Punk Hazard, near the coast, Hailan is watching the duel between Koala and Ace...well...Ellie.

With the continuous improvement of the two men's strength, ordinary venues can no longer meet the needs of the two duels. Only the abandoned island like Punk Hazard can withstand the toss of the two.

The poison qi triggered by Caesar Courant on the island has completely disappeared under the effect of the ability "decomposition" that Hailan Devil Fruit mastered after awakening. If he wants, he can even erase Akainu and precognition. There are magma and ice on the island, but Hailan didn't do that. "Ice Fire Island" is also a spectacle. If you want to build another one, you can't get these two people together.

"Firefly. Fire Dharma!"

A piece of her face was swollen and her beauty was completely destroyed. The palm of his hand turned into green fluorescent energy, and countless green spots like the Fire Insect sea surrounded Koala not far away.

Koala has seen Ellie’s style a long time ago. This trick is very powerful. Firefly with no opportunity, especially after Ellie detonates these fireworks, it looks harmless like Fire Insect. The fireflies of to humans and animals will instantly turn into Taotao's sea of ​​fire. Previously, because I underestimated Ellie, the skirt was burned, almost ashamed.

"Fishman unarmed..."

Koala tenderly shouted, standing in place, sinking his waist and staggering, all the power of his body was concentrated on his right fist: "Tang Cao Wa Zhengquan!"

"There is no time."

Ellie gritted her teeth loudly shouts, and set off the fireflies in advance before her fireflies completely surrounded Koala.


Like the spark of a prairie prairie fire, a large sea of ​​fire was born beside Koala in an instant.

At the same time, Koala's fist has also been blasted, and the surging energy turned into a shock wave and rushed in all directions in a 360-degree, non-dead angle manner. The terrifying sea of ​​fire was actually unable to get close to Koala.

"Shenhuo. Shiranui!"

Allie's hands turned into flames, ready to give Koala a fatal blow, but a strange feeling suddenly spread throughout her body , Allie suddenly wanted to do a dance.

"No...I can't be disturbed by her!"

Knowing that this is the interference of the fruit of Koala's music, Allie gritted her teeth and finally turned her arms into flames, but it was delayed These two seconds were enough for Koala to come behind her, Busoshoku Haki covered her fist, Koala mercilessly blasted Ellie into the sea.

Hailan stood up: "Okay, the outcome has been announced."

Pikachu ordered, and Ellie, who fluttered her wings and fell into the water, quickly pulled up.

"cough cough ......cough cough ......"

The rescued Ellie knelt on the ground without an image, coughing constantly from the sea.

Hailan smiled: "Looking at the miserable appearance of you two, those who don’t know thought I was abusing the girl."

Before Ellie had spoken, Koala had already jumped into the sea. Beside Lan: "Are you not torturing?"

Hailan was surprised: "Why did I abuse you?"

"Look at it!"

Koala pointed to the bruises on his arms, thighs, shoulders, etc., "How painful it is, especially here!"

Then he pointed to his left face: "It's all swollen, it's ugly!"

I have to say that Ellie's battle innate talent is still very high.

In the past, Koala, who had been exercising since he was a child, was able to abuse Ellie, but now they are almost 50-50.

In the original book, Ace went to sea at the age of 17, and became Captain of Whitebeard Pirates' second division when he was about eighteen-nineteen. The matchup was at the level of "Pandemic" Quinn. .

Even though she is now a daughter, Ellie is still quickly catching up with the gap with Koala. This has nothing to do with men and women, but the inevitable result of her personal innate talent.

Hailan mumbled: "Where can I not get hurt in a fight..."

Koala snorted, turned his head away: "Then I won't fight anymore."

In the past, Koala didn't care about these things. With the increase of age, the girl now is no longer the little girl of the year, but also starts to look unexpectedly.

"I was wrong."

Hailan raised his hands to surrender. He can understand this. Not every girl is as indifferent to the image as Ellie. "What kind of compensation do you want?"

Koala's spirits came as soon as he heard it, "Then... Starting today, you will be responsible for my food for the next month. The food for the new headquarters is really Too bad!"

Because of the relocation, the material transportation line was naturally also affected, and the quality of the food at Marine Headquarters during this period was severely declined.

Hailan smiled, "It's okay."

What a big deal he thought, it seems that foodies are better to be fooled.

Besides, Koala is not the only one who can eat when he cooks, he can also cook a small stove.

"I want to challenge you!"

A voice suddenly sounded beside Hai Lan.

Hailan was taken aback, looked towards Ai Li: "What did you say? I didn't hear it clearly."

Ai Li repeated: "I said, I want to challenge you! "

Koala clutched half of her cheek and shouted: "You can't even beat me, do you still want to challenge Hailan?"

Allie ignored Koala and stared at the sea. Lan's eyes insisted: "I heard that Devil Fruit has awakened, so I want to see what the battle will look like after Logia is awakened."

"After more than three months so far, he has already mastered the "reorganization" and Devil Fruit's ability is fully awakened.

Hearing Ellie’s challenge, Hailan said with a smile: "Are you really going to challenge me? Don’t blame me for making a serious move and being merciless."

Li took a deep breath, "I'm ready."

This Hailan has such a good relationship with Garp old man, he won't kill himself, right? As long as it is not too serious, she has made the determination to endure it.

"Well, I will satisfy you, Koala, Pikachu, you don’t have to hide."

When Hearing Hailan’s voice, Allie couldn’t help being surprised, "hateful, Are you underestimating me?"

"Looking down? How could it be possible!"

Hailan aggressively said: "Underestimating the opponent's strength is called underestimating, UU reading www.uukánshu.com And your strength...isn’t it that way?"


Allie was furiously shouting and was about to do it, but found Hailan disappeared in her sight NS.

At least five seconds later, her Kenbunshoku Haki sensed that Hailan appeared behind her, and hurriedly jumped back to watch Hailan.

Hailan muttered: "Look, this is just mocking you. Your mentality exploded. Kenbunshoku doesn't work well. How can you fight this? You have already lost."


Allie cursed in a low voice, but this time was not for Hailan, but for herself, because he also knew what Hailan said was reasonable.

Hailan smiled: "I'll give you another chance, are you ready?"

Ellie gnashing teeth, vaguely, she always has a feeling that she In front of Hailan, it seemed as ridiculous as a monkey.

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