There was a wolf in front and a tiger in the back. The sudden change of the enemy's formation caused Hailan, who was fighting alone, into a dilemma for a while.

"Ding! !"

The sound of the metal collision sounded, Hailan turned around without the slightest hesitation and held up the demon sword that the soldier wielded, because intuition told him the strength of the soldier Far above the agent who replaced Shem, he must not expose his back to the soldier.

The demon sword "Muramasa" collided with the "Leiche" in Hailan's hand, rubbing a horrible sound. Aurora particles and Busoshoku Haki continuously corroded each other, and the dazzling light seemed to be produced in the air. A short-term discharge phenomenon.

The rank of the demon sword "Mura Masa" in the soldier's hand is not higher than that of "Zheng Zong" in Shan's hands, but Zheng Zong was cut out of the gap by Hailan's sword in a head-on confrontation, but Mura Masa was safe and sound. This is not due to the quality of the sword itself, but the Busoshoku Haki of soldiers is far better than Shin.

"Triple explosive power. Impact!!"

"bang! !"

The dull voice sounded, and the "front" palm banged fiercely. The surging energy of Hailan's body instantly impacted Hailan's back like the waves of a raging sea, and swept across Hailan's body. Hailan couldn't help but groaned, and the sharp pain from his back strongly stimulated his nerves.

Hai Lan gritted his teeth and looked towards the soldier in front of him: "What kind of ability was that just now? Is the space fruit?" , I don’t know why I became another person.

"If you have any questions, wait until you go to hell and ask again, die!"

Hailan's strength could not help being weakened by the previous attack. This short moment The change in strength couldn't escape the soldier's keen perception. To seize this fleeting opportunity, the soldier's Cura Masa sword's move suddenly changed, and he was about to take Hailan's throat right away.

"Goodbye, Hiruto."

The soldier's eyes do not contain a trace of emotion. Killing has long been commonplace for him, especially for him from Celestial Dragon. It is to treat all mortals as ant weeds, and only to the extent that Hailan can threaten the World Government, mortals are qualified to enter his noble eyes.

"hmph, isn't it?"

Hai Lan's lips seem to be a foregone conclusion, but there is a touch of joking on her lips, not like a dying person at all.

"Flowing Sakura!"

At the same time as the pawns were launched, Hailan succeeded in a blow behind him to win the pursuit, his right hand turned into a knife, pure Busoshoku Haki The condensed chopping wave spread from his hand, and slashed mercilessly towards Hai Lan, and even the air was torn apart by this strangely capable agent with his bare hands.

“shua! ”

Blade glow flashed by, and Bing’s village Masaru cut off the enemy in front of him with no difficulty.

Unfortunately, what he cut off was not Hailan's body, but from the very beginning, the six-winged Seraphim that Hailan he didn't have in his eyes turned out with aurora, Michael!

The soldier frowned, and his eyes hurriedly observed all around, only to find that he didn't know why the positions of the Sun Tiger and the six-winged Seraphim had been completely swapped.

Michael is not Hailan’s partner, nor is Hailan’s Summoned Beast. He was transformed by Hailan using pure aurora. Hailan is Michael, and Michael is Hailan. Where there is light, they can exchange at any time, Hailan is immortal, Michael is immortal.

The sword aura that cut Michael in the middle is undiminished in power, aggressively slashing towards the "front" that originally flanked behind Hailan.

Michael is an elemental creature. Whether it manifests in physical form is only between Hailan’s thoughts. The current Michael is just pure light. The sword aura is meaningless to him, the village of soldiers. Slashing on Michael's body is like slicing a layer of mirage.

Qian was shocked. He knew the strength of the soldiers and where he was his opponent. He was caught off guard and even the condensed Liu Ying was too late to cancel.

At the crucial moment, Xing, who had rescued the "Flash", made another move. I saw Xing's extended left hand made a slight gesture with the five fingers of his left hand. The silhouette moment before It disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, it was already tens of meters away.

“Ding! ”

The soldier’s sword aura flew to the distance and collided with the Formation constructed by the “array”. The collision made a harsh sound, and the sword aura failed to break through the Formation. , Formation is also flickering, it seems that the pressure is not light at all.

"Array, be careful behind you!"

Because of repairing the damage caused by the soldiers, the "array" responsible for the formation of Formation is concentrating on it, unaware that Hailan is approaching. Moreover, her Kenbunshoku was also impossible to capture Hailan who possessed a "perceptual barrier", until the voice of "Jie" suddenly sounded in her mind, and the array was awakened like a dream.

It was too late to dodge anymore, so Jin had to close his eyes and entrust his life to other companions.


Hai Lan, who was preparing for the "array", suddenly tightened his eyebrows. He felt as if his body was locked by something, and suddenly it was disabled. to move even a little bit.

"Is it a thread?"

Until Hailan’s movements completely froze in place, the lightweight Busoshoku Haki wrapped around the silky hairline gradually increased into a rich pure Black, everyone can see clearly, Hailan's body has been entangled with densely packed silk thread unable to move even a little bit, UU reading is like a mischievous cat trapped in a ball of wool.

Kaido’s eyes flashed with surprise: "So this is your ability, how come you look like Joker? He is a string fruit, what are you? A string fruit?"

The "zero" voice ice-cold saying that finally came out: "Do you think it's time to discuss these irrelevant topics? Don't hurry up!"

Zero's voice sounded, all People's eyes are all focused on Hailan who is like a trapped beast, which is impossible to move even a little bit.

The auxiliary types of "Jie", "Array", and "Xing" are glare like a tiger watching his prey on the periphery, "Zero" firmly controls Hailan, "Bing", "Flash", " "Zhe", "Qian" and Kaido instantly rushed towards Hailan. In the face of such a luxurious lineup, even Whitebeard and even Red the Aloof could only lose their hatred and lose blood.

But Hailan is not them. Since the end of the "first war on the top", there hasn't been any battle that allows Hailan to use all the abilities he has, even the proud and arrogant Akainu. They all vaguely felt that they might have been unable to defeat Hailan for a long time, and wanted to kill the current Hailan, how could it be so simple.

Hai Lan's voice is cold: "Do you think... the birdcage can hold the tiger?"

Zero calmly analyzed: "Day tiger, maybe you can break free from my bondage , But do you think the time is too late?"

Three seconds, five seconds at most, if Hailan can't escape successfully, he must die on the spot under the siege of five people.

"It’s not too late, it’s not your decision!"

Hai Lan’s body spun in place like a spinning top, and he felt a huge force. Then, the sound of the bowstring breaking, the silk thread that originally trapped Hailan was broken.


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