After quitting his job, Li Zhi decided to take a teacher qualification certificate after a series of complicated procedures.

I have been studying mathematics for the past two months. If you say it, you may not believe it. Although Li Zhi intends to take the exam for the junior high school teacher qualification certificate, high school mathematics and even higher mathematics at the university are the content of the exam. And even this is not the whole content of the exam. . .

After two months of thinking, Li Zhi has indeed thought about Court Eunuch. Changing a vest is definitely easier than picking up this book. After all, the style of the Internet is difficult for readers to pick up once they leave. Get up, but in the end Li Zhi decided to write down this book.

Everyone may be very angry. Since it is cut, why don't you make a statement so that you don't have to wait any longer.

Because if you send a Court Eunuch statement, then you really won’t be able to return...

So when you encounter something in the future, if you don’t have no choice, you must Don't make a decision in a hurry. (If you hesitate, you will get a discount or even give it for nothing. Fatty:?????)

This weekend, I will have an exam. After the exam, Li Zhi still needs a week to make up for the latest update. Theatrical version (but I personally estimate that this book should not be able to write Buretto this person), more importantly, I have to make up for the missing comics (I haven’t watched Pirate King for two months), and most importantly, Li Zhi needs to understand the plot of this book.

Probably the update will resume next Monday.

Actually, I haven’t completely cut it in these two months. Li Zhi did write a little bit tired before. Everyone should also read a sense of indescribable. Personal analysis, it should be caused by tired writing. The Essence, Qi, and Spirit are gone.

When he returns, Lizhi will definitely give everyone a different feeling. Still looking for "This Marine is not serious" free novel? Baidu direct search: "" It's easy to read novels! (=)

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