The same scenes were staged one after another on the battlefield, and the coalition forces in almost every place were caught in a bitter battle.

There are many types of steel robots that have been killed from the kings of heaven, including close combat, long-range attack, pure mechanical power, high-tech energy beams, and the weakest robots are like the first-class soldiers of Marine Headquarters, the strongest violent robots, and even It can be evenly matched with the "Hiken" Ace. Originally, the joint army faced the Heavenly Dragon army. It was a crushing situation. At this moment, the robot army participated in the exhibition, and the joint army gradually tasted the pain.

"During command reception, the anti-gravity device is about to be activated, and all BOTs will activate the force field response function."

The coalition forces in combat found that the robot in front of them suddenly stopped. All robots are repeating the same electronically synthesized sound, and even some robots are directly exploded on the spot without any response.

It’s a pity that they haven’t had time to seize the opportunity to further destroy their goals. A feeling of spinning around suddenly came. It’s like you are standing on the eighteenth floor with your head down and suddenly jumping down. , No, it's like being pushed down.

Suddenly, crying fathers and screams, screaming and screaming one after another, all the coalition army, Heavenly Dragon army, like dumplings, were instantly thrown down Pandora by the sudden upside-down gravity, even Garp. There is no exception. Although his strength can cope with this situation, he has never encountered such a thing before. He was caught off guard and fell from Pandora.

"Damn it, I managed to break into Mariejois, and I was completely abandoned."

Continuously there was a coalition army on the ground yelling and cursing .

There are also some more optimistic: "What are you panicking, those Celestial Dragons have also fallen, it is enough to kill Celestial Dragon!"

"Look, what is that? ?! Reversed...Straw Hat?"

I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain.

Since the fall from the heavens, more and more people have been shocked by the huge sky fortress in the sky.


As if the sound of a metal hatch opening, Pandora's hemispherical body, like a Straw Hat, hung upside down, divided into two, slowly opening to the two sides, full of eyes. Below, a huge red sphere slowly stretched out. Connecting the sphere is a spiral cylinder shining with electric light.

There was a huge sound of "hong", the translucent protective cover was finally completely opened, and the red ball connected to the spiral cylinder was finally completely exposed to people's sight.

"What's that?"

Countless people are dumbfounded, and they don't understand what this sphere that looks like a Buggy red nose is for.

Ben Beckman's face is solemn: "Tell me directly that this thing is very dangerous."

Beckman's voice just fell, as if he could not wait to verify his guess, any one awakened All the coalition forces after Kenbunshoku Haki felt that the surging energy was gathering on the red ball, and the threat that Kenbunshoku felt was rising linearly.

Even those coalition forces who don’t understand Kenbunshoku burst into cold sweat. Their eyes can see clearly, the thunderbolt on the spiral cylinder surges, and the red ball is surrounded by lightning. In this brief moment, They feel that what they are facing is not a strange man-made machine, but the most terrifying demon on the sea-silent super thunderstorm.

"If this Straw Hat-shaped flying machine is the legendary king, then that thing must be his weapon or core?"

Marco's blind eyes The center was full of vigor, "It must be destroyed."


Phoenix flew high, carrying the blue sacred fire towards Pandora's core.

"bang! !"

A violent robot with flames jetting under its feet slammed Marco with a heavy punch, almost knocking him down from the air.


Although Marco did not suffer any substantial damage by relying on the recovery ability of "Phoenix", he can judge from the blow just now, It is definitely not that easy to want to break through or defeat this iron bump.

"Little Ma, what the hell is happening?"

"That old fogey......"

Marco gnashing teeth, call yourself a pony Yes, the whole world is the old fogey in Marine.

Garp slid the iron Fist with sandbags and stepped on Geppo straight to the target, but unexpectedly a large flame was ejected from the feet of the violent robot, making way for himself as if fleeing.

"Huh? Escaped?"

"But this is also very good, save the old man's time."

"Just hit that big red nose Burst, it should be okay, right?"

Garp is getting closer and closer to the target, unstoppable.

Seeing that Iron Fist was about to hit the sphere, mutation suddenly appeared.

"ka! !"

Thunderbolt blasted, and the thunderbolt surrounding the spiral cylinder suddenly lased towards the flying Garp, as if Thundergod were coming, and the thunderbolt was extremely powerful.

"Don't underestimate the old man, Ahhhh!!!"

Garp is true, no matter what is in front of him, whether it is a human or a machine Forget it, even if it was a thunderbolt, he still broke it with a punch.

"bang! !"

Garp covered the pure Busoshoku Haki's pitch-black Iron Fist and collided with the violent thunderbolt, erupting with a deafening explosion.

"Ahhhh...break the old man!!!"

"zi zi ......bang! !"

