"Are you entering the retirement state ahead of time?"

From a distance, I saw Hailan lying on a recliner and squeezing "earth", Ai Yin He walked to Hai Lan's side and laughed and joked.

"I want to take care of my life, but there are still many things waiting for me to do."

Hai Lan sat up and looked towards Ai Yin, saying: "This Devil Fruit I have been stuck in awakening for five months, and I don’t know how long it will take me to understand."

Staring at Hai Lan's eyes, Ai Yin shook his head and said, "Then you are not more serious? Precognition Admiral and Akainu Admiral most recently made heaven falls and earth rends. Do you work hard like them and worry about not being awakened?"

Hai Lan retorted: "What about you? Why don't you Work hard like them? You haven't awakened, right?"

Ain helplessly said: "I am different from them, I am not Logia, nor Paramecia who controls substances...To be honest, I imagine The effect of the awakening of the regressive fruit is not known."

The awakening effect of Logia Devil Fruit is all the same: one is to assimilate the surrounding matter; the other is to make matter out of thin air, without having to use your own body as the source. ; Thirdly, it can permanently change the external natural environment.

The effects of Zoan Devil Fruit's awakening are all the same: First, it can make Ability User temporarily gain super explosive power, defensive power, resilience, and vitality; Second, it can make Ability User huge.

Only Paramecia Devil Fruit Awakening does not have a unified concept, because Paramecia itself is a very complicated and chaotic Devil Fruit classification.

"I am different from them. Their ice and magma have specific substances, and I am energy and element. Isn't Admiral Kizaru also awakened?"

"Then you can awaken when you lie down like this?"

"Of course!"

Ai Yin doesn't believe in the evil way: "Don't fool me, if you can do this Awakening, Three Great Admirals can't be pissed off by you?"

Hai Lan doesn't believe in the evil way: "Don't tell me, I can really wake up!"

"If you can't wake up What to do?"

"What do you say?"

"Punish you not to lie down and fish like this before awakening!"

"Okay! But what do you plan to do if I wake up?"

"You can do anything you want me!"


Don’t know why , Hai Lan always felt that Ai Yin's expression seemed to have a trace of complacency, as if she had been in her suit.

Is this a seductive crime?

Hai Lan’s voice gradually calmed down: "Ai Yin."


"I always wanted to ask you a question, but I have forgotten to ask again."

"What's the problem?"

"If I remember correctly...you are the way you are when I first saw you , Why are you still like this after so many years?"

Ain covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I was not a child when you first saw me?"

"It didn't count."

Hai Lan coughed, "I want to ask, how do you keep your youth? It is the same as the childlike fruit of sugar. Have you stopped growing? After all, your two abilities are similar. You lose consciousness or lose your ability after touching Kairosaki."

"Are you asking about this?"

There was a surge of pink and purple energy on Ayin's body. In front of Hailan, Ayin quickly changed into another appearance. The whole person became mature a lot in an instant, and even his voice seemed to have changed a little.

Seeing Ai Yin who gave a completely different feeling, Hailan was surprised and nodded: "Understood."

"Before you saw me when I was 17 years old. "

"I'm curious about this, why doesn't it affect yourself when you touch Kairosaki?"

"I also not quite clear ……When sugar touches Kairosaki She hasn't become an adult herself."

"Yes, Devil Fruit can't be said about this stuff."

Ai Yin suddenly walked in front of Hailan and bent down to get close. Hailan.

Hai Lan blinked: "What are you doing?"

"Do you like me now? Or 17-year-old me? Or 7-year-old me?"



Ain got closer: "Which way do you like me?"

Hai Lan said again.

How to answer this question? Waiting online, very anxious.


Den Den Mushi in Hailan's pocket really screamed. Did God hear his inner prayer?

"I'll answer the call first."

Hai Lan hurriedly got up and connected to Den Den Mushi, and on the other side came the weird Academician Shilu, Begapunk’s assistant. Luke's eager voice: "Come on and help, Mr. Hailan!!"

"Don't worry, calm down, is there Pirate?"

"No...no ......"

Sirruk's voice was clearly crying: "Joe...Chopper is crazy!!"

"Chopper is crazy????"


Hai Lan and Ai Yin looked at each other, and both saw the deep surprise in each other's eyes.

"You are coming soon, Mr. Hailan."

"I see, I will go right away."

Hang up the phone, Hailan looked towards Ai Yin, before he spoke, he listened to Ai Yin saying: "Go ahead, urgent affairs can't be delayed."

Nodded, Hailan didn't speak, and instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared. Ai Yin's sight. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


"That monster is Chopper, right?"

"ao ――"

At this time, Chopper no longer has the cute and cute look before. It has turned into a fierce giant beast with a huge body and walking upright on both legs. If it weren't for the brown hair and the top of the head, it would follow Chopper. With the big hat, Hai Lan may not recognize this rare beast as Chopper.

"Chopper, is this Devil Fruit awakened?"

The appearance of Chopper at this time is exactly in line with the description of Zoan Devil Fruit Ability User after the awakening, sturdy power and huge size , Terrifying oppression force, etc.

Although this kind of oppression force is basically equivalent to non-existent for the current Hailan serene.

"What the hell is going on? Why did Chopper suddenly awaken?"

Fell beside the anxious Shiluruk, looking at the "ao ― which does not conform to the reindeer habits. ―" Hailan frowned and asked, as well as the giant Chopper who was beating his chest like a gorilla.

Siruruk said in one breath: "I don’t know... Chopper said he wanted to show me his research results... Then he took a blue pill, which really got worse, and then it went again. After eating one, he was a little abnormal, and then he ate all the rest, and I couldn't get him, he became like this.

Mr. Hailan, you can help. Chopper."

Through Kenbunshoku Haki's perception, Hailan felt that the energy in Chopper was very confused.

"Chopper, do you remember me?"

If you don’t agree with me, do it. I just heard the voice of Hailan, the huge Chopper moved towards Hailan with a slap. Come here.

"It seems to be really crazy."


The ear-splitting crash sounded, Hai Lan casually stretched out his left hand, relaxed Chopper caught the giant palm that was enough to collapse a house.

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