Marine Headquarters.

"Zephyr-sensei goodbye!"

"Zephyr-sensei, we will come back to visit you often!"

Today, it’s Marine "Elite Training Camp" "The last day when the students can still gather together, after today's graduation party, everyone will go their separate ways, some will stay in the headquarters, and some will go to the branch.

Even those who stay in the headquarters will find it difficult to meet because of the need to perform various tasks. If you still want to get together with everyone as usual, it will be even more difficult.

Seeing the energetic graduates, Zephyr smiled with relief: "You"

"We are the worst elite Zephyr-sensei has ever brought!"

"Yes, that's right, hahaha"

A few brave students made a booze, and the atmosphere of the party became more enthusiastic.

Zephyr didn't scold them as seriously as usual, he just smiled gently.

After the voice gradually subsided, Zephyr made a gesture to attract the eyes of the students and said: "This sentence Sensei usually says is just angry. Sometimes you make mistakes. Sensei is because hate iron for not becoming steel will say that to you.

Actually, you are very good, really good."

Seeing that you always have a dark face and look serious Zephyr with black charcoal head also has such a gentle side, coupled with the heavy atmosphere on the eve of graduation, everyone feels a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Some students have a smile on their faces all the time, and some students have begun to wipe the tears from the corners of their eyes.

They are both comrades-in-arms and classmates, and they can also experience "carrying guns together" and "going through windows together" at the same time.

Zephyr is a very emotional person, otherwise there would be no "not killing Admiral".

One year has been spent on cultivating more than 30 people. Even if I raise more than 30 chickens, I am afraid I have already cultivated feelings.

If I have to say that there is any regret, it is that there are no Sakazuki and Kuzan in this class. The strongest students in this class, I am afraid that in the future, they can only stop at the position of Vice Admiral.

But who can say exactly?

Didn’t I wait until I was 28 to be promoted to Corporal Marine?

"Zephyr-sensei, I toast you!"

"I toast you too!"

"Wait a minute, have you all forgotten? Zephyr-sensei has asthma!"

"Hahaha, do you look down on old man too much? Trifling is only a few times the drink, and you can’t beat the old man."

" No, no, if you are drunk, Koala knows she won’t be able to chase us with Pikachu!"

Someone said with disdain: "You fools are afraid of a little girl and a little girl. "Yellow Duck"

"Someone is afraid that they have forgotten who was the worst electrocuted, right?"

"Look at him, he is obviously drunk."



Early in the morning of 2nd day, Zephyr, who was already in a relaxed suit, hurriedly found Fleet Admiral Sengoku's office.

In fact, after every elite student graduates successfully, Zephyr will have a two-month vacation, just like the summer and winter vacations on Earth.

But with Zephyr's "workaholic" character, he will definitely not lie at home and bask in the sun. During these two months, he will walk around the various Marine units and guide the soldiers. .

"Come in."

"Are you busy? Sengoku."

"It's Zephyr, Sit down."

When there are no outsiders, Sengoku, Zephyr, Garp, Crane, these older generations of comrades in arms, call each other directly by their names.

"I remember you should be on holiday?"

Sengoku made himself a cup of hot tea, and at the same time made a cup for Zephyr and handed it to his hand.

"Thank you."

Zephyr accepted the hot tea ceremony and thanked him,

said to Sengoku: "That’s it, every new recruit training camp shouldn’t Are there 30 people? The young man named Binz was taken by Hai Lan to Alabasta, so I still have one more place here. Do you have any suitable candidates?"

"Well like this"

Sengoku took a sip of tea, "You should go to Tsuru-chan or Kong Ming about this, why are you looking for me?"

"Didn't they both go out to perform tasks? ?"

"Hey, look at me, I forgot about it."

At this time, Den Den Mushi on Sengoku's desk called "Blubru". .

"I hope it will be good news."

Sengoku sighed, walked towards Den Den Mushi.

This year, due to the rise of the fourth Pirate emperor "Akagami" Shanks, the situation in New World is undergoing changes in the Heaven and Earth turning upside down, affected by the name "Yonko". Pirate's arrogance, which has been sluggish, has a tendency to reignite, and many people once again hung the Pirate flag and embarked on an adventurous journey.

"Hey, I’m Sengoku."

"I’m Hailan, hello, Mr. Sengoku."

Because I don’t know where Sengoku is Are there anyone else? Hailan adopts the more formal name "Mr. Sengoku".

When Sengoku heard that Hailan was on the opposite side, his expression became solemn: "How is the situation with Alabasta?"

"Alabasta's garrison rights have been taken down."


"Very good!"

Sengoku's brows stretched out.

After waiting so long, I finally have good news.

Alabasta is the largest country on the Grand Line. UU Reading

can build a Marine base in Alabasta, the future mobilization of Marine forces and the supply of Marine Battleship will be further solved.

"Hailan, this time I will give you a great contribution to Kong Mingji!"

"Actually, the main credit for this time lies in Mr. Binz, if he did not have him Ability, Kong Ming Vice Admiral and I were impossible to persuade Cobra."

"I understand, after the Alabasta base is completed, I will give him a headquarter Captain position."

This is already the highest rank below the general rank.

"Mr. Sengoku, can you give Kong Ming the power of this time to Vice Admiral? Regarding this Binz, I have some other arrangements, and he is not suitable for the headquarters Captain."

"That's okay, then you can discuss with Kong Ming Vice Admiral, I have no problem."

"Then thank you."

Because There are no outsiders around, so Sengoku speaks more directly: "Thank me for what I did, but you are the ones who contributed to this time."

Sengoku looked towards Zephyr and gave Den Den Mushi to Let Zephyr shook the head gently, signalling not to disturb Hailan's work, but after a few hours he regretted it

After a few brief conversations, Sengoku hung up the phone.

Hearing Hailan’s report, Sengoku was in a great mood. If it weren’t for the identity of Marine Fleet Admiral, he really wanted to take Zephyr, an old comrade, to drink and drink.

"You old brat, you really have a capable treasured son. I think you are the most blessed among the three of us!"

Zephyr grinned.

Among the students he taught, the one he is most proud of must be Hailan.

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