few laughs, he finally replied: "I have a son."

"You have a son again?"

The person who is running for eighty, he has a son again?

Then who is his wife?

"What's your son's name?"

"His name is Monkey ・d・Newgate!"


"It's you, Whitebeard!

Ace, called grandfather, called louder, called Whitebeard. Listen well, puff hahahahaha..."

Whitebeard Pirates was petrified on the spot, chaos It's messed up, it's all messed up.

"Ace, is what he said is true?"

Ace is so embarrassed that a big man blushed to the base of his neck.

"Ace, called..."

"old fogey, shut up!!"

"pu hahahahaha...I have a son!"

"Asshole Garp, I'm going to kill you!"

Whitebeard, who was lying there waiting to die, was so angry that Garp's words cheated his body, which contained shock. Zhili's fist flew towards Garp's Iron Fist fiercely.

Whitebeard Pirates was ecstatic: "Daddy's Life Aura, it seems to be back again!"

In the distance.

Issho slightly frowned: "Hai Lan, your excellency, Mr. Garp this time... It seems to be a mess? The dying Whitebeard seems to be madly alive by him again.

What should I do? Do you want to do it?"

"Forget it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, let them go."

"Don't tell me that Whitebeard Pirates is also an undercover agent."

"Of course they are not."

"It's just that it would be too boring if the strongest man in the world died like this."

, Garp held his belly with his left hand, and his right hand pointed to Whitebeard who was laughing wildly.

Whitebeard, a weak and corpse corpse, was hugged tightly by his sons and couldn't fight Garp desperately.

Hailan looked at them from a distance, and said softly: "I once promised Fleet Admiral to hold a grand funeral for Whitebeard.

As for now, it is still It's not the right time." Still looking for "This Marine is not serious" free novel? Baidu direct search: "" It's easy to read novels! (=)

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