Sea Calendar 1518, November.

After more than half a year of busy work, Marine Fleet Admiral "Buddha" Sengoku has handled all the things he can handle.

These young offspring are all excellent. Their hard work has enabled them to achieve many achievements that even seniors can’t do during their tenure as Marine Fleet Admiral. Of course, they have to repay them. Leave the tricky things to them.

In the most chaotic Great Age of Pirates, he was appointed to become Marine Fleet Admiral, leaving a perfect handover for later generations. No one can discredit the achievements of Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku casually.

Mariejois, the commander-in-chief of the World Government "Steel Bone" Kongzheng and Sengoku walk side by side on the road leading to the Gorosei Conference Hall.

"Sengoku, no matter how you think about it, are you really willing to retreat to the second line like this? Look, the old man is still sticking to the post, you are still so young...

Believe me, as long as you are nodded, you will be the next army commander."

At this last moment, Sora could not help but persuade Sengoku.

"Oldest Big Brother, I understand your heart, but I am really tired."

Sengoku did not waver at all, "Look, my eyes It’s no longer suitable to go on like before."


Sighed, Sora stopped persuading.

Now Sengoku is no longer the old new recruit who was thin, afro-headed, and passionate.


"Oldest Big Brother don't want to persuade you anymore."

After smiling twice, he said emptyly: "You brat too I'm impatient, I want to say something else."


Sengoku apologized, "Please tell me."

Space asked: "The ideal candidate for the next Marine Fleet Admiral in your mind is Kuzan, right?"

"That's it."

Sengoku answered while walking. "Kuzan’s child is very good in quality and has a calm personality. It is perfect for him to serve as Marine Fleet Admiral."

Sora suddenly stopped: "That’s what I said, but I This is not what I have to say."

Sengoku also stopped and asked: "What do you mean?"

Sora seriously said: "Gorosei values ​​Sakazuki more. "

"But Sakazuki..."

Sora waved his hand to signal Sengoku. Don't worry, "You don't need to tell me, this matter is not for me to decide, I just remind you You have to be mentally prepared, Gorosei's level is not easy to pass."


After thinking for a moment, Sengoku frowned and said, "Thank you Oldest Big Brother, I understand. ."

After a brief conversation, the two continued to move forward side by side.


"Two of you, you can go in."

The agent responsible for spreading the message for Gorosei signaled the two to invite in, and then disappeared. In the sight of the two, appear and disappear unpredictably.

"The two of you are here, is there something important?"

As soon as I walked in, a Gorosei's voice rang.

As far as you can see, there are only a few sofas, wicker chairs, and coffee tables in the empty conference hall, which is very simple.

The five old people standing on the peak of world power either sit or stand, and each of them exudes a very powerful aura. Ordinary people just stand here and their legs can’t help but tremble. .

"The turmoil of the Pirates has gradually subsided, Reverie has been successfully held, and the Revolutionary Army activities have gradually weakened..."

daoist robe Gorosei holding the demon sword in his arms A face indifferently said: "What do you want to say?"

Sengoku sighed straight to the subject: "I think this is a good time for the next generation of Marine to hand over. Such a stable environment is not Common."

"You mean you don't want to be Marine Fleet Admiral anymore?"

One Gorosei speculated, and the other Gorosei's faces also appeared surprised.


"Sengoku, you have to think carefully, this kind of thing is not a trifling matter."

Sengoku firmly said: "I have I think it very clearly, I have discussed with the commander-in-chief a long time ago.


Gorosei looked towards Sora, the latter nodded, said: "Sengoku has decided."


The Gorosei pondered for a moment, "Then agree to your application."

After that, the five old men talked to each other again. A few words:

"This is a shame."

"Sengoku is a talent."


Seeing the reactions of the five old people, Sengoku was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Gorosei to say a word to stay. Sure enough, Marine is just a tool for them?

Gorosei, a bald head with a map birthmark on top of his head, looked towards Sengoku and said: "In this way, the Marine executives will be rearranged. As Fleet Admiral changes, Marine Headquarters will definitely produce transformation."

Blond Gorosei added: "As Marine Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, you must not make this decision because of your fever. The follow-up arrangements have been planned?"

"Of course "

Sengoku said seriously, "The new Marine Fleet Admiral, I recommend Kuzan, for Marine Headquarter..."

Gorosei, the demon knife, suddenly became angry: "What are you kidding? Marine Fleet Admiral, how can a guy like Kuzan take up such an important position?"

Other Gorosei unanimously expressed their opposition:

"Kuzan’s personal thoughts are too complicated, UU reading www. can barely be an Admiral. As Fleet Admiral in charge of Marine? He is not suitable for this position!"

"I heard that Kuzan is very lazy, let him be Marine Fleet Admiral, Do you want to bring bad Marine ethos?"

"Sakazuki, I think it’s good. I work seriously and responsibly. I follow the arrangements of my superiors. I don’t have too many messy thoughts."

"But ......"

"Shut up, Sengoku, we have felt your preference for Kuzan before, didn't expect you to recommend Kuzan?"

"Kuzan You don’t know what kind of things you have done. He dares to let go of those scholars that can harm the whole world. What else can he do?"

"If it wasn't for you For the sake of serving Marine and Government making an all-out effort for so many years, do you think we will tell you so much nonsense?"

Gorosei, you say a word to me, don’t give me anything at all. Sengoku's chance to argue, it seems that Sakazuki's upcoming role as Marine Fleet Admiral has already become a special appointment.

When the Gorosei were tired, Sengoku, whose face was covered with clouds, finally said: "As you said, Marine Fleet Admiral is not a trivial job."

Gorosei Instead of bombarding Sengoku with words, I waited quietly for what else Sengoku could write.

"Sakazuki is indeed excellent, but there are obviously more voices supporting Kuzan in the middle and lower levels of Marine.

Since there is a contradiction in the selection, it can only be measured by the last indicator Who can take this position."

A Gorosei asked: "What do you mean?"

Sengoku looks serious and doesn't seem to like this approach, but he has no choice. : "As Marine Fleet Admiral, does my personal strength at least make sense?"

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