After the chaos of the first day and the busyness of the 2nd day...It was not until the evening of the 3rd day that Marineford finally felt a little more relaxed.

Including Marine officers, logistics units, and family members and civilians, Marine Headquarters is holding a grand celebration banquet.

Under the night, everyone in Marineford became busy and contributed their own strength.

Those who are good at cooking set up a booth to entertain the people passing by, those who are good at performances set up a high platform to bring joy to people, and they are good at bragging while drunk drunk and started bragging about their own experience...

Marineford's in the sky is a colorful streamer, the beautiful and flawless aurora flowing above everyone's head, it seems that even the gods are celebrating the victory of Marine's war.

The high on platform in the square is the generals of Marine high-level officers.

Sengoku, Garp, Crane...everyone enjoys it. Even Sakazuki, who doesn’t like to participate in such occasions, can’t help but drink a few more drinks--he always targets Marine Fleet Admiral. As a Fleet Admiral, you must know how to communicate with other people, and you can no longer do your own way like when Admiral did.

"Hailan! You secretly opened the banquet behind my back, I am not happy!!"

On the screen of the small image Den Den Mushi, Koala is reflected The bulging face.

Hai Lan looked at the screen said with a smile, "Aren't you in the branch and can't come back first?"

"I don't care! I'm not happy anyway!"


On the other side of Den Den Mushi, Koala turned his head and crossed his waist.

Don't look at Koala in the eyes of others who always look like a well-knowing girl. In front of Hailan, she will always be that lively little girl.

Hai Lan shook the head with a smile, "Stop making trouble, I ask you something serious."

"What's the matter?"

As soon as I heard it Hailan has something serious to ask, Koala re-looked towards the screen.

"The Titan next to you...isn't it dead?"

When it comes to Titan, Koala gets excited, "Of course he's not dead, Titan is amazing. A few days ago He also beaten Leviathan for me, although I couldn't beat Leviathan in the end..."

Hailan relaxed, "I can rest assured."

Koala said Curiously, "Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

"Isn't BIG・MOM dead? I worry that those elemental creatures may also be dangerous. Now it seems that my judgment is still correct. "

Before this, BIG・MOM had the experience of falling into a coma after falling into the water, being frozen into an ice sculpture by precognition, and being tied to Kairosaki shackles, but those elemental creatures did not have the slightest problem.

Hai Lan judged that unlike the childlike fruit of sugar, BIG・MOM uses Soru Soru no Mi to create a new life, just like a mother giving birth to a child, no matter what accidents happen to the mother in the future , Child will not be affected, and Koala's answer now just verifies his guess.

"Okay, it's okay. I will hang up first. When everything returns to normal at the headquarter, I will pick you up at the G1 branch. When the time comes, I will personally cook for you and dad."


Koala eyes shined, "I've said it, don't regret it!"

This little girl who was never picky because of poverty, has now been raised by Hailan more and more. Difficult...

"Your injury...can you drink alcohol?"

Ai Yin walked to Hailan's side with a trace of worry in her eyes.

Hai Lan picked up a glass of wine and drank it all in one go. "The body is so great, it tastes delicious!"

Ai Yin couldn't help but laugh, "Yes, yes, How powerful you are, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Why do you listen to me so awkward...Are you complimenting or scolding me?"

"I It’s sincere."

Ai Yin approached Hailan and said in a low voice, "Fleet Admiral Sengoku obviously abdicated. When the time comes, one of the three Admiral becomes Fleet Admiral. The vacated position is not You are none other than you."

Hai Lan relieved Issho, "In fact, you are also quite good, whether it is to open the channel of the mirror or make Heping Pacifista play several times the effect.

Continue to work hard. , You are expected to take Kong Ming’s Vice Admiral’s class."

Ayin took a step forward and looked at Hai Lan’s eyes at close range. "Compared to this, I hope to be your Lieutenant Commander. You won’t be unwilling. Right?"

At this distance, Hailan can even feel the air flow that Ayin brings when he breathes. He is lightly coughed and takes a step back. "Stop it, Mr. Garp and Fleet Admiral Sengoku are talking Where are we."


Ayin startedled, turned his head and looked around, and found that Garp and Sengoku were indeed looking at the pointing fingers here, and their faces were flushed, and again. Turning around, he found that Hai Lan had long been gone.

Ai Yin gritted her teeth, "This fool, why is he younger than girl..."

After turning around twice, Hai Lan quickly came to Precognition's side.

"Kuzan senior, I toast you a drink."


The two had a brief chat, Hailan said resolutely, "About Logia Devil Fruit’s awakening, do you have any experience?"

Precognition looked confused: "Experience?"

"I mean, how can I step into the awakening step? "

"Actually, I am not very clear..."

Precognition raised his head, looked at the aurora, and finally looked towards Hailan, "Anyway, I practice and practice. The person is awakened."


Why do these words sound so familiar? It seems that I am talking about it myself?


Farewell to precognition, Hailan found next to Akainu again.

After listening to Hailan’s question, Akainu thought about it for a long time before replied, "I don’t know."


"Anyway, I was there every time I was thinking of defeating Pirate in a battle. The more battles I fought, I also awakened."





"What I said is true, if you fight more, it will definitely help you breakthrough and awaken."

"Thank you!"

The Hailan who hit the wall at precognition and Akainu found Kizaru again, "Borsalino senior, about the awakening of Logia's Devil Fruit..."

"I don't know "


Kizaru twitched his mouth, smiling slightly, "Look, I'm not awakened yet?"

Hai Lan was speechless, "Looks like it's also right..." Hailan, who turned around and found nothing, began to drink boring wine, thinking that the three of you are not playing with me, right?

But after thinking about it carefully, what they said seems to be okay, especially Kizaru. Although I don’t know if he is telling the truth or lies, Hailan has never seen him use Awakening. Style, shout "There must be light", UU read and then the entire area is covered by lasers from all directions?

Shake these fantasies out of your mind, and think about it calmly. Although precognition and Akainu are simple, they are summed up as "cultivation breakthrough" and "actual breakthrough".

The aurora above these heads is clearly that I have temporarily reached the realm of awakening during the battle with Red the Aloof, but unfortunately the battle was fierce at the time, and all my attention was on Red the Aloof, and I didn’t even notice it. This detail.

It seems that I will be busy in the future.

"Sengoku, you see, Hailan rarely shows such a humble appearance. He should be asking Kuzan about the awakening of Devil Fruit. It seems that he is also aware of it."


Garp approaches Sengoku, grinning.

In fact, from just now, they discussed the topic of the awakening of Hailan Devil Fruit.

A characteristic of Logia Devil Fruit's awakening is to permanently change the environmental attributes of nature. The immortal aurora above Marineford is proof that Hailan has touched the threshold of Logia's awakening.

Sengoku looked up at the aurora above his head and lightly commented, "The awakening of Devil Fruit, especially Logia, is so easy, even more how Hailan is still the most difficult light system to control. The road to the development of Devil Fruit, and his headache."

Garp laughed heartily, "Who asked that brat to pick such a fruit, but it’s okay, Old Partner, you know, high-level Haki , Body refinement, sword technique, and Devil Fruit abilities. With the current Hailan alone, we are no longer his opponents. If he reaches the level of Logia's awakening, maybe he can even kill Kaido."


Sengoku nodded, there is inevitably a trace of discomfort in my heart after being surpassed by Hailan, but it is more of the gratification of the elders to the achievements of the younger generations.

"only after bitter hardships, can be better than others."

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