New World, on "Moby Dick" by Whitebeard Pirates.

"Zhuhu, this brat, really capable!"

The strongest man in the world "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate put the newspaper beside him, leaning on the chief, Looking at the clouds in the sky, lightly sighed.

The sea does not ask about age, only strength.

From the very beginning "little demon of Zephyr old man's house" until now, even Whitebeard has used the term "day tiger" for Hailan. This is an identification from the bottom of my heart.

Especially in this age, Whitebeard is old, and the internal injury accumulated in his youth seriously drags down his strength, and the young Hailan is in the peak period of his physical strength, and even further strength is not It’s impossible. There have been rumors in the sea. Many people no longer recognize Whitebeard as "the strongest man in the world." Now the youngest Marine Fleet Admiral who deserves this name should be the youngest in history. One can guess the "magician" who sees through.

Whitebeard’s children are still working hard to maintain the honor of Whitebeard, and they always believe in the power of Whitebeard, but Whitebeard knows very well in his heart that he has not been able to do the “first time” before hanging the bottle. To defeat the Sun Tiger in "Top War", even more how is it now?

"Ryder, Shiki, are all gone, Roger...the remnants of the era are only me."

"You know Is that day tiger Hailan, that little demon of Zephyr family, he took all Marines to declare war to the World Government! Kula la la la la... The youngster now is really amazing, better than ours. It’s going to be crazy!"

"You said, can we let this group of little demon compare? If you lie down like this, I might really have to lie in the coffin!"

"Roger, what kind of world do you want to see? I don't know. However, I will use these eyes to see the sea now for you."

"I also found your child. It's really the same as you, stubborn, excellent, value emotion, value friendship."

"My old friend, wait for me for a while. Well, I have so many stories I want to tell you."

"Father, the fleet is assembled, listen to your instructions!"


Whitebeard stood up from the chief, and the handle of Supreme's "Cluster Cloud Cut" hit the deck with a steely sound.

"Young men, target Mariejois, let's go!"

"ao ao ao ~"

"Let’s fight a tough battle!!!"


On the same day that Marine issued a statement, the Emperor Pirate of New World, the strongest man in the world "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, brought 43 Pirates under his umbrella to declare war on the World Government!


Grand Line, Krai Kana Island, the Kingdom of Sikeal.

"It's really annoying, why are there so many baboons here?"

World Government CipherPol administrator Spandane pinched his nose and walked into the ruined castle with a look of disgust. .

The castle is like a gloomy ghost castle. If there is no mission, Spandane really doesn't want to come to this kind of ghost place.

Swallowing saliva, Spandain mustered up the courage and walked in under the protection of the agents beside him.

"Mr. Mihawk, hello, hello, hello."

Hawk Eyes, holding a goblet in one hand and a newspaper in the other, looked up and looked towards with a smile on his face Spandane: "Are you?"

"I am an agent of the World Government, here I am..."

"Is it here to deal with Marine, right?"


"That's right, it's Mr. Mihawk, you guessed it as soon as you guessed it."

"Then you go, I just want to be a farmer now."


"Do you need me to talk about second time?"


"Send off! "

Hawk Eyes gave an order, and several baring fangs and brandishing claws with swords in hand blasted the entire group of Spandane.

Hawk Eyes is not stupid. Why would he do such a thankless thing to Marine?

As for the "deprivation of Oka Shichibukai" identity or something,

If the World Government ceases to exist, does this Shichibukai identity still have meaning?

Even if Celestial Dragon wins in the end, he doesn't have to worry about World Government's final settlement after the fall. The absolutely powerful strength is his willful capital.


New World, the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

"So, things are like this, Lord Doflamingo, Gorosei hopes you can help the World Government. When the chaos is calmed, they promise to restore your World Nobles identity."

"Jie crutched her and said that she was milk-stamped!

Doflamingo sneered twice, "It's just that those Old Guys thought I was the little child back then? Leave this kind of empty check to fool you! I have a good king improper now, why do you want to take a trip to your muddy water? "

"Aren't you afraid of losing Oka Shichibukai's position?" "

"What if you lose it?" Isn't everything in my place running as usual? "

"Doflamingo, don't forget, you are now suspected of stealing the country!" "

"Really? But what can it do? You sent someone to catch me, but will Marine Headquarter still listen to you?, three old stars, do they come in person? I think they are already overwhelmed by themselves, right? "

Doflamingo's voice turned cold, and UU reading's smile became a little bit more people: "Tell them, don't force me, otherwise no one will think about getting better." Vergo, see off! ! "

Looking at the bustling city outside the window, Doflamingo's face is frosty, and a reluctance to look back in his mind: Who wants to go back to the garbage dump again!

New World, Thundergod Island.

"So, Sun Tiger has chosen to be your enemy, and Akainu died because of you, right? "

Spandam, Spandane's son, replied weakly: "Also... the same can be said. "

"Then do you know what is the relationship between this god and the two of them?" "

"What's the relationship? "

The thunderbolt aura on Enel's body gradually became richer: "You killed the old enemy of the god, and now you want the god to deal with the guide of the god?" "

Spandam hurriedly waved his hands: "No...we didn't hurt..."

"Enel, do you want to rebel? Are you afraid of losing Oka Shichibukai's position? "

Aware of the killing intent on Enel, the agents are all alert.

"Oka Shichibukai? Do you really think that God cares about this thing? If you dare to threaten this god, you are not afraid of being punished by the gods? "

"Flee! ! "

The agents did not hesitate at all. This is Thundergod Island, the home of "Thundergod" Enel. They have no chance of winning at all.

Thunderbolt fell from the sky, Enel didn’t even move. Everyone except Spandam turned into coke in an instant.

Enel opened his arms and closed his eyes, seeming to recall the sanctions just now: "How many years have passed." Now, those who dare to come here to go wild will eventually turn into light and disappear. What is left is your poor courage. "


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