"Then what is my current strength level?"

Hailan looked towards the very beginning of the System panel.

World Time: Sea Calendar 1520

Identity: Hailan

Age: Meaningless

Strength evaluation: Above Supreme ( Pseudo)



"Sure enough, it’s above Supreme, those scarlet tips He didn't fool me, but what does this fake mean?"

The strength evaluation of "Above Supreme" shows that Hailan is overwhelmed by emotions, but the suffix "pseudo" is really eye-catching.

"If I'm not wrong, wait until my computing power is upgraded to Level 1, enough to match the perception ability, then this pseudo character can be removed, right?"

Follow Hailan speculates that the normal operation of the System should be in this rhythm.

"It's a pity that I don't have time to accumulate recognition points. The current crisis has not been resolved. I can only brace oneself."

", he looked up and looked towards Yim who was suspended in the air.

Speaking of which trouble, in fact, with Hailan’s current computing power, all the previous thinking and analysis took him at most a few seconds. All scenes in reality are compared to a few seconds. There is basically no change before.

Eim still looks disappointed. Since Jiuhu, who has the greatest expectation by himself, is also only this, there is nothing worthy of his nostalgia here, and the rest of the mess, let the three old stars play by themselves.

"The eye of insight, open."

Hailan closed her eyes and muttered in her heart.

When he opened his eyes, he found that all the scenes in front of him had undergone Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The energy that could only be perceived through the body and Kenbunshoku Haki is clearly visible in Hailan’s eyes at this time like colored waves.

These images can only be visually displayed using scientific instruments. , Now it was actually clearly seen by Hailan using naked eye.

He even saw his derivative abilities, the conversion of aurora elements and lightning elements, relying on electric and magnetic fields.

Field is a concept of physics. Physics is taught in junior high school. It is a real, but invisible substance. But now Hailan could clearly observe this magical existence.

As Hailan opened his eyes, he finally understood why System warned him that raising his strength above the "Supreme" realm might cause serious damage to this World.

Not seeing it with his own eyes, Hai Lan couldn't believe it. The space of this World is full of cobweb-like cracks. No wonder the space of this World can be easily shattered.

You should know that in the plane of overwhelming majority, any magic, Immortal Technique, and technology related to "space" are extremely complex and rare, but in One Piece World, the ability to affect space is indeed It's too much.

If Whitebeard can shatter space is excusable, after all, his strength can be regarded as the "Supreme realm" according to System standards, but Devil Fruit such as "door door fruit" simply doesn't need much With strong strength, any weak chicken can freely play in the space after eating.

The reason is that if you compare the space of Earth’s plane to an unbreakable barrier, then this Pirate world is a dangerous house leaking everywhere.

A strong enough force can shatter this dangerous wall, and the rat of seize every opportunity can also shuttle between the dangerous houses.

Suddenly Satori’s Hailan smiled and said to herself: "So the barrier fruit can no longer stop my attack, right?"

"en ?"

Eim, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly caught a sense of crisis. This feeling, the last time I experienced it, was facing the encirclement of the 20 invincible kings.


Large cracks suddenly appeared in the space around Eim.

Without any process, the densely packed slash envelops Eim in an instant, just like slash from a different dimension. It is airtight in all directions, shattering Eim.

It’s a pity that even with such a powerful slash, it still failed to hurt Yim. Hailan’s slash seems to be the moon reflected in the water in the mirror, and it didn’t exert any substance. Meaning.

"I saw you."

Hailan smiled without anger.

He had previously speculated that Yim should have some Logia Devil Fruit ability, but he couldn't tell what substance the origin of Yim was.

With the help of the "eye of insight", this time, Hailan can see clearly.

"Emm, you are Logia ・ Field Fruit Ability User, right?"

Although the two are separated by kilometers, with the super strong Kenbunshoku Haki, the two can clear Hear the other party's words clearly.

Yim frowned slightly. This time, the surprise that Sun Tiger brought him was a bit big.

Hailan guessed right, one of Yim’s abilities is "Logia-Field Fruit".

Previously, he invisibly intercepted Akainu’s attack, the huge force pressing on Akainu, and the power to strike Feihailan from the air all came from the "force field" controlled by him, and Yim was immune Hailan's aurora cutting line made Hailan unable to guess his ability, also because the "field" itself was invisible.

This is a Devil Fruit that is not recorded in the Devil Fruit manual. Emm never thought that anyone would guess his abilities.

"Zhouhu, you really have a secret hidden in your body that I can't even see."

Yim looked proudly, "You are very smart, but what's the point of such a cleverness? Use it? Your strength, only this."

Hailan lost Marine’s justice coat, revealing a strong muscle. He looked at Yim, "I didn’t want to use this towards move. But if your strength is above Supreme, then in order to defeat you above Supreme, I can only bet on my life first."

The thunderbolt that originally surrounded Hailan suddenly surged. Into Hailan's body, it was absorbed by Hailan coefficient.

Hailan’s muscles bulge, and he can even see clear blood vessels. Even his broken hair is built up by the power of the thunderbolt in the body. Hair stands up in anger. It is to describe the mood again, but what Hai Lan looks like now.


"ka! !"

The space around Hailan and the space around Eim have produced a large area of ​​densely packed cracks at the same time. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not pierce the air and the sky was as calm as water, because Hailan did not pass there at all, but directly crossed over the space between the two, and arrived at Yim in that instant. In front of.

"bang! !"

The big fist of the sandbag greeted Eim's cheek mercilessly, until the pure Busoshoku Haki completely covered Hailan's arms , Both Black Arm and Iron Fist.

Without any gorgeous decoration, this is derived from the purest punch of the human body, but this kind of purity is heart palpitating.

"dong! !"

Eim's silhouette hit the Dark King's deck and fell heavily into the depths of the Dark King.

Yim's crown, which hadn't been taken off in 800 years, fell slowly towards the ground at this time.


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