"haha, Garp, I will be the Marine Headquarter soon."

"Okay, when you become Admiral, you will be far from our ideals I'm one step closer."

"To the ideal and justice in my heart, cheers!"


"Garp, Gorosei's order is down , Go and execute it."

"But this kind of request, is this really justice?"

"Don't ask more, go ahead!"

"Whoever loves to go, I will not go!"



"Oldest Big Brother, I I’m ready to resign."

"Do you think about it again?"

"I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, I’m too tired and don’t want to participate in these things anymore."




Sengoku of "Buddha", a semi-retired veteran of Marine Headquarters, was lying on a recliner looking at the white clouds in the sky, stunned In a daze.

"I'm still a step late after all... Hailan is still so young, I thought that person would not be so fast... I should have told him earlier."

Awakening "Haoshoku Haki" tomorrow morning, Sengoku has always chosen to conceal it, keeping a low profile.

He used to be a passionate young man, but with the growth of his knowledge, Sengoku finally realized this World. It turned out that he was so powerless. Haoshoku Haki sounds great, but in fact it is just a fart. Well, in front of that person...All of this is too small.

Recalling that once, deep despair completely enveloped his body and mind, but in the vagueness, Sengoku's gaze contained a faint hope.

"Hope Hailan... really safe and sound."



Akainu The power out of his body attacked the mysterious weirdo. He wanted to use Meigo, who burned everything, to punish the greatest evil in the world!

But after only a moment, a deep sense of powerlessness replaced the uncontrollable anger in Akainu's chest.

"overestimate one's capabilities."

Eim lightly opened his mouth, but he didn't even move. The magma sharp claw that Akainu grabbed at him was actually caught in a quagmire. The immense force stopped forcibly, Ming Ming Yim's cheek was close at hand, but "Meigo" could no longer make any progress.

Gorosei stood respectfully behind Eim, never moving from beginning to end. It seemed that Akainu never thought that Akainu could hurt Eim.

"This...this is impossible!"

Akainu stared wide-eyed, he once had the experience of fighting Emperor Pirate, including Monkey, the most vicious criminal in the world・D. Dorag, no one has ever brought him such a huge pressure, and no one can intercept his full blow so easily, especially when the opponent hasn’t even moved, and he can’t even touch him. To each other.

"Is it fun?"

Em’s pupils are full of disappointment. Years have passed. He has seen too many powerhouses, but every time he Both are able to move even a little bit with absolute crushing strength.

"A mortal is just a mortal after all, and only he can help me fulfill my wish."

Im slowly lifted his left hand, Akainu was vigilant, and beware of Im. He killed himself, but he only saw Yim press his left hand down again, but with such a simple movement of up and down, Akainu felt a huge pressure like a mountain and pressed himself against him. come over.

This is not a kind of psychological pressure, but a force condensed into substance, which is actually acting on Akainu's body.

"Kneel down."


Akainu's body is getting more and more pressure, and he bites tightly While holding his teeth, the blood vessels and veins under his body burst out, and the redness spread from the cheeks to the neck and ears. This shows how powerful Akainu's body is.

"bang! !"

A huge sound was heard, and the dust was rolling. The rock floor under Akainu's feet was stepped on the spot by Akainu because it could not withstand such a powerful force, and the cracks spread. In all directions.

"Oh...why bother.


Im shook the head, "Pa" sounded, and Akainu, whose feet were trapped in the ground, was splashed by the mysterious force Lava liquid.

"I don't want to kill you yet, go back, go back and think about what you can do, think about what you should do."

Sengoku once Faced with the same choice as Akainu, Sengoku chose to fight crime as much as possible within his own ability to protect more civilians.

Gorosei hurriedly reminded: "Sakazuki, thank you Lord Im, he is giving you a chance."

I don’t know if it’s because of the magma turned into one place. After speaking, Akainu still didn't think of an answer. At this time, Akainu was silent.

"You don't need to answer now, I'm not interested in your answer."

Im turned around and left.

The last time Sengoku did not answer on the spot, but Yim knew that in fact, they would have an answer in their hearts sooner or later. Compromise is only a matter of time.

"The rest will be handled by you."

Yim, who gradually disappeared from his sight, finally left only a light voice.


New World, "White Earth Island" Baldigo.

This is a special island that will not be guided and deserted by recording pointers. With this feature, few people on the sea can find this place, and here is the "Revolutionary Army headquarters" where the Revolutionary Army hides its life. ".


Feeling the gradually returning to his mind, Hai Lan frowned and slowly opened his eyes. His breathing was difficult, his mouth was extremely bitter, and his muscles all With an indescribable soreness.


Re-feeling the "alive" breath from my body, Hai Lan couldn't help let out a long relaxed breath, this After panting, the wound on his body became painful again.

"This feeling...a bit annoying...Kairoseki handcuffs?"

There was coldness from the wrists, Hailan's mind became more sober, UU reading www.uukanshu. com felt the proximity of the breath, Hai Lan looked at it instantly, and a lithe and graceful silhouette gradually approached him.

"Mr. Hailan, are you awake?"

"You are..."

I heard the other party calling himself "Mr. Hailan", Hai Lan couldn't help but frown, and glanced up and down at the girl in front of her.

The girl has a nice face, slender and curvaceous figure. She is definitely lithe and graceful, but the most striking thing is the girl’s crimson hair like flames and bright red eyes like gems.

"Akagami's girl?"

The girl was amused by Hailan, "Mr. Hailan, do you really remember me?"

"You...oh, I remember."

Kairoseki couldn't limit the computing power of Hailan's brain. He soon suddenly came across Satori: "You are Kirno!"

Girl Yanran Issho: "You finally recognize me."

"Did you save me?"

"That's not true. It's Mr. Tiger, Fisher ・Tiger."

"Sure enough, it was him."

Hai Lan was nodded, thinking that he was right before he was unconscious.

He remembered that Cirno seemed to have joined the Revolutionary Army. Doesn’t this mean that the disappeared Fisher Tiger also joined them?



Hai Lan raised her hand and shook the Kairoseki handcuffs on her wrist, "What does this mean? ?"

"You have to blame yourself."

Hai Lan said with a smile: "Blame me? I copy myself?"

Qilu Nuo tilted his head, "Aren't you a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User? Your body has a self-protection mechanism, and it will automatically elemental transformation if you are injured. In order to perform surgery on you, you can only wrong you first."

"All right."

Hai Lan knew it, smiled and said, "Then I won't hold it accountable."


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