Sabaody Archipelago.

"Damn it, why hasn't the signal been restored?"

"What's going on?"

"Have Kizaru kicked the pandemic? Die?"

"What Devil Fruit is that glowing Pirate?"

Shouting, verbal abuse, and arguing, one after another.


"Look at it, the picture is out!"

An audience quickly pointed their hands at the big screen, and everyone looked at it.

"What the hell is that?"

"Where is the eagle? I really want to stew him!"

"Hmm...Hey Hey...cough cough..."

I straightened my bow tie and cleared his throat. The "Big News" Morgans that appeared on the screen finally spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen, everyone , I’m the president of the World Economic News Agency, Big News Morgans!"

"Go away, who wants to see you?"

"Hurry up and play the Marineford war !"

No matter how bad the words are, the anxious audience can swear them out, but Morgans will definitely not be able to hear them.

With a drake voice, Morgans said perfunctorily, "Because Maolin Fodor’s war was so fierce that the live broadcast equipment was damaged. The staff is working hard to repair it. Dear viewers Don't worry, the signal will be restored soon."

Live broadcast audiences all over the world are watching this human-like eagle on the screen.

Time flows forward in one minute and one second, and the sun above it emits more and more scorching heat.

Marine Headquarters.

Rocky Prince of Giant Race couldn’t bear to watch the clansman die in vain, and the giant Vice Admiral personally subdued the warriors of Giant Race, and the giant Vice Admiral couldn’t bear to watch Rocky challenge the day tiger Vice. Admiral died in vain, and worked together to subdue Loki. So far, the "Giant Rebellion" has been put down.

The reporters of the major newspapers who witnessed the rebellion of the giant Vice Admiral have been washed away by the Crane staff using the "Wash-Wash Fruit" within half an hour, in their memory , Simply there is no giant Vice Admiral to rebel in this plot.

Wash-Wash Fruit is a strong conceptually Devil Fruit. It can wash away people’s memories, even their evil thoughts, and turn wicked people into good people.

Of course, the ability of Wash-Wash Fruit is definitely limited. First of all, it can only wash away the memory. It cannot modify the memory like Charlotte Brin’s memory fruit. The consequence is that the memory will be washed away. There will be a gap in the brains of the people, but fortunately, the period of "Giant Rebellion" is very short, and it will not arouse reporters' suspicion.

Secondly, it may be related to the Ability User’s own strength. Wash-Wash Fruit can only wash away some of the evil thoughts of the little Pirate, which is useless to the Great Pirates deep in the Impel Down, otherwise the Marine Vice Admiral All are Peak powerhouses.

"The live broadcast can almost resume, too long will cause public opinion."

When he came to Sengoku's side, Tsuru lightly spoke.

Sengoku did not make too many arrangements with a sound of "Um", and he was solely responsible for it.

He is an old comrade-in-arms who has been in his new recruit period until now, and now he is Marine's chief staff officer. Sengoku is very relieved of him.

"Have you arranged that battle plan?"


"Such weapons will bring panic to the people, see The next live broadcast will only be the responsibility of Marine."


"I plan to arrange Buggy to take charge of this task..."



After being choked, Sengoku cleared his throat and said, "Why did you choose him?"

"The child Hailan was in Dressrosa and Drought・Jack was responsible for the live broadcast during the battle. He is more experienced in this aspect."

"I remember."

Sengoku thought for a moment and said, "That Just listen to your arrangements."

On the live public screens all over the world, "Big News" Morgans briefly explained a few words and then disappeared. Only one "Repairing..." was left on the screen. …" sign.

Suddenly, a big red nose appeared on the screen, "Ladiesand,

eyerybody hi!"

"What the hell..."

The audience was startled by the big faces that suddenly appeared, and some even dropped to the ground by mistake.

"It's Buggy, Buggy Rear Admiral!!!"

"I remember him, Legendary Marine Dayhu was fighting the drought of Beasts Pirates · Jack when he was broadcasting!"

"I also remember him. The song "Marine Rokushiki is good" he sang with Mr. Brook, the soul singer, even my child can sing!"

With "Big News" Morgan His treatment was completely different. When Buggy appeared, the crowd was full of happy laughter and cheerful voices.

It can be seen that even in the world, Buggy's popularity is extremely high.

"Let’s focus the camera on the battlefield, wow, it’s amazing, Tyrant Dragon King Kaido was entangled tightly by the two Admirals, Kizaru and Akainu, and could no longer move forward. Is it true that the creatures only have one-to-one ability?

The Legendary Marine magician is confronting the legendary Red Earl Pirate, can you see it? There is no one within a kilometer of the two of them. People dare to approach, even if the war has not yet started, the imposing manner alone has already deterred the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. If the battle between the two of them broke out, it would be absolutely incredible!"

The camera focused on the two Hailan for a long time, but they still haven't seen the two go to war.


Buggy, who has a lot of experience in live broadcasting, hurriedly organized a few lines that link the previous and the next, and then pointed the camera elsewhere, "Oka Shichibukai are also very hardworking. Ah, they are fighting with Senju·Cracker..."

The shots were switched continuously, and the live broadcast atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic under the leadership of Buggy.

"Look, the executioner is starting to prepare. Are you going to execute Great Pirate BIG・MOM?"

The camera is aimed at the execution platform in Marine Square, and Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku takes a look. The pocket watch in his hand gave way to the two executioners who had been waiting for a long time.

"It's noon, execution!!"


Sengoku's voice is loud and loud like a big Buddha, and everyone is caught by Sengoku. A sentence of diverts attention.

In the center of the battlefield, Hailan and Ryder, who are still facing each other, are already soaked in densely packed sweat. Under the pressure of high-intensity calculation, the brains of the two are running rapidly, and mental work is more than physical work. Tiring.

Hai Lan did not open the "sensing barrier", because in the previous battle, he was severely injured by Scopper Gaban, and his actions would inevitably be affected. Once discovered by Red the Aloof, even if the Red Earl’s Gao was abolished For Kenbunshoku, the gap in speed and power will also make Hailan fall into a bitter battle.

So Hailan beating somebody at their own game, UUReading simply launched a purely high-end Kenbunshoku contest with Red Earl.

On the surface, it seems that neither of the two dared to take action casually. In fact, they have fought against each other thousands of times in the spiritual world. Unseen battles spill out invisibly.

Only under the blessing of Encouraging Fruits, Scopper Gaban has the computing power above Hailan. The old Gaban is inferior to Shanghailan. Even the young Red the Aloof has the most computing power. Only comparable to the current Hailan.

If you meet Hailan before Gaban, since you haven't played against the high-end Kenbunshoku powerhouse, you may find a weak spot by Red the Aloof.

Since a hearty battle with Gaban, Hailan has learned how to flexibly use high-level Kenbunshoku at the cost of being almost smashed by Gaban.

As for the proficiency, Hailan is simply not a problem. His "data-based" cannot be locked without any ability.

In the world of Hailan, there is only "will and will not", there is no "unfamiliar and skilled".

"Really...Is it really going to be executed by BIG・MOM?"

The audience in front of the screen watched this scene nervously, holding their breath.

Buggy, who was in charge of the live broadcast, also closed his mouth wittily.

Marineford, Sengoku's big Buddha-like voice invaded everyone's mind.

Even Hailan and Red the Aloof heard Sengoku's announcement.

"So fast?"

Red the Aloof couldn't help being surprised. Has he been in a stalemate with the day tiger for so long?

If you can't save that woman, isn't your trip in vain?

"You lost."

Suddenly, Hailan opened his eyes, and Lei Qi pointed directly at Ryder's heart in his hand.

One thought.

The outcome is divided.

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