The contest between light and wind, lightning flashes and thunder rolls, rising winds, scudding clouds.

The people on the ground are not even qualified to watch the battle. They can only see the gloomy in the sky, the rays of light that collide from time to time and occasionally shine.

"Dracule Mihawk, don't you support Vice Admiral?"

The cp0s came to Hawk Eyes and couldn't help asking.

There are strengths and weaknesses in cp0. Obviously, the group who were sent to the Kingdom of Sikeaar to perform tasks are not eligible to participate in the dragon wars, the tiger battles in the sky, even Boa Hancock They have all been excluded. In their opinion, the only one who can forcefully penetrate the battlefield is this Greatest Swordsman in the World.

"hehe ..."

Hawk Eyes coldly snorted, "Zhanfeng? It's just a waste of effort."

A few cp0s don’t sound very good Understand: "What do you mean?"

"Monkey ・d・Dorag, the most murderous criminal in the world, Logia Fengfeng Fruit Ability User... I ask you, what do you have? How to harm a gust of wind?"

cp0 wondered: "The famous Greatest Swordsman in the World doesn't even understand Busoshoku Haki, right?"

"Busoshoku Haki, of course I understand, but how can I catch up with those two men? You all call me Hawk Eyes, but sorry, I am not an eagle, I can't fly."

After that, Hawk Eyes left the battlefield without looking back.

"Hey... rice..."

"Forget it."

A cp0 wanted to fight with Hawk Eyes for reasons, but was The companion stopped.

"I said above, don't provoke this man, let him go."

Boa Hancock in the distance noticed the situation here and judged that cp0 should be in Hawk. Eyes are crippled here.

But not only did she not feel happy, she was also a little depressed. They are all the same name Oka Shichibukai, why is the difference in treatment so big?

Actually Hawk Eyes will be a little depressed.

Originally, after he felt the opponent's Profound Truth of "cutting" no less than the Great Swordsman, some be eager to have a try,

but the opponent completely ignored it.

He usually ignores others, so where is the turn of others to ignore him?

Hawk Eyes decided to go to the depths of the island to relax.

His pair of eagle eyes just caught a trace of interesting things-it seems to be... a baboon wielding a famous knife? ?


"It's dangerous..."

Dorrag, who was in a trance by the "Sun Fist", quickly pulled himself and the sea away Lan distance.

Fortunately, he had already cut Hailan to pieces with an air knife just now. Otherwise, such a short time would be enough to get a few more scars on his body.

The bright aurora gathered together, and Hailan gradually reunited her figure.

Dorag's eyesight has also gradually recovered. Although there are some blushes that seem to have been crying, it is basically no problem.

Seeing that the close combat was fruitless, Dorag once again launched long-range strikes on Hailan.

Dorag opened his arms, his dark green coat was blown by the violent wind, and the violent wind in the sky shook like a cloud covering the sun, completely concealing the light of the aurora.

Hailan suddenly felt his scalp numb, and looked around, I saw that in the sky, air vortex was generated one by one, which seemed to be able to be transmitted to the dimensional gate of the other world.

"The day tiger guarding "order", once the wind of "freedom" is born in this world, dare you to ask if you can still hold it? ! "

"bang! "

one after another A thunderous muffled sound was generated in the air vortex. If Hailan had already traversed the battlefield by electromagnetic induction, he would not have heard the roar from the wind.

Because the wind sweeps away all sounds, when it falls into human ears, only the whistling of "wu wu" is left.

"The wind. Strong wind scattering the last clouds. Concussion gun!" "

A translucent compressed air shock wave blasted out of the vortex, carrying an unstoppable power straight to Hailan.

Hailan turned into a stream. of light is evading the limit time and time again in the air. The path of light is a straight line. From a distance, it looks like someone in the sky outlines strange geometric figures.

Intuition tells the sea. Lan, it's not a good thing to be hit by those concussion cannons, but Hailan can't figure it out. The air cannon is an air cannon. Why is it called "concussion cannon"?

He quickly understood.

A concussion cannon hit a rock on the ground.

The concussion cannon did not explode immediately, but instead wrapped the rock in it. The translucent concussion cannon quickly became blurred I got up, under the action of the strong wind, everything from vegetation, sand and gravel, to air molecules, all produced super-high-speed shocks. The rock did not explode as expected, but just a few breaths. Was turned into powder by the violent shock!

Hailan has reason to believe that once he is hit by Dorag’s shock cannon, he may be impossible to regain his human form in a short time.

A dazzling white light erupted in the gusty wind, and Dorag, who had just suffered a loss, could not help but close his eyes.

In his lock on Kenbunshoku Haki, countless concussion cannons descended from the sky and continued to strike the mid-air sea. Lan.


"Where are people? "

Dorag opened his eyes abruptly.

Because in his Kenbunshoku Haki perception, Hailan actually disappeared.

A bucket of water A beam of light of the same thickness fell from the sky, breaking through the clouds, and crossed over the gust of wind, as if the sky had pierced a hole.

Just as Dorag looked up, he had been accurately hit.

Dazzlingly The white beam of light, the blue halo, and the thicker diameter seem to know that this is an enhanced version of "electromagnetic rays".

"Electromagnetic lock. Satellite rays!" "

Of course, this move has nothing to do with the real "satellite", but the attack method that falls from the sky, the explosion of electricity, light and magnetism, is not like a precise strike from a satellite.

Duolag finally condensed his figure, and then a brand new satellite ray fell from the sky. In Hailan’s precise perception, Duolag was invisible.

The dark clouds, The howling wind only obscured the aurora, not eliminated the aurora.

Above the clouds, the bright aurora is beautiful and flawless.

They can be dispatched by Hailan at any time throughout the battlefield. Support satellite!

"Where? ! "

Dorag quickly noticed the power of this move, and at the same time he had already calculated it clearly in his heart that it is impossible to hold on by dodge and resist, and the owner of this move must be eliminated.

Dorag can't detect Hailan, but Hailan can accurately lock him.

While Dorag is still worrying about the satellite rays overhead, Hailan is already in Dora. Ge's back is getting closer and closer to him.

"I caught you! "

"I caught you!" "

The two voices sounded almost at the same time, but it was not Dorag who flees embarrassed that he was caught, but Hailan who was confident.

Dorag turned and looked towards. Hailan, UU reading with a smile: "Hailan... you are in the game. "

"There is no empty realm!" "

A large area of ​​Hailan's body has been completely drained of air by Dorag.

Unlike the gas fruit Ability User Caesar Courant, which drains oxygen, Dorag Relying on his powerful wind control ability to completely evacuate all breathable and unbreathable air.

This is a man-made vacuum zone!

Dorag is in his chest: "Although I don't know what method you used to block my Kenbunshoku Haki, but Hailan, you lost this time. "

A big question mark came to Hailan's mind. He relied on the "perception barrier" given by System to shield Dorrag's Kenbunshoku Haki. How did Dorrag discover him?

is it possible that ...

Did you hang up too? (=)

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