Marine’s annual military expenditures are astronomical figures.

The cost of a regular Marine Battleship alone is about 100 million Beli (usually, the Battleship is of higher quality than the Pirate Ship), and there are also medium-sized Battleships and large-scale Battleships on top of the regular models.

The small-scale Battleship under the ordinary model has a large number of specifications, so the price cannot be calculated uniformly, but in terms of quantity, it is also a considerable expense.

In addition to Battleship, there are weapons, food, medical treatment, equipment, salary, etc., etc. The combined costs of the several major Marine bases of the Grand Line can break through hundreds of billions of Beli. If Without the support of the World Government, Marine soldiers can only drink Northwest Wind.

Regardless of how Hailan and Vegapunk talked very happily, all the funding for the Marine Scientific Research Department came from the World Government, which was actually the Government's Scientific Research Department.

The name "Marine Research Department" is only a nominal symbol.

The World Government firmly grasps Marine's economic veins. Once the relationship between Marine and World Government breaks down, I am afraid that in the future, it will only be able to make a living from fishing.

If Hailan wants Marine to be independent in the World Government, the first thing to solve is Marine's financial crisis.

One of the solutions is to develop the great cause of farming, and finally realize a virtuous economic cycle.

What farming pays attention to is "building walls, accumulating grains, and slowly becoming king". The great cause of farming needs to be large from a young age and cannot be accomplished overnight.

The World Government has been established for nearly 800 years, and Marine has already become the overlord of this sea.

Want to farm under Gorosei's nose?

It's not realistic at all.

Are all fools when World Government?

So since a virtuous economic cycle cannot be realized, then if you want to solve Marine's financial crisis, you need to find another way, a way to get rich overnight.

Fortunately, Hailan has found this windfall fortune many years ago-Skypiea, Golden Township!

Hailan, who found Skypiea back then, was so excited that he almost announced the existence of Skypiea to the world, but fortunately, he quickly calmed down.

Once Gorosei learns of the existence of Golden Town, what's the deal?

Those five Old Guys had to find a way to transport the gold from the Golden Township to Holy Land Mariejois after all their lives.

Even if there is no Golden Country, just the strategic value of Skypiea, Gorosei will not let it go.

Will the Celestial Dragon, which claims to be "the descendants of God" move Holy Land to Skypiea?

This is possible, but the probability is not great.

But in any case, Gorosei will definitely establish a military base under their jurisdiction in Skypiea.

The scientific research route of this World is crooked, but after the discovery of Skypiea, who can guarantee that Begapunk will not invent a series of "flying instruments" under the force of Gorosei?

When the time comes Marine wants to challenge World Government again, it will face the vertical blow of World Government.

Hailan concealed Skypiea's secrets, leaving a way for himself and Marine, and Skypiea's golden township was sufficient to cope with Marine's financial crisis for a long time.

1 gram of gold is worth about 5000 beli, and 1 ton of gold is 5 billion!

And a ton of gold is about the size of two computer cases, the value of the whole golden town is immeasurable!

To solve Marine's financial crisis, what Marine needs to face will be the second reason why World Government can control Marine-righteousness!

World Government, since there is the word "world" in his name, even if it does not represent the entire world, it is enough to represent a considerable part of the world.

It is not only 20 World Nobles that make up the World Government, apart from this there are more than 100 major countries in the world.

If Marine suddenly reverses the Government, which represents the will of the world, what are they?

An armed violence anti-world organization holding high the banner of "Marine"?

Only when most countries in the world oppose the existence of World Government, Marine's independence will truly conform to the situation.

This is the meaning of "Revolutionary Army".

While the Revolutionary Army promotes "freedom", it is also exposing the ugliness of the World Government.

The crimes of the World Government are uncovered one by one, which is not only good for the Revolutionary Army, but also good for Marine.

Maybe one day, the revolutionary work of the Revolutionary Army, which is greedy for the dark, will probably be the wedding dress for Marine.

And Monkey·d·Dorag, the Revolutionary Army leader, wisely chose to target only the World Government, and rarely target Marine.

Hailan speculates that the human spirit of Dorag is likely to want to leave one more way for him, at least Marine will not kill him.

The third reason why the World Government can control Marine is the secret of Holy Land Mariejois.

The mermaid Princess Shirahoshi has awakened as "Sea King" Poseidon, and Koala has accidentally become good friends with Shirahoshi.

Even without Shirahoshi's help, Sea King will not do anything harmful to Marine.

But where are "Dark King" Pluto and "Uranus"?

Will it be in the hands of Celestial Dragon?

Marine Headquarters declared independence today, and maybe it will sink to the bottom of the sea tomorrow.

Everything is not yet time.

Marine's road to justice is a long way to go.

"Look at that Lindbergh, he is the person Gorosei called to take away!"

The cp0s began to clean the battlefield.

Hailan glanced at the great inventor who was saved by herself, and felt weird. Is this a Zoan Ability User or a fur clan?

Gorosei is called to take away?

What is the level of this person and Coby?

"Hey! Mihawk, didn't you come to explore? What are you doing here? Let's go together!"

Hailan got close to Hawk Eyes.

Hawk Eyes said that this country has any major business, Supreme major business technology, since Gorosei is not benevolent... then don't blame me for being injustice, and if I really find any technology, I will embezzle it. what.

Rarely seen "world number one beauty", Hawk Eyes stopped and watched for a moment.

Although Hawk Eyes can resist the glamour bonus of "Mero Mero no Mi", men, there is no one who is not interested in beautiful women. If they are really not interested, then he must be crooked.

Otherwise, with his character, he would have strayed a long time ago, so there is no leisurely appreciating other people's things.


Suddenly, a bleak autumn wind blew across the battlefield after the fight.

At first, everyone didn't care about it. UU read but soon discovered that things are not that simple.

The cold wind is getting stronger and stronger, even Hailan and Hawk Eyes have gradually unable to open their eyes.

Hawk Eyes' eyes narrowed, browse tightly frowns, how come this strong wind is dark green?

demon wind?

With the protection of the lightning barrier, Hailan quickly offset the impact of the strong wind.

As soon as he saw this green demon wind, Hailan already knew who was doing the ghost.

Is it such a don't give face?

This is just a compliment to you, now you are here to make trouble?

"What's the matter? Where did Lindbergh go?"

The shout of cp0 was taken away by the wind, and when it reached Hailan's ears, it was already as fine as a mosquito. (=)

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