A thin purple line cuts through the sky, like a light bursting in the sky, which is the trajectory of the ghost full of power of God flashing in the sky.

The magnetic field connected by the 12-handled Aurora Supreme is firmly bound to the sky, and despite Snack doing all he can, his body is still unable to move even a little bit, he can only watch The Marine who had killed himself once flashed in front of his eyes again.

In Snack’s mental perception, it seems that the entire world is frozen at this moment, and the movements of Pirate and Marine who are fighting together on the surrounding ground seem to slow down, like a slow slide piece.

The body of Snack who was slashed by the soul was divided into two from the middle, without a trace of blood flowing out, because he is now just a pure elemental creature, pure northern lights.

There is no attribute of mutual restraint, and even Busoshoku Haki can be completely immune, but all of this has no meaning in front of the "Soul Cut" attribute of Soulshang.

Within less than two breaths time, the "Aurora Borealis" Snack split by Hailan was restored to its original appearance and looked intact.

But in fact, his soul has been torn apart by the soul, and Snack's face is aging at a speed recognizable by naked eye, as if it had opened an accelerated time machine.

Different from the plane of overwhelming majority, in Pirate King’s world, "soul" represents "lifespan". Because of this, whether it is the fruit of Ayin’s regression or the fruit of Bonnie’s age, they They can only change a person's appearance, but cannot change a person's true lifespan, because the fruits of retrogression and age cannot affect the soul at all.

Now the soul of the soul has long been awakened, and its "Soul Cut" ability is several times or even dozens of times stronger than before.

If Marco is killed by the soul again, it will not only be branded in the depth of one's soul pain and paralyzed body, but will age as quickly as Snack at this time. The more severe the soul is torn by the soul, the more terrifying the life of the target will be reduced. What "Phoenix" repairs is only the wound on the fleshy body, and the damage in the depth of one's soul can only helpless.

"Thousands of years are like a day, this blade, called the years."

Hai Lan serene's voice slowly sounded, and a sword flower danced in his hand, and the soul was taken back. scabbard.

The sound of the "ding" of the famous sword in its sheath sounded, in the sky, "Northern Lights" Snack's re-healed figure gradually dissipated, and the old face turned into colorful aurora, turning the sky of Marine Headquarters Dyed into a splendor.

The cheering voices of Marine officers and soldiers came one after another.

A few minutes ago, they were still worried about Admiral Kizaru and Vice Admiral, who were shot by Kaido. Now, a few minutes later, the situation reversed rapidly, and the two only resorted to one. They easily defeated the two strongest cadres of Beasts Pirates and BIG・MOMPirates.

Three Admiral and Vice Admiral have joined forces to deal with the "Tyrant Dragon King" Kaido, even more how Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Mr. Garp have not done anything yet. In such a situation, Pirate has no chance of winning. .

Jin "Inflammation" was seriously injured, "Aurora Borealis" Snack was killed in battle, "Plague" Quinn, "Drought" Jack, "Thousands of Hands" Cracker, and Charlotte Smoothie were blocked by Oka Shichibukai.

Beasts Pirates’ “Six Volleys” only showed two people. After all, Kaido Impossible completely emptied Pirate from the country, but these two people were played with by Doflamingo’s applause.

Pirate’s high-end battle strength also has four high level "Sun" Prometheus, "Sea King" Atlantis, "Blizzard" Metis, and "Hurricane" Hera. Mitz, and Charlotte Irving, who doesn't know where they are hiding, Charlotte Daifuku.

The only peak military strength left is Kaido, the "Tyrant Dragon King" who is held back by two Admiral, Precognition and Akainu.

As long as the four high level Homitz is eliminated, Marine will soon be able to form a crushing situation against Pirate.

The world in the mirror.

Daifu and Owen, who did not appear in front of Marine, are organizing Pirate troops to intercept Marines who do not know how to break into the mirror world.

"Momonga Vice Admiral, you lead three squads to form a C formation to outflank Pirate, Daubman Vice Admiral, you..."

The Kong Ming staff methodically arrived at one line after another. A combat instruction.

The pitch-black Busoshoku Haki stretched out, and the feather fan in Kong Ming's hand turned into a sword made of black iron.

"Yamakaji Vice Admiral, you stay here to protect Ai Yin Rear Admiral and ensure that the mirror channel is always open."

"Don't worry."

Yamakaji Vice Admiral nodded, with a beard and squinting eyes, promised that because of the shape of his face, this Vice Admiral seemed to be smiling all the time, but in fact, Yamakaji is indeed a gentle Vice Admiral.

"Charlotte Bree can use the fruit ability to surprise us, and I can also use the fruit ability to surprise them. This is the combat value that can be played without fighting."

Ayin, who is struggling to maintain the channel of the mirror, doesn’t seem to take the surrounding chaos seriously. UU reading www.uukanshu.com murmured in her heart, "Hailan, do I think the same as you?"


Marine Square, Kizaru dragged his injured body back into the 2nd line of defense. Kaido’s Kairosaki stick smashed on him, and the damage to him was not light, but good Now, Kizaru can still maintain a serene look on the surface, and it will not affect Marine's morale.

Kizaru squinted his eyes and looked towards Hai Lan in the air, and a trace of doubt gradually emerged in his mind, "That little demon... how is he all right?"

"One, two, Three..."

The Hailan in the sky is looking for the four major Homitz traces, "there is another one that should be hidden in the sea...who?!"

In the precise perception of Hailan, a powerful and terrifying aura suddenly surged in the group of Pirates closest to the Marine position.

"Can’t wait any longer, otherwise there will be no hope at all."

Deep in one's heart made a decision, and a three-meter-tall silhouette exerted force under his feet and crushed it. The large swaths of ice beneath the feet, like missiles flying into the air, blasted towards the execution platform of BIG・MOM, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

Seeing that the black shadow was about to reach the execution platform, an equally tall silhouette suddenly jumped up. Like an anti-missile weapon designed to intercept missiles, the dark Iron Fist fiercely slammed into the man.

"bang! !"

There was a harsh explosion in the air, just like the sound of an airplane breaking through a sound barrier.

"No matter who you are, if you want to hurt Marine Fleet Admiral, you have to pass the old man level first!"

"Ka...It's Mr. Garp!"


Countless Marines opened their mouths in surprise and looked towards the Hero of the Marines who fell in front of the execution platform and unceremoniously sat on the middle seat of Marine Three Great Admirals.

The man who seems to only live in the legend, and no one has ever seen him do something, finally made it.

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