New World, Thundergod Island.

The whole island is shrouded by thunderclouds that have been lingering for years, and the rolling thunderbolt can not stop falling on the ground, as dense as rain. This is an uninhabited, even very few creatures. Dangerous island.

After entering New World through Fishman Island, the ordinary recording pointer can no longer detect the magnetism of this Sea Territory, and the navigators will change to a recording dial with three pointers installed at the same time.

The three recording pointers on the dial will point to three different directions at the same time. The more the pointer shakes, the more dangerous the island the pointer points to. For safety reasons, navigators generally choose to go to the most The island that the calm pointer points to.

Thundergod Island is the most dangerous and dangerous island where the hand shakes the most. Especially after a Goro Goro no Mi Ability-User who claimed to be a "god" and turned out to occupy the island, natural disasters added, making the island almost a forbidden place, except for some passionate newbies who tried to challenge the overlord of the sea. No one would choose to sail in the direction of Thundergod Island.

Today, a silhouette is walking on the land of Thundergod Island. Serene, who comes to Serene, never seems to know the legend of Thundergod Island. Maybe he knows it, but he did not take the thunderstorm on this island at all. And Thundergod in mind.


Thunder and thunder blasted in the billowing thundercloud, as if the irritable and militant god from Nine Heavens was proclaiming his power.

The speed of the thunderbolt is extremely fast, and in a flash, the thundercloud from a high altitude came in front of the intruder, as if it could chop a large living person into coke in the next second.

The visitor seems to be unaware of the crisis hitting his head, and he still walks forward at a moderate pace. However, a strange scene happened. The thunderbolt, which was enough to smash the main mast of a Battleship, was like a rabbit that encountered a tiger. Instead of smashing the intruder, it turned a corner and turned towards the man. The land behind the side was chopped off.


flying sand running stone, the dust is rolling.


The "Thundergod" Enel who was cultivating in the deepest part of the island opened his eyes. The waves of thunderclouds and lightning on the island have made him realize that someone has broken in. Own territory.

"Is it who? I dare to venture into the Thundergod island of the gods and disturb the cultivation of the gods?"

The huge Thundergod island was instantly enveloped by an arrogant voice, like the sky Under the control of a certain mysterious power, all of the thunderbolts resonate, and together they exude this majestic voice that seems to come from a god.

"You still haven't changed, Enel."

Hearing the opening remarks of Enel's second two, Hai Lan couldn't help but sighed.

I recognized the identity of the intruder through his voice, and within a few seconds, Enel flashed from the depths of Thundergod Island to Hailan’s face

"You Why are you here?"

"Your ability shouldn't be awakened yet?"

"It's almost."

Hai Lan smiled.

Awakening is awakening. If you don’t have it, you don’t have it. There is no such thing as "almost". Enel is just showing yourself up.

"It just so happens, I will take you to a duel."

Enel face revealed disdain: "Forget it, I am not interested in the worldly things. With that effort, I It’s better to do more cultivation."

Hai Lan seriously said, "This duel may help you to awaken your abilities to some extent."

Enel’s look is a bit subtle, "A duel between who?"

Hai Lan said seriously: "Akainu and precognition."


Since the "Drought" Jack After being killed by Akainu, Enel, who has never been able to tell Jack a victory or defeat, regards Akainu as his lifelong enemy.

Akainu's aura at the time was too strong, even Enel in Form 2 didn't dare to fight directly with Akainu, but stayed in the Thundergod island cultivation.

If there are who in this world that can be worthy of the "god" to care about, only Hailan and Sakazuki these two people, one is to let him see the broad guide of the world, One is the opponent he vowed to surpass.


"Just today.



Dressrosa, in the palace.

The king of Dressrosa, "Tian Yaksha" Don Quixote, Doflamingo taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, smiled with a smile: "It's really incredible. You have to take a duel to choose the next Marine Fleet Admiral successor. , The contradiction between Akainu and precognition really cannot be resolved casually."

The new undercover undercover that the Don Quixote family has penetrated into Marine, although there is no way to become Marine’s high-level generals like Vergo, but some The gossip can still come out.

"The World Government has formed Marine for 800 years. I have never heard that Marine Fleet Admiral was selected by a duel. This sounds a bit tricky. Is the news reliable? Doffy."

The highest cadre of the "Red Heart Legion" of the Don Quixote family, "Ghost Bamboo" Virgo frowned and thought.

He has been undercover in Marine for a period of time, and he naturally knows some things about Marine. As a large-scale super organization, all personnel transfers of UU Reading Marine must follow the procedures, According to the regulations, how can it be possible to determine the top leader of this organization through military force duels as simply as Pirate?

Doflamingo explained with a smile: "I know Akainu and precognition, if it is the two of them, it is indeed possible to go on such a road."

"Young Master, we want Go and have a look?"

The baby-5 dressed as a maid and Zhuan Zhuanguo Ability User Buffalo were a little excited.

A duel between Marine Headquarter and Marine Headquarter? This is a good show, and it's still a big one!

Doflamingo refused their request: "No, we are not going."

baby-5 and Buffalo have a face Puzzled: "Why?"

"Just like Vergo said, this thing is too ridiculous. It can be said to be an unglamorous thing. Marine won't want too much If many people are involved, we don’t need to trouble ourselves."

Akainu and precognition are two Marine Headquarters, not two performers. Their duel is for their own ideas, not for fighting. Meeting, not for fame, not for performance, where would others be allowed to talk about themselves.

Doflamingo worries that if when the time comes, the two get angry and reward themselves with Meigo or Bingcat, the story will be complicated.

The stronger the powerhouse of the second echelon on the sea, the more you understand the terrifying of the first echelon. The huge gap in the middle cannot be crossed at will.

Not who is qualified to watch this battle.

Even if it’s Marine, the overwhelming majority can only take a boat far away and guard the Sea Territory on the periphery of the island, and cannot go to the island to watch the battle, because even the spillover from the duel is not Marine Rear Admiral and even ordinary Vice Admiral can resist.

How can mortals watch the battle of the gods.

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