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This Marine is not serious Chapter 726 Straw Hat goes to sea

""Warrior of the Sea-Thora"?"

Hai Lan nodded, "I have indeed heard of this A comic, a bit of a superhero series, but what do you mean when you say that the Kingdom of Djerma is not a pirate country?"

"We are not pirates, we are mercenaries, mercenaries!!!"

Gaj hurriedly explained, adding one more time by the way.



It seems that the wording has been prepared for a long time, and Kaji just thought about it without even thinking about it. replied: "The so-called mercenary means taking people's money and helping others to eliminate disasters.

Those countries that break out of war choose to hire us, and we will defeat the enemy for them. This is a normal cooperative relationship. This is also the source of our 66most important economic source of Derma. How can you say that we are a pirate country?"

"Have you never waged a war yourself?"

"Launch Yes."

Kaj is quite sincere. "But we are launching a war against the Capone family. It has nothing to do with civilians. It’s against pirates. It’s not right. It’s the black *hand* party, it’s our body. It is an inescapable responsibility to be a member of the World Government!"

Jachi argued with the courage of one's convictions, his face is not red and heartbeat.

Hai Lan mobilized high-level Kenbunshoku Haki to perceive it, and was surprised to find that this guy hadn't really lied.

In fact, many years ago, Gage really thought about developing the Kingdom of Djerma into a pirate country. After all, there is nothing more exciting and exciting than plundering.

Unfortunately, because of a rainstorm, he accidentally came to the island where Hailan and Weibull fought.

Gaj was shocked to find that when he landed on the island, the entire island’s inhabitants had already been slaughtered*. You must know that it was not a small fishing village, but a kingdom!

What kind of forces do such an inhuman behavior?

After further understanding, Gachi was even more shocked-it was not a force, but a person.

God! A person slaughtered a country, what is the concept? It's too strong! Is that still a human? Is that a monster?

But this monster was defeated by Marine Vice Admiral.

Kage immediately realized that, unlike North Blue’s waste Marine, which can only rely on manga bragging, Grand Line’s headquarters Marine cannot afford to offend.

From that day on, Gachi’s mentality of making troubles has faded.

Humans, you have to recognize your own abilities. After your own children are transformed by the bloodline factor, plus high-tech combat uniforms, it’s just that, it’s incomparable with those real monsters. So you should be honest and content yourself.

"This way, it saves me a lot of trouble."

Hai Lan stood up and walked to Gaj's side, said with a smile: " Mr. Kaji, would you like to do Marine a favor?"

"As long as my Germa 66 is capable, it is incumbent on my Vinsmok family. Just speak up."


"This North Blue is now the only chaotic Sea Territory in the four seas, so I hope that with the power of your Derma 66, the chaotic North Blue will gradually become orderly."

An awkward look appeared on Kage's face: "This..."

"I don't want to?"

"Uh...It's not unwilling, but we can't do it Ah."

"Can't do it?"

"We can't even hold a Capone family, even more how about the entire North Blue?"

"This is easy to do."

"Easy to do?"

"Since you are willing to be mercenaries, it means you are short of money, right?"

A mercenary is not a good identity, it is a neutral term in itself, but in the eyes of many people, mercenaries are a group of hyenas, and they do things when they give money. Where there is a fishy smell (war), where there is meat (hiring fees, spoils) of war) They go wherever they go.

If there is a better choice, in fact, no one is willing to be a mercenary. Not only is it dangerous, but it is also infamous.

"It is true."

"Since you have technology and only lack funds, then I will help you contact a big benefactor."

"Dare to ask... Which one is it?"

"Have you heard of the Golden Emperor?"

"Yellow...The Golden Emperor?!!!"

Gaj’s His expression has undergone a wonderful change. That one is a great character with great strength and distinguished status, especially wealth... However, Kaji has no education, and he can't find a suitable adjective. He just keeps opening up. Big mouth.

After a long while, Kage calmed down again. After calming down, Kage realized a problem: "But the golden emperor is not...not dark...what?"

Hai Lan laughed: "Don't underestimate others, like you, they are all the kings of World Government participating countries, otherwise you think I, as Marine, how can I get his line for you?"

Kagi relaxed, "This...I can rest assured."

Hailan patted Kagi's shoulder, "As long as you don’t do anything extraordinary, this North Blue I will Leave it to you to take care of it. You can relax your mind and follow me to keep you meat."

"Don't worry, Master Hailan, I will definitely let this chaotic North Blue recover as soon as possible. Order!"

Actually, Gachi’s dream is to let the Vinsmok family rule North Blue, but he knows that it is fundamentally impossible, although it cannot be regarded as a rule now, to live in others Under the jurisdiction of North Blue, but at least in this North Blue, Germa can dominate the whole family.


Hailan nodded walked out, waved his hand, and left a voice, "Go ahead."

"Hai Master Lan!"

Kaji suddenly stopped Hailan.

Hai Lan stopped: "Are you still doing something?"

Gaj replied: "I...I...I heard that you have a younger sister?"

Hai Lan turned around and said: "What's the matter?"

Hai Lan didn't ask how Kaji knew about Koala. UU read www.uukanshu.com because of Marine Headquarters. There is a younger sister in Zhouhu's house, Marine Headquarters is almost known to everyone, this is not a secret in the first place.

Gaj chuckled: "You see that my three sons have also grown up. They are all excellent. They are about the same age as your younger sister. I think they are not as good as our two..."

Hai Lan squeezed out a word from between her teeth, her voice was very small, but it fell into Jiazhi’s ears very clearly: "Go..."

"Hey, I Get out of here."

Realizing that this adult didn't like this topic, Jiazhi hurriedly closed his mouth and disappeared eagerly into Hailan's sight with a smirk.


The most time-consuming thing is not the big things, but the many and complicated little things.

In a flash, time passed to Sea Calendar 1520.

East Blue, a brig with a sheep head-shaped statue on the bow of a ship has gradually approached the entrance of Reverse Mountain.


In the control room, a man with a finger-like long nose tilted his head, his mouth opened wide, his face was full of exaggerated expressions, it seemed I heard something unimaginable.

A swordsman man with short green hair lying on the side also sat up, and frowns asked, "Nami, is everything true of you?"

Wearing red The black hair with a waistcoat, five-point pants and a pair of slippers under his feet. The boy pressed Straw Hat on his head, contorts one's face in agony and smiled: "The sea can go up the mountain? The sea is incredible!"

Speaking, Straw Hat brat ran outside and jumped onto the statue on the bow, shouting to the front, full of youngster's unique vitality: "I am Monkey·d·Luffy! I am a man who wants to become the King of Adventure!! Grand Line, just wait to be conquered by our Straw Hat adventure group!!"

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