That thunderbolt that seems to be sanctioned by Heavenly God It was actually Garp's flesh-and-blood Iron Fist smashed into scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, shocking everyone's jaws to the ground.

"Oh, it's still a step too late."

Garp's voice sank.

Although he smashed the thunderbolt blocking the road, a brand new enemy appeared in front of him.

"The fusion... is over."

A voice with a metallic feel slowly sounded in front of Garp, just like the Antiquity Giant Beast walking out of the Great Desolate.

Those violent robots that ran away as soon as they saw Garp took advantage of Garp's chance to be held back by thunderbolt to fuse together. A whole body was wrapped in black metal, surrounded by plasma, and was nearly ten in height. Mi's steel robot stopped in front of Garp.

Compared with the previous 568 meters violent robot, this brand new fusion robot is not much larger, but whether it is dark iron-like metal, even the light is distorted plasma And the surging imposing manner that erupted, gave people a completely different feeling, even Garp, this time also had a sense of crisis.

"The alien annihilation program is officially launched."


Above Pandora, only Yim and Hailan are left at this time. .

Through the transparent floor under her feet, Hailan can see the following general situation: "Is that... the energy cannon of the king?"


Eim wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and eyes, and said: "With just one shot, you can completely penetrate the Holy Land and the Fishman Island at the bottom. Those Blue Star people who came with you today, Will die."

"So powerful?"

Hailan spit out a mouthful of blood, "Then why don't you just use it against me?"

"tiger day, this joke you drive on the boring, you and I know, this does not kill you simply shelling me." Naim beckoned, wearing a long red jumpsuit The little girl in a skirt and black high heels popped out of the ground abruptly. She didn't seem to be afraid of Hailan or Yim at all. She just walked slowly to Yim's side and leaned on Yim's body obediently. Eim also touched her little head tenderly.

"Pandora, remember that person's appearance, he is the day tiger."


Hailan suddenly, no wonder his Kenbunshoku Haki couldn't capture this strange little girl's Life Aura, it should be Pandora's avatar.

The little girl called "Pandora" by Yim raised her head and glanced at Hailan. She couldn't see any emotions in her eyes, but Hailan always felt that it was not because Pandora was just an avatar and had no emotions. She sees herself as if she is looking at a piece of cold data, a string of pure codes.

"Remember it?"

"Pandora remembered."

Eim looked at Pandora tenderly, his eyes full of petting. It's like looking at one's younger sister, one's own daughter, or... one's only friend and family member.

"If I die, he will be your master in the future."

Hailan said with a smile: "Hey, Eim, you asked my opinion Already?"

"Zhouhu, you will not refuse."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Pandora is such an excellent aerial Fortress, don't you want it?"

"That's hard to say."

Eim was silent.

Soon he shook the head with a smile again: "It seems that I am simple."

"Pandora, what do you think?"

" Pandora will never betray Master Yim!"

"Forget it, your own business, you decide for yourself, anyway, if I die, I don't know if you listen to my arrangements. " " say that again. " Naim looked looked towards the sea-lan," dead, not necessarily what I ah. " " PA ! pa! pa! "

Hailan yawned and slapped a few slaps, "It's so touching parting message, I'm almost crying."

Eim frowned : "Zhouhu, do you think I'm playing you a boring emotional card?"

Hailan's expression was exaggerated, and he deliberately angered Yim and said: "Didn't it... Isn't it? Or you say this remark What is it for?"

Yim's complexion sank: "It's really impossible to tell good from bad. I don't know how to cherish it if I give you a chance!"

Hailan's whole body muscles Tensed together immediately, absolutely can't be careless.

This is not sitting in the audience watching a drama, but in front of him is his strongest enemy.

Hailan eagerly said: "I never need the opportunity given by others. Everything I get is my own ability to win!"

Yim's hand Let go of Pandora, in his falcon-like eyes, only Hailan is left at this moment: "Pandora, activate the all-blocking system."

"Master Yim?"

Pandora's eyes flickered slightly. She was originally an avatar, and within both eyes, there appeared simple human emotions that she shouldn't have.

Eim's tone is beyond doubt: "This is an order!"


The silhouette of the red clothed girl slowly dissipated, UU reading The electronically synthesized girly voice sounded lightly in my ears.

"The command is executing... Pandora's Box, start."


A transparent barrier like glass is rapidly formed, In a flash, the whole king was enveloped.

The combination of the upper hemispherical energy barrier and the lower hemispherical body makes the Uranus who originally looked like a Straw Hat hanging upside down into a complete sphere.

The imposing manner that has been riddled with scars has skyrocketed again: "Day tiger, come to fight, it's you or me, only one can live!"

Hailan's blood burns in the blood. The fighting intent is also continuously rising: "Just what I want!"


First set a small goal, such as 1 second. Remember: Shukeju

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