Among the eight people of zero, pawn, zhe , all, formation, flash, forward, and line, "zero" and "pawn" have an absolute Marine Headquarter level of strength. The strengths of Qian and Ji are slightly inferior to them, roughly at the level of the elderly Rayleigh and Gaban. The strengths of Zhe and Shan are at the level of Commander and Disaster, and the strength of Array and Xing is the strongest. Difference.

If you only consider the personal combat capability, the "array" and "xing" are basically impossible to sit in today's position, but the two of them have special Devil Fruit capabilities. The "array" is "Paramecia ・Formation". "Fruit" Ability User, can do as one pleases to create Formation out of thin air, trap any target in it; "Line" is "Paramecia ・Transfer Fruit" Ability User, he can change the position of any object at will within the range of his ability .

The abilities of the two of them have played a huge role countless times in CipherPol's operations. One-on-one may be of little value, but in teamwork, it will greatly enhance the team's combat capabilities.

In normally, with the protection of companions, "array" and "line" can control the battlefield with peace of mind, but no one would have expected that the sun tiger is going to kill today as if he was iron-hearted. Dead "array", he has shot against "array" more than once, especially the phantom angel, which makes you can't guard against it.

Hai Lan has already awakened the "high-end Kenbunshoku Haki", how could he not feel the strength of these people, in front of such a luxurious lineup, he has no chance of winning with meet force with force , Only if he takes the lead in killing the "array", can he have a chance to escape alive.

Taking advantage of the chance that the enemies didn’t really realize Michael’s strength, Hailan controlled Michael to take action, but he didn’t expect that "Shan" would fight his own life." In front of the formation, Michael has already shown enough strength to smash Formation. He can't find the opportunity to use the charged sword anymore, because after this, the enemies will never be underestimated. Michael even the slightest.


"Jing" wailed hysterically, tears soaking her eyes.

The "flashing" grin with a pale face like paper said with a smile: "Don't tell me to flicker... okay? I hope I can... hear you... personally... call my... name ."

The "array" emerald-like within both eyes burst into tears: "Oster, hold on, you will be fine!"

Although it says so But "Jin" knew that "Shan" was out of help, otherwise she wouldn't call "Shan" by name.

CipherPol is not allowed to be emotional, but when feelings come, you don’t want to ignore them.

Many years ago, "Jin" and "Shan" had already been in love with each other.

"The formation...I'm going to see...Nelson soon...if you can...please kill the day tiger for me in this battle...if he runs away... …Please...definitely...don’t...don’t avenge us...revenge..."

The high level agent in CipherPol, "Paramecia ・Acceleration Fruit" Ability User "Flash" Oster, the last breath, completely dissipated in the air.


"It's a pity that I couldn't kill that woman!"

Hai Lan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and stopped covering her body. The imposing manner is rising again.

I have to say that the Formation of the "array" is still quite solid. Michael's strength is comparable to Hailan. His fully powerful "Aurora Slash. Breaking the Sky" is only after killing "Shan". Cut through the "array" coat, leaving a shallow blood mark on her waist and abdomen, because most of the strength has been blocked by Formation, otherwise even if the "flash" and the "array" are stacked together It's not enough for "Aurora Slash. Breaking the Sky".

"Damn... careless."

"Bing" hates gnashing teeth. He never thought that Zhouhu could guarantee that he had no weak spot. At the same time, he controlled the aurora angel to release such a terrifying sword.

What is this? Is he equal to two Marine Headquarters alone? And there are still two powerhouses with amazing lethality, far surpassing the same level of powerhouse!

"You can no longer reduce staff,

you protect the line, Shan is dead, and if there are fewer lines, we may not be able to take the day tiger!"

Two consecutive reductions People made the mood of "Zero" down. I have to admit that because of the overwhelming advantage of the lineup, they did underestimate the enemy. Otherwise, "Zhe" and "Shan" would not sacrifice so casually, but fortunately, It is not too late to make up for it.

Zero was alert to Hailan not far away, and commanded in a deep voice: "Bing, Qian, you two will cooperate with Kaido to pinch the day tiger, I will deal with the aurora angel!"

"But that angel is an elemental creature and cannot be killed. Only the formation of the formation can temporarily imprison him..."

"Because he is an elemental creature, it is most suitable for me to deal with it. , Have you forgotten my ability?"

Speaking, do not give the soldiers a chance to refute, the silhouette of "zero" flashes in the air, UU reading is close to the meter in a blink of an eye Caleb's side.

"Zero" is "Logia ・Cloud-Cloud Fruit" Ability User, of course impossible can only become "Skypiea cloud", all kinds of clouds, white clouds, dark clouds, thunder clouds in the world, and even further, Even the water mist and dust, that is, the tiny particles that make up the "cloud" are under his control.

Doflamingo can develop an approximate "flying" ability with the help of "threads" wrapped around the clouds in the air, and can even create "empty roads" for stepping on, and "zero" is itself cloud.

To Zero, the vast sky is completely flat.

Faced with the aggressive "zero", Michael's body was flashing light, like an overloaded electrical appliance, getting brighter and brighter, giving people a feeling of extreme danger.

Sun Fist!

The scorching bright light sprinkled in all directions with Michael as the center, looking from a distance as if in the sky detonated a missile, surging energy and pure rays of light unscrupulously As it spread, the crew on the "Numantia Flamingo" in the distance couldn't help squinting their eyes, even more how the crowds themselves were near Michael.

"Less dressed up as God, playing the Devil!"

There was a surge of energy on "Zero"'s body, like ink dripping into clear water, originally empty One thing in the sky suddenly bloomed with ink-stained petals.

"Black clouds. Cover the sky!"

These petals spread quickly, enclosing Michael in the middle in a flash, the "Sun Fist" burst out dazzlingly The rays of light were completely blocked by this black cloud.

"I want to see if you really have the same strength as the day tiger."

Through the black cloud, "Zero" has approached Michael .

"Others can't kill you, I can!!"


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