Hanging in the sky, Hai Lan slowly adjusted her breath.

Just now, we worked with the Heping Pacifistas to release the "last blaster", and the Heping Pacifistas were scrapped one after another. This move is also very costly to Hailan.

Hailan looked towards the bottom, Marine has already fought with another army.

"That is...the floating island fortress? Has Celestial Dragon's army finally arrived? It seems that Begapunk has been controlled by them."

Floating Island The size of the fortress is no less than that of Marine Headquarters. With an island close to each other, no one will fail to see such a huge monster.

On the ground, countless Marines, under the leadership of Vice Admiral, fought with the army under the World Government, in the sky, Borsalino and Issho, Marine Headquarters, Gion, plus two Admiral's back-up is inextricably difficult to distinguish with the three old stars.

Hailan couldn't help but sighed. It seems that this Dark King must be solved by him himself.

"Come on the sword!"

Hailan stretched out his right hand and held it in the void. A long sword shining with blue thunderbolt was created out of thin air in his hand. Around his body, countless aurora long swords swiftly surrounded Hailan's body, setting off that Hailan was like the invincible War God in the legend. War God was furious, corpses a million, and blood flowed thousands of miles.

"go! ”

Hailan gave loudly shouts. The countless bright aurora long sword is like a soldier who has been ordered, and the sword tip is pointed at the distant one. Dark King battleship.

A handful of long sword pierced the air, and hit the energy shield that protects the Dark King with the whistling wind, the sound of steel collisions one after another in the clouds, endless, energy The protective cover flashed wildly, showing how terrifying the Dark King was.

"Can't it be faster? Once the protective cover is broken, we all have to die here!"

Inside the Dark King, the operators brow beaded with sweat.

The three old stars have been restrained by Marine’s expert, no one can save them, and they have to face, but even the three old stars are not opponents monsters, now they can only take all of them Hope is pinned on the Dark King’s main cannon. Only the Dark King’s energy destroying cannon that can blow up an island can defeat the day tiger in front of him.

The operator is helpless: "There is no way to go faster anymore, this is already the extreme speed charged by the Dark King!"

Someone has already begun to pray: "God,

You can help us!"


All the red lights inside the Dark King suddenly turned on.

The captain hurriedly asked: "Is the charging completed?"

"No...it's not..."

There was panic, "Dark King's protective cover was broken by the day tiger!"

" Wh ..."

The captain's mouth opened wide and it is speechless.

He had expected this result, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

On the big screen, the day tiger in the distance has already held the aurora long sword in his hand, and began to prepare for the strongest energy storage one. hit.

They have heard of that sword, it is a terrifying slash that can slash Kaido of the Beasts, cut the ground, and even smash space.

How can the Dark King be able to hold it after losing its protective cover?

After a few seconds of blanking his brain, the captain finally squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Abandon the ship, escape!"


Hai Lan suddenly opened his eyes when he was ready. Those eyes were sharp like eagles and falcons, exuding indifference like wind swords and frost swords. Today, he is about to slash the Dark King with his sword.


In front of Hailan, a large area of ​​space was like glass that was thrown on the ground, shattered.

There is no solid sword aura, because this is the purest slash, the sword aura is too slow, this sword, the moment the sword is released, the target has been cut off at the same time.

"bang! !"

A dull voice sounded from the up ahead of the Dark King.


Hailan was puzzled, and quickly became completely relieved.

The only one who can stop the sword of Hailan is the old monster that lives in the legend.


With the collision point between Hailan’s slash and Eim as the center, the terrifying air wave turned into a substantial shock wave and surged in all directions. Even the Dark King was shaken constantly by the shock, and the operators who tried to escape for their lives fell to the ground one after another.

"What the hell is this...?"

"Are you saved?"

"Is it the three old stars?"

"No, you see, who is who again?"

On the big screen, there is a tall presence on the back.

It's just a back figure, but it lays across the Dark King like a mountain. The asylum is at peace, but the enemy will never be able to climb over.

"Have you finally taken the shot? Yim."

Hailan smiled lightly, until today, he finally saw the one who had been living behind the scenes, and was so much Rager regards Gorosei as an invincible demon, and makes Gorosei the master of the subject, the legendary monster, "Imm-sama".

Yim did not directly attack Hailan, but said: "Although there are some tricks, since you can stop Pluto's main gun, it also shows that you are barely qualified to work with Hailan. I have fought."

His voice is very soft, serene, with a kind of magnetism, with a special charm, like a holy angel who spreads hope and light to the world. Yim's voice has a strong affinity, and it is difficult to cause any hostility.

It’s just that, no one will have any cordial feelings towards Eim, because his voice also possesses the majesty of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, just like aloof and remote, a god that mortals can only look up to. Others couldn't lift their heads at all.

"Oh? It seems that someone has already told you my name."

Eim was a little surprised, but quickly relieved that there is nothing worthy of him in this world. Things to care about.

Facing Hailan Yim suddenly laughed: "Zhouhu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you are really strong, I am very satisfied."

Hailan could not help but startled , Also laughed: "I really didn't expect that you would comment on me that way, so...you don't say anything such as'Join me, let's rule this World together' and other naive words?"

Eim lightly said: "I am not interested in ruling the world."

Hailan laughed blankly: "Can I understand this as if you are pretending to be forced?"

Eim was not angry. He explained casually: "I have been in this seat for 800 years. If you have the same experience as mine, you will lose interest in ruling the world.

Do you know how I came here in the past 800 years? Most of the time, I was asleep, because when I was awake, it was so boring.

It's you, give me The boring life finally brings some fun.

You think you can kill me, right? Very good, I hope you don’t let me down."

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