The Marine generals in the Battle Conference Hall looked at each other in blank dismay for a while.

Momonga Vice Admiral wondered: "Isn't it said that Alabasta's royal family has always been guarding the ancient weapon Dark King Pluto's coordinate Poneglyph? Are the rumors always false?"

This rumor mentioned by Momonga, whether it is the high-level of Marine or World Government, or Underworld, is not a secret at all, and many people have already known it.

But as Momonga said, the rumored thing hidden in Alabasta is simply not the Dark King battleship itself.

"Despicable King Alabasta, he concealed the truth from us!"

Doberman Vice Admiral was angry with gnashing teeth.

He has always regarded Akainu as his role model. He once thought that if he replaced the O'Hara Buster Call participant with himself, he would make the same choice as Sakazuki Admiral, Kuzan Admiral The orphan who has let O'Hara go is indeed more in line with the goodness of a person’s heart, but if this orphan takes the evil path and steals the Dark King with the ability to interpret ancient characters and some dangerous forces, what will happen? How much disaster did it bring to the world? The world cannot afford this risk.

Fortunately, the orphan seems to have disappeared, and Daubman never heard the rumors about the orphan of O'Hara.

"Doberman Vice Admiral, calm down, things may not necessarily be what you think."

"What do you mean?"

Kong Ming, Chief Staff Officer Shaking the lupins leisurely said: "I have been stationed in Alabasta for a period of time, and have had many exchanges with the king of Alabasta, Cobra. According to my observations, this king should be a very kind king, not only kind to the people of this country. , And there is no intention to invade other countries, so I infer that maybe even the royal family of Alabasta didn’t know that their land has always hidden the legendary ancient weapon Dark King Pluto. If they knew it, in Reverie When it was held, Cobra should be stronger."

"I agree with the views of the staff of Kong Ming."

Hai Lan recalled the information in his mind and told his own inferences. : "Ancient weapons have not appeared on the world for 800 years. It is normal for the offspring of those who were familiar with ancient weapons to lose relevant information in the course of the years.

Actually. I have long suspected that the Dark King should be hidden in Alabasta."

Everyone was astonished: "How did you know?"

"It starts with Celestial Dragon."

Hai Lan summarized his past analysis: "Many of you don’t know, don’t you? Donquixote Doflamingo is actually Celestial Dragon."

Seeing everyone’s surprise, Hailan confirmed that her guess was correct: "He is from Celestial Dragon Donquixote Family. His father once proposed to take his family to live with civilians, insisting that all people are equal, but when their family can't survive in North Blue, they think When they wanted to return to Mariejois, the Celestial Dragon in power directly rejected them, which eventually led to the death of Doflamingo’s parents. Doflamingo has not yet been able to become World Nobles again. The reason is that since they gave up their status as World Nobles, they have already and untouchables. It’s no different."

"What does this mean?"

"This shows that in the eyes of the real leader of Celestial Dragon, the ordinary Celestial Dragon family is simply dispensable. Abandoned son, do not have the slightest right to speak.

But you have noticed that, every time a Reverie is held, Even Celestial Dragon is polite to the Neferrutari family, that is, Alabasta’s Royal Family. Don’t forget, they gave up their World Nobles identity eight hundred years ago, and their king is another one. Ordinary people who have no power to bind the chicken, so you think, what is it for them to make Celestial Dragon respect them so much? "

Everyone suddenly felt Satori, "In that case, it is true that only the Dark King can stun Celestial Dragon. "

"Since the Dark King is in Alabasta, why does the World Government send agents to sneak into Water 7? "

"Water 7 is a design drawing of the Dark King.

If there is a design drawing, it is not impossible to build the second and third Dark King with the foundation of World Government. "

"Yes, I remember it wrong, it's the design drawings. "

"In this way, Mr. Garp's grandsons did a great job inadvertently. They shattered the World Government plan. "

"These are all trivial things. What I am even more worried about is that the Dark King is an ocean battleship and the Alabasta is a desert. How did the World Government achieve the top secret and shipped the Dark King out. ? Bin Zi, do you know the details? ”

Seeing Fleet Admiral looked towards herself, Bin Zi hurriedly stood at attention: “I didn’t find anything. I only knew that it took me a few months to completely green the desert city center. It sank, and a huge battleship rose up. Then, the battleship seemed to flash. When the eyes were opened and closed, it was farther away from the ground, and when it was opened and closed, it was farther away. It just flashed away.

At that time, the city was almost in ruins, and it was more tragic than the earthquake. Thanks to the technique of wood escape, I managed to survive with everyone. UU reading"

"Thanks for your hard work, let's go and treat the injury first. "

"Yes! "

Binzi salutes and retreats.

A new question has been born: What ability did the World Government use to transport the Dark King away?

Kong Ming brows tightly frowns: "Could it be the Eim that the two Fleet Admiral mentioned, who is stronger than Gorosei? "

Hai Lan is also a little worried, "That Yim's ability is still a mystery, and the unknown enemy is the most difficult danger. "

After thinking of something, Hai Lan's voice suddenly became serious: "Everyone listens! ! "

In the Conference Hall, which was originally as casual as the classroom after class, all Marine generals were in awe.

"From now on, suspend all combat plans and stop you All the military affairs at hand, with the fastest speed and highest efficiency, will lead all the military and civilians of Marine Headquarters to sea! "

"Why is this? "

"Dark King Pluto, that is a super battleship that can destroy an island in a single shot. Can I explain it more? "

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. When Hailan reminded them, everyone remembered the most terrifying aspect of Dark King: "Understood! "

"Everyone has it, act now! "

"Yes! "

"Report! ! "

"Come in. "

"Reporting Fleet Admiral, the air reconnaissance force sent emergency information. They observed a huge super battleship flying towards the headquarters! "

"Super battleship...Is it the Dark King?" "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, "But why are you flying here?" "

"Someone in Gorosei ate Fuwa Fuwa no Mi. "

Hai Lan's eyebrows are also locked together, "I didn't expect that the speed of World Government would be so fast." "


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