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Even if night has fallen, the new Marine Headquarters is still brightly lit, and the voice is full of voices.

Large-scale celebration parties, or banquets, are the most popular cultural customs in this World. Pirate will hold a banquet at every turn, and the common people will also hold a banquet to celebrate when they have rich material conditions. Marine, of course, is also inevitable.

In the residential area behind the Marine Headquarters, far away, vaguely, Hailan can still hear the fine voices coming from a distance.

He was lying on the sofa with his legs on the armrests of the sofa, analyzing Ace’s personality problems in his mind. Unconsciously, Admiral, who had just returned from West Blue to headquarters not very long, was so fascinated. Fell asleep in a daze.

In her sleep, Hailan dreamed of the time on Earth, dreams of the school, Sensei, classmates, and friends. He used to hate going to school, but now occasionally recalls, I feel that the time in school was actually pretty good. Because of his background, Hailan was not as carefree as other children when he was a child, but he didn't need to think as much as he does now. Every day after class and school, it is also very interesting to have small conflicts with classmates occasionally.

If you can take the initiative to choose...well, Hailan will definitely choose the current life. Although the responsibilities on his shoulders are heavier and there are many things to deal with, but in return, he can enjoy it Things have also changed. If everything hasn’t happened, maybe he’s just working for someone else under which boss he is now. He has been worrying about the house for most of his life. How can he be at ease now and live in a small villa...

I don't know how long it has passed, and in the dim, Hailan seems to hear a voice coming from outside.



Hai Lan opened his eyes in a daze, wondering who is calling mom here?

Because there was no sense of danger, Hai Lan did not wake up suddenly, and was still in a state of half asleep and half awake.

"...Are you guys?"

"Human mom?? What about dragon mom!"

"Koala, Chopper, are you there? Not at home …Are you guys?"

It wasn't until the outside voice came for the third time that Hai Lan finally heard what the man was yelling, couldn't help but grinned, and was amused by him himself.

Sitting up from the sofa in a daze, Hailan just walked to the door and was about to open the door. Hearing a sound of "peng", the door was kicked open from the outside.

Who is so bold? Don’t know this is the home of Marine Headquarter?

Said silently in her heart, Hailan rubbed her eyes and looked towards the door.

A familiar silhouette.

A silky long wavy hair shimmering in the moonlight, shiny, shiny, a pair of black high heels under the feet, slightly propped up the legs, looks more slender, the pair under the super shorts The legs are lined with moonlight and turned into snow silver. The simple little vest makes you see at a glance that there is no extra fat on the waist and abdomen. Two slender arms support the wall in one hand and a wine bottle in the other. There is a simple small cloak behind him. Add a bit of surplus.

Isn't this Ain?

Hai Lan couldn't help being astonished, why did Ai Yin dress like this? She shouldn't...Oh yes, today is Marine's celebration party.

"Why are you at home?"

Without waiting for Hailan to speak, Ai Yin suddenly asked Hailan, her tone a bit aggressive.

"I just came back."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I won't talk about it tomorrow... uh, did you drink?"

Hai Lan finally realized why Ai Yin was a little abnormal today, this was kicking the door again and the tone was not good... a lot of alcohol.

With blushing cheeks and a somewhat unclear mind, Ai Yin didn't seem to hear Hailan’s question, but said to herself: "Who is that woman?"

"Which woman?"

"The woman who has a secret with you."

Hailan didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "Which one, you have to tell My name is her.


"Oh yes, forget this, what does she seem to be called... Xiaoqing?"



What about White Lady, wait, Xiaoqing? Come to think of it, it's Kozuki Hiyori, right?

Kozuki Hiyori's pseudonym was originally Sakino. When Hailan saw that she had long green hair, she used the name Xiaoqing as a code name to communicate with her secretly.

Hai Lan was considering how to explain to Ai Yin, when Ai Yin lifted the bottle, he gave himself a few more mouthfuls.

"Hey, don't drink it."

Hai Lan reached out to grab Ayin's bottle, but Ayin hid back and chuckled deliberately. Two times, "I'm not drunk."

"Don't drink it."

"Then don't drink it."

Ain simply With a crooked neck, he threw it straight back and threw the bottle in his hand.

"Since you happen to be back today, then things are simple."

Without waiting for Hailan to speak, Ai Yin stepped forward and pushed Hailan into the room. Zhu Hailan and the two fell on the sofa together.

Hai Lan was taken aback by Ai Yin's sudden actions. Where did he experience such a big battle, and for a while, he was a little flustered: "Don't mess around, calm down."

"I didn't mess around!"

"You said you didn't mess around, what are you doing?"

The drunk Ai Yin is also very courageous, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, she shouted directly to Hai Lan: "I am not a fool, you are mine!" I can't say a word.

Hai Lan gave up the resistance, and even though Ai Yin was in a hurry, after all, he couldn't do things that are inferior to animals and animals.

Although I always feel that today this happened a bit suddenly and a little anxiously, but, forget it, so be it.

The drunk Ai Yin said annoyed: "You can't untie any rags here."

Looking at the messy hair and drunken face on her face. Ai Yin was busy with that, and he had forgotten his normally image, and lost the valiant and formidable looking temperament, but I don’t know why, Hailan always feels that Ai Yin today is very cute and special. charming.

"I'm back!"

A voice suddenly sounded in the yard. Ai Yin and Hailan glanced over, and soon, they were damned Allie, who was tossing about the books with a headache, appeared at the door with eyes helpless and weak, and then Allie stared wide-eyed: "What are you...what are you doing?"

A big cock with fried hair jumped straight up. She pointed at Ellie, her slender fingers trembling uncontrollably: "Who is she again?!!!"


"Hailan! You are too much!!"

A "bang" knocked Allie away, and an angry Ai Yin seized the door.

Ellie dumbstruck leaning against the door frame: "This...what the hell is going on?"

Hai Lan was sitting on the sofa, her right hand scratching her Hair, "It's okay, she's drunk."

Ellie relaxed: "Oh... I was drunk. I thought I made her angry. Who is she? "

"Smelly brat!!!"


